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Getting a grip...

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 2:42 am
by johnbraks
I'm not a serious shooter but I like to pull triggers especially on precision equipment. I'd like to pass on to others my recent experience with grips. Niggling discomfort with factory grips led me to thinking that their must be something better out there than the 'one size fits all' grip. I know that the size, shape and geometry of shooters hands must be a nightmare to cater for in a small range of sizes namely small, medium and large. I now have larger sized Rink grips fitted to my LP@ and LP50 pistols and the change in fit and comfort have done wonders for confidence. For anyone with doubts about their handgrip or their ability to modify them so that they are functional but still pleasing to the eye should seriously try others models. Many thanks to Rob Potter of Australia - always there and always helpful.

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 8:15 am
by Steve Swartz
. . . and don't forget Grip Paste and Mr. Dremel . . .
