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MatchGuns MG2 Rapid Fire ...

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 9:58 am
by WSmith
Rumor has it that MatchGuns is coming out with a Rapid Fire version of their MG2 pistol.

Does anyone have any information on how this pistol differs from the Standard Pistol version?

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 2:14 pm
by R.M.
I was in Milan at the Milan World Cup this summer, and had an opportunity to fondle the new MG2 Rapidfire, along with the rest of their product line. The rapid model has a lighter slide and a cushioning devise at the muzzle to cushion the effects of the slide slamming shut. The lighter slide is to accommodate the lighter ammo used for rapidfire.
I've been searching around trying to find out how I can get one here in the U.S.. There is an importer in Canada, but Don Nygord was the U.S. importer. In just the last couple of days I have learned that Neal Stepp in Fort Worth , is trying to get the BATF to allow him to import them. I have been in communication with Neal Stepp, and here is the e-mail I received today from him (them).

Hello Robert,
I am steadily learning more about the Matchguns
offerings. I now know about the rapid-fire version of
the pistol, and I have learned they have a conversion
kit to change the normal standard pistol into the
rapid fire optimized version.
Based upon today's financial factors, the rapid fire
version of the pistol will cost $1,621.00. The MG-2
standard pistol will cost $1,289.00.
I am still working on the task of getting an MG-2 into
the hands of B.A.T.F. for their inspection. It may
well be two months, or more, before I may freely
import unlimited numbers of Matchguns pistols.
Matchguns advertises their new free pistol now, as
well. They call it MG-5.

I'll be in the Matchguns business in the near future.
All we can do is be patient while the BATF
requirements are met.

As you can see, it's in the hand of the government (that's a scary thought).
