position of the trigger finger and thumb

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position of the trigger finger and thumb

Post by shradhapn »

i a pistol shooter having morini 162 e. i know that trigger finger and grip should remain parellel.but should the finger is touched with grip or not or there should be the gap between grip and finger. i am not getting it.will you please help me.and what should be the position of thumb on grip means i which way it should be.what will be the position of tip of the finger.it should be thouched only or should apply the pressure of it.
F. Paul in Denver

Post by F. Paul in Denver »


Position of the thumb may be more of a matter of personal choice. Most but not all of the world class shooters I've have been able to observe rest the thumb on the grip.

However, if you do rest your thumb on the grip, you must be very very careful not to "thumb" the gun as you apply pressure on the trigger.

If you faithfully practice maintaining steady grip pressure while moving the trigger - it really should not matter where your thumb is. Many shooters dont realize it but as they apply pressure to the trigger, they involuntarily increase their pressure on ENTIRE grip with the rest of the hand. This must be avoided. The increase in pressure should occur at the trigger finger ONLY.

If your sight picture suddenly starts to deteriorate as you apply pressure to the trigger -this could be a sign that you are not isolating the trigger finger from the rest of the hand.

This is much more difficult (but not impossible) to accomplish than it sounds.

F. Paul in Denver
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Richard H
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Post by Richard H »

Like the others have said I really don't think it matters much other than the fact that what ever you do you do it consistently. Some say a slightly raised thumb helps lock the wrist.

As for the trigger finger personally I try to keep it off the grip that way it does not disturb the gun during my squeeze.

The big thing is being consistent and practicing (dryfire helps the most with this)
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