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TOZ Gurus, HELP please!

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2005 6:19 pm
by tozshooter
Hello there
Just installed my Rink Grips on my TOZ 35 too - great fit!
However, just before that I tried to install the Centra TOZ forearm weight system and ended up with....

well the wooden forearm wouldn't come off until I persuaded it to with a bit of tugging and pulling.

You can guess what happened next:

the forearm came off, the accelerator pod (trigger pod) swivelled down around the bolt lever pin and now I can't get the main spring to work...

I don't think I broke anything (because everything seems to be in one piece).

I took the bolt and lever out by their pins as per the instruction leaflet, replaced the accelerator arm, straightened the trigger pod in its slot, reset the forearm and the bolt lever, dropped the bolt back in...

Still no mainspring action.

i.e. the bolt and extractor feels like it usually does, but there's no mainspring tension felt.

The trigger lever moves freely but does not cock the sear. Obviously the trigger group does nothing at all.

The instruction leaflet isn't detailed enough for me to see (it's a cheap photocopy affair) how the various levers and sear surfaces should engage and so I'm at a loss for the moment, I'm afraid.

Anyone else been though this/know the cure?


Try this

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2005 9:59 pm
by RJP
If I read your problem correctly, your gun will not cock anymore. Try setting more sear engagement. Go to the TenP files sponsored by Pilkguns. Turning screw #4 (directly behind the trigger blade) counterclockwise will increase the amount of overlap.

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2005 10:35 pm
by tozshooter
Okay, I'll try that tomorrow morning when I get home from work. Funny, I know screw 4 well and didn't change anything that end of the mechanism. What gives?

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2005 1:53 am
by tozshooter
... and voila! problem solved.
Sear engagement it was, plus a little relief on the new wood grip to allow the cocking lever to go all the way down.
BTW it's a new Rink grip and I'm also going to have to relieve a little around the trigger finger area since my finger's touching wood as well as metal.
Otherwise, it's great looking and fabulous!
Naturally, pix to those who ask!
Thank you
emotepix at artnet dot net