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Need for shooting exercises/games for juniors

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 3:06 am
by Albert
Who can give me as much as possible different shooting exercise/games/drills for junior shooters to keep the lessons fun. If possible with a specivic built-in technical exercise.

(The Netherlands)

Re: Need for shooting exercises/games for juniors

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 6:50 am
by cqbarms

I just got the book in I wanted to send you. I will send you these books and in it there are a few pages of games.

Here are some

Here's a list of free targets: ... gets.shtml

I offer these as you can sort of "make" your own games.

Most of our games are centered around distances that are important to competition. Various bullseyes at distances or numbered and timed.

We have a "money" shoot. We will put up the edge of a $5US bill (just the 5) and center it on a bull. Each child gets ONE round to try and hit it. First one that hits it gets it. Each week we move doen the line to the next shooter to start.
It tends to teach them the value of one round, $5 at a time.

Albert wrote:Who can give me as much as possible different shooting exercise/games/drills for junior shooters to keep the lessons fun. If possible with a specivic built-in technical exercise.

(The Netherlands)

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 7:41 am
by jhmartin
I hold three practices a week ... basically this is how it goes:

Sunday afternoons - position training ... we work on one position

Tuesdays - 3-P shoots ... mostly a single 3x10 ... ocasionally we'll throw in a GUTS match or a final to liven it up

Thursdays - Standing position ... about every other week we'll only shoot one or two 10 bulls, and I'll set up AR silhouettes at half distances (10yds, 15 yds, 18 yds, & 22.5 yds) The kids ALWAYS like the silhouettes. We place them on 18" high sawhorses in front of the pellet traps. Somehow I always have the most shooters on Thursdays.

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 9:37 am
by TWP
Guts matches are always fun.

If you have a mixture of levels adjust their positions according to skill level, beginners shoot prone with a rest, next up shoot prone with a sling, others can shoot kneeling or standing, everyone fires one shot, score the targets (we do it through a scope), lowest score drops out. Repeat until no one is left shooting.

Another exercise we do is to shoot at the back of a target, have the kids shoot a smiley face, couple shots for the eyes, one for the nose and 4 or 5 for the mouth. Then have them take down the targets and color in the face. We've had the kids sign the targets and use them as thank you cards tot he Dive Shop that fills our SCUBA tanks for free.

With it being just after Easter check the grocery stores for discount candy, you should be able to pick up the Marshmellow bunnies and "Peeps" for next to nothing, they make great targets.

variation on BD-Chellange

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2005 6:26 am
by Albert
Thanks guys for your input. The Black Death challenge target works great for open sights but not for ring-type AR or SB sights.
Here is my variation for AR:
Use an 10m Air rifle target, hits outside the 2 ring are 0-points. the 2-ring serves as the 1-1/2 circle (1 point), the 2 ring = 1" circle (3 points), the 5 ring = 3/4 circle (5 points), the 6-ring = 5/8 circle (7 points) and the 8-ring = 1/2"circle (10 points)
Have them shoot 5 shots for points on whatever of the 5 targets they like, or make it a chalenge to have them shoot 5 shots in order of decreasing circles.
How is this for a game?

(The Netherlands)

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2005 5:54 pm
by Pat McCoy
Shooting Games we use:

1. Flamingo – shoot offhand standing on one foot.

2. Squash - second shooter must match first shooter, or point is scored. If second
shooter betters first, then roles reversed. Total of five points.
3. Week hand – shoot offhand from opposite side as normal.

4. Draw for guns – Everybody puts name in hat, then draw a name. Put back if draw own, shoot rifle belonging to name drawn.

5. Ten 10s – shoot ten 10s in fewest possible shots.

6. Tens in a row – five chances to shoot most number of tens in a row.

7. 100 down – start with 100, subtract 10 for each 10; 9=0; 8=+8; 7=+14; etc.

8. Freezeout - also called guts – low shooter out, then can do anything except touch any other shooter. Last man standing wins.

9. Interrupt – 30 shots in a position, but break position after every five shots, no sighter when returning, and next shot scores 10=10; 9=7; 8=5; others normal score.

10. NPA disruption – draw #s from hat, then shoot the 10 bull card in that order.

11. Team competition – Choose teams & shoot 60 shot match.

12. Finals match.

We usually have two or three nights a year to play games, and let the kids choose which they want to try.

shooting fun

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 9:16 pm
by gvmnt45

I sent you a private message on this. Please look at you in box.

Peter Dorn