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Re: Coaching Corner

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2019 10:59 am
by seamaster
It all come down to "follow through" for me.
A "nothing changed, good alignment" follow through, for a good three second is a final judgement.

If I got that, I am good, very good.

If I don't have that, what comes before that, stance, grip, breathing, alignment, trigger means not much.

A good follow through is exhausting !

Re: Coaching Corner

Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2019 7:16 am
by ghostrip
I would put preparation before all. Make a plan and test it in practice. Read your notes (something i regret i dont do). At the line i would say i would give breathing a very high priority. you need that oxygen for your mind and your eyes and is calming. after that sight alignment. move them as one squeeze trigger and pretend nothing happened.