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Props to Mr Derr

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 5:49 pm
by NikNak
Greg Derr wrote:No backbone huh, use your real name and show some backbone. Then come see me for a lesson in life. Seems like you have some of the same feeling of one of the forums colorful shooting failures with a narcissistic personality. Too bad your shooting never met the level to get you in the Olympics. So easy to criticize other who have succeeded, when you have failed.
I for one and glad that Mr Derr took "Batt" to task. As a fellow competitor I am appalled the "Batt-s**t-Crazy" comment and can only hope that fellow compeitors will recognize Mr Derr's stand against lily livered statements by going to and see if you have need for his services. I currently do not as all of my pieces will drill the 10-ring, but it the jerk behind the trigger that limits their excellence.

I would hope that "Batt-S**t-Crazy" offers up an apology to Mr Turner and those in this forum who appreciate and understand true competition.

I second TedBel

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 6:00 pm
by crankythunder
I agree and support TedBel's comments!

In my limited experience in the competition world, I am constantly amazed at how friendly and helpful my fellow competitors are. I hope that I can return their graciousness by helping the newbies that find themselves next to me on the line. Forget your ammo? I will gladly supply you with my extra ammo and laugh while you clean my clock!


Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 7:42 pm
by SMBeyer
This is exactly why the medals are given out after shooting the match and not before. Medals aren't given out on how people are expected to perform. You have to actually do it and that is what makes it exciting.

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 9:53 pm
by RMar
I am proud of and respect both Jason and Daryl. Let's all wish Daryl the best for his free pistol match. Let's inspire him with our well wishes instead of pile on the pressure with criticisms.

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 10:08 pm
by lastman
BATT-59 wrote:
rbwells wrote:The development of youth in the US is growing. In Air There are 4 kids off of the top of my head under 20 that i know of in the US that are capable of shooting over a 570 in air. I myself am one of those 4. I am 19 and hope to make the jr development team this upcoming year and i am here to tell you that in 4 years these older guys are going to hate us younger guys. I look for Rio to have higher scores than this year. A lot can happen in 4 years but if all 4 of us were to stick with it, things can happen. Right now as it stands, my personal goal for next year other than earning a jacket is getting into the top 8 overall at Benning and making that final. I know if I make that final then I am making the right steps. But as for the subject, we all have bad days, and sometimes at the most unfortunate times, but i did not think it would have been that bad for Jason. I do feel for the man though. I hope he can bounce back.
I hope you are right. May the Competitive Shooting Spirit stay with you, and all the up-coming youth. America needs the youth to represent The USA, in upcoming Olympic Games. God Bless the USA!
BATT, you forgot the end of your statement in this post. It's ok because I'll drop it in for you

"...Unless you happen to have a bad day for some reason in 4 years time, then I will brand you as a failure and call for the blood of anyone involved in your development as a shooter."

Don't say I never helped.

You really are a peanut aren't you.

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 11:07 pm
Ok, we get it. The OP is very emotional. Let's delete this one now.

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 2:21 am
by rbwells
tedbell wrote:
rbwells wrote: I am 19 and hope to make the jr development team this upcoming year and i am here to tell you that in 4 years these older guys are going to hate us younger guys.
I admire your confidence and drive, and hopefully you mean the above as just an expression, but in case not I can tell you that every world class shooter I have met would not in any way hate younger guys giving them a strong challenge at the line. They are working every day to improve just like the rest of us, and they welcome anyone who has the skills and drive to nip at their heels and push them competitively. Far from hating strong competition, every world class shooter I have met has been willing to spend time, tips, and pointers with anyone who asks - even someone who is going to try and build on that assistance to challenge them. I've been involved at the world class level in two other sports, and by far my experience has been that shooters are more courteous, approachable, and gentlemanly than any other athlete (or at least than the two other sports I've been involved in. ;) ).

Ted Bell

Haha yes it was just an expression. I know that where I am today wasn't just given to me. a year and a half ago was my first ever 60 shot air pistol match and it was a 482. in 3 months i moved to the 520-530. Around December i was shooting 540's Now i shoot low 570's high 560's. I know that hard work pays off and I have met friends along the way but i know they will be working hard also to achieve the same thing i want to do. All in all thanks Ted!

Ripp Wells

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 12:04 pm
by tedbell
rbwells wrote:
tedbell wrote:
rbwells wrote: I am 19 and hope to make the jr development team this upcoming year and i am here to tell you that in 4 years these older guys are going to hate us younger guys.
I admire your confidence and drive, and hopefully you mean the above as just an expression, but in case not I can tell you that every world class shooter I have met would not in any way hate younger guys giving them a strong challenge at the line. They are working every day to improve just like the rest of us, and they welcome anyone who has the skills and drive to nip at their heels and push them competitively. Far from hating strong competition, every world class shooter I have met has been willing to spend time, tips, and pointers with anyone who asks - even someone who is going to try and build on that assistance to challenge them. I've been involved at the world class level in two other sports, and by far my experience has been that shooters are more courteous, approachable, and gentlemanly than any other athlete (or at least than the two other sports I've been involved in. ;) ).

Ted Bell

Haha yes it was just an expression. I know that where I am today wasn't just given to me. a year and a half ago was my first ever 60 shot air pistol match and it was a 482. in 3 months i moved to the 520-530. Around December i was shooting 540's Now i shoot low 570's high 560's. I know that hard work pays off and I have met friends along the way but i know they will be working hard also to achieve the same thing i want to do. All in all thanks Ted!

Ripp Wells

Congratulations, and best of luck to you.


Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 7:06 pm
by Greg Derr
Well, did a little reseach for the name provide. USASC and 3X AP scores are posted on USA Shooting from 2011 and 2012 under the given name.

I'll leave everyone to make their own judgement. For me if these are the posters results, there is no foundation from which to make critical comments on anyone or any performance.

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 8:26 pm
by Rover
I guess that's enough...he has been scared off.