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Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2011 4:51 pm
by Telecomtodd
I'm a rifle guy too. Why not use a boresighting tool for the laser, something like this: ... ber=636671

It's a handy tool.

I owned a Noptel and liked it, but the inconsistency of the setup of the laser killed it for me. If you boresighted the laser, it can't move and is 100% consistent.

I'd love to have something like this for my back yard. I could put up a target, illuminate only the target, and use the laser in the lower light.

Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2011 6:49 pm
by silentfury214
True, but it wouldn't work for air pistol or air rifle.

Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2011 7:43 pm
by AAlex
0. To people that PMed regarding testing: I'll contact you soon; don't go about buying hardware until you get the software from me.

1. WRT ten-ring being 0.5mm: this is not a problem, since the effective score diameter is the score-ring diameter plus the projectile diameter (4.5mm), so the effective diameter of a ten is 5mm for an AR target, and 15mm for AP. The rings that are on the target display are expanded by projectile diameter relative to the standard target rings to reflect that.

2. Indeed, the PS3Eye cam should be used on the zoomed-in setting.

3. I'll run some test next week using some older hardware to get a better picture for the minimum requirements.

4. 7m should work just fine (that's the distance I use it at too). One should be able to use it at any distance, limited by length of USB extension cable at which camera still works fine without dropping frames.

5. I recommend using the cheapest microphone you can find. Any should be good enough to pick up a click.

6. Boresights would work in theory, but in practice the battery life is too short. We need something that would work for hours, as opposed to 10 minutes.

7. I don't know whether it would work outside, as overabundance of ambient light could potentially make it more difficult to pick up the laser beam, and would require modding the camera with a band-pass filter for the type of laser being used; otherwise, the beam spot area should not be overilluminated.

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2011 3:01 pm
by silentfury214
Plus there would probably be too many sounds.