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Posted: Mon May 07, 2012 12:23 pm
by Gerard
Russ wrote: No one knows who you are no competitive records, only promises, dear Gerard.
THIS JUST IN! Gerard still hasn't competed in a national pistol championship, in his second season shooting AP. With the next national only three and a half months away, we'll bring you updates about Gerard's current status regarding his NOT having shot at a national every waking hour until the big day!

Meanwhile, back at Midwest Academy Consulting...


Posted: Mon May 07, 2012 12:31 pm
by Russ
My model is 101. I'm working with one student at time. You are user of the recods of one of my students, who paid for his class. You are not. ;)
You are wrong again. :(

Posted: Mon May 07, 2012 12:40 pm
by Gerard
Russ wrote:My model is 101. I'm working with one student at time.
you are wrong again. :(
Do you mean 'one on one'? "101" is traditionally a beginner's course at college or university, the first level one enters. But as you've made it rather apparent that beginners or even intermediate shooters do not hold any interest for you, it would seem you are questioning my use of an image showing three bored people. I'll counter that by suggesting that there must be at least 3 people severely bored with your contributions here, and if there were a way to substantiate it, I'd bet money there are something closer to 10 who are so bored with your comments that they don't even bother looking at them any more. Come to think of it, I'd bet the same money that people are getting pretty thoroughly bored of my answering you, every time you attack me, again and again, ad nauseam.

Posted: Mon May 07, 2012 12:41 pm
by Russ
Gerard wrote:
Russ wrote:My model is 101. I'm working with one student at time.
you are wrong again. :(
Do you mean 'one on one'? "101" is traditionally a beginner's course at college or university, the first level one enters. But as you've made it rather apparent that beginners or even intermediate shooters do not hold any interest for you, it would seem you are questioning my use of an image showing three bored people. I'll counter that by suggesting that there must be at least 3 people severely bored with your contributions here, and if there were a way to substantiate it, I'd bet money there are something closer to 10 who are so bored with your comments that they don't even bother looking at them any more. Come to think of it, I'd bet the same money that people are getting pretty thoroughly bored of my answering you, every time you attack me, again and again, ad nauseam.
I mean:
You are user of the recods of one of my students, who paid for his class. You are not. ;)

"you attack me"?????
No one is attaching you. You are not existed entity.

It takes 5-10 minutes to create account on TT chose “name, country, city,”and start "sharing wisdom".

It takes 10 years of competitive target shooting to understand what I ‘m actually talking about.

Posted: Mon May 07, 2012 12:52 pm
by Gerard
Russ wrote: You are user of the recods of one of my students, who paid for his class. You are not. ;)
Recods? Are they recycled fish of some sort? Oh, you mean 'records.'

I have never seen any records of John's class with you, as he has never sent me any. No notes. None of your words. Not a scrap of actual information taken from your class. John wrote to me a little while ago about his lessons with Sil Lyra, and in talking about Sil's teaching he mentioned this about your instruction:

"... what we are trying to achieve is a blank slate/empty mind shot, you have an AP in your hand resting on the table, it rises from the table and a pellet is released, all without conscious thought. this is Russ' perfect shot process, his "secret"... "

That is the ONLY thing John has EVER told me about your instruction. PERIOD! He's said a couple of things about your personality, but that was not relevant to shooting or training, more personal comments. Please stop your slanderous statements regarding my contact with John, who has avoided talking to me about your class. You are only dishonouring the man by such comments, attacking his credibility and his sense of fair play.

Posted: Mon May 07, 2012 12:56 pm
by Russ
John Robinson at the face book
John Robinson #42 USAS National Ranking wrote in 2011‏

“In November 2009 I purchased a Hammerli Master CO2 pistol from a friend and began 10 meter Olympic target shooting. By late December I needed a new pistol, as I was outshooting the Hammerli. I purchased a new Baikal IZH46M air pistol. By June2010 I was shooting 540 average out of 600 consistently, and went to a shooting class that teaches nuances of Olympic style shooting. In July 2010 I purchased another air pistol, a top of the line Steyr LP10E. The same month I joined the Elkhorn Pistol Club, and began shooting an average of 550, I am currently (Apr,'11) shooting 563 average, placing my shooting rank at 42nd in the nation, as ranked by USAShooting. Personal best to date, 572, (in competition, this personal best score would place me 5th in the nation).

I have begun shooting Air Pistol competitions this year, and my scores have been ~ 550 average. I placed 3rd overall in the Minnesota State Championship, 3rd in the Camp Perry Civilian Marksmanship Program April monthly match, 2nd overall in the Illinois State Championship , and first in the Michigan State Air Pistol Championship so far this year. In the next several months, I am entered in 3 major USA National Air Pistol competitions and also the Canadian National championship.”
John Robinson at the face book

“I attended the 2-Day Workshop, "Perfect Single Shot Fundamentals Development"
Ruslan Dyatlov was the Instructor, whose precise and careful understanding of both the fundamentals, and the nuances, of the air pistol discipline were an inspiration to me. His one on one training course challenged me, while giving me effective skills for my advancement in the sport. I look forward to my continued improvement and guidance with Ruslan as my adviser.
John Robinson, Madison WI. June 2010”
World Land Speed Record holder
H/GCC Dodge Colt
Racing a BSA Victor 107.371MPH at the Salt
Greenland Ice Driller
Antarctic Ice Driller

Posted: Mon May 07, 2012 12:56 pm
by Greg Derr
v76 wrote:Wow... Lock this thread already, someone? Puuuhhlease?
I have visions of Russ going "postal" at any moment, get the lock quick. Or a net.

Posted: Mon May 07, 2012 1:00 pm
by Russ
Gerard wrote:
Russ wrote:Well, surpise me with your competive score records.
I've only shot two competitions so far, but have scored at least 1% above my practice average at both, shooting along side the likes of Olympian Dorothy Ludwig, and Allan Harding who's about to shoot in Milan and Munich at World Cup matches. These folks, like Greg Derr, John Robinson, V76 here in the forum, and many others, are more than happy to share their experience and resources, and for this I am deeply grateful as I would be on a much slower path without them. Russ, on the other hand... well, whatever.

Posted: Mon May 07, 2012 1:03 pm
by Russ
"and many others, are more than happy to share their experience and resources"

It certain point I have some doubts about Greg Derr and his sincere inputs here. :(

Posted: Mon May 07, 2012 1:12 pm
by Russ
I'm glad that Sil Lyra able to provide continuing education for motivated athletes. I hope we will have more entrepreneurs at this field!

Posted: Mon May 07, 2012 1:27 pm
by Gerard
Greg Derr wrote:
v76 wrote:Wow... Lock this thread already, someone? Puuuhhlease?
I have visions of Russ going "postal" at any moment, get the lock quick. Or a net.
I think Russ went postal a long, long time ago. He's just had the good grace to keep the damage to pressing keys, not triggers.

Posted: Mon May 07, 2012 1:38 pm
by Russ
Gerard wrote:
Greg Derr wrote:
v76 wrote:Wow... Lock this thread already, someone? Puuuhhlease?
I have visions of Russ going "postal" at any moment, get the lock quick. Or a net.
I think Russ went postal a long, long time ago. He's just had the good grace to keep the damage to pressing keys, not triggers.
Dear Gerard, please step up from virtual reality game to the real life. :)

Posted: Mon May 07, 2012 2:09 pm
by Gerard
Russ wrote: Dear Gerard, please step up from virtual reality game to the real life. :)
This morning's 'real life' mini-practice session, 30 shots, scoring 277, targets stacked up. 91, 94, 92. No time for more, as I've got a badly punctured Austrian doublebass on the bench needing my attention, fast, so it can get back to performing.


I think I need to adjust my sights down a click. Too bad about the odd wild shot, but there were only 5 outside the 9 ring today so the shoulder's getting better. Real enough Russ? That's 92.33%, up from a 90.83% the last time I recorded score on May 2nd, and showing improvement over my past 6 week's average of 89.83%. The workouts and focused training sessions working on individual elements of the basics are paying off.

I think the inch longer front sight is helping too, as I feel more of a sense of precision when I'm pointing at the 10. Hard to say for sure though, as I'm still using a dollar store (actually paid $1.37 including tax) reading glass lens in my wobbly old Varga glasses. Today I got the call; my custom ground glass lens for my Olympic Champion glasses is finally ready! I can't wait to see what actually seeing what I'm shooting at looks like!

Posted: Mon May 07, 2012 2:16 pm
by Russ
One official record from ISSF Canadian Federation with your real name on it will satisfied everyone curiosity of such wonderful expression on your pictures. ;)

Try to surpass my experience in your own Country with a similar achievements or performance.

I would like to mention that John Robinson took only first step (8 hours class) and advance level of my system is not available for him yet.
This is will be certain difficulty for you to perform at the similar level as I did. :)

Are you wonder why I charge more for my advance class? ;)

I will give you a hint one more time!
570 AP level for mature individual must be accomplished in three month from the 540-520, and rest of the game is psychological level.

Posted: Mon May 07, 2012 2:37 pm
by Gerard
Russ wrote:One official record from ISSF Canadian Federation with your real name on it will satisfied everyone curiosity of such wonderful expression on your pictures. ;)
There is no "ISSF Canadian Federation" Russ, which you ought to know if you're shooting at the Grand Prix events. The body is called the SFC or FTC en francais. My official records of the two matches I've shot so far are available publicly on the BC Target Sports Association website here for the first one:
and here for the second, shot this spring: ... Pistol.pdf

Are you trying to be funny Russ, with this endless repetition of your demand to see my results? Especially national results? I've been shooting for 15 months Russ. Calm the heck down! But you can't, can you? This is how you treat your students, isn't it? Bullying, endless bullying, like a dog that just won't let go once he's got a bone - or in this case thinks he has one, though there's really nothing to talk about here with my records as you well know. I'm a novice shooter, still planning to advance to the 'master' category with a match in June, still planning to shoot at the national in Calgary if I am able to schedule it around my very busy working schedule this summer.

Unlike you Russ, I don't spend my days driving around suburbs putting real estate pamphlets in people's mailslots and on their windsheilds in mall parking lots. I work. Shooting is a hobby, which I am working on, improving in - now up to the standard where I left off last summer when I hurt my shoulder lifting weights - and making daily progress towards my short term goal of over 564 AP. My longer term goal is the same as that of any aspiring AP shooter with a gram of ambition; to shoot a perfect score, as anything less is obviously not quite satisfying.

You on the other hand are an old bully (younger than me though, I think, in physical and mental age) who just doesn't know the first thing about selling his services. My work comes to me on its own, because my past work is that good. Why do you need to keep selling yourself here, and so badly?

Posted: Mon May 07, 2012 2:44 pm
by Gerard
Russ wrote: Try to surpass my experience in your own Country with a similar achievements or performance.
I am not in competition with you Russ, and hope never to meet you, as I would be too likely to do something I'd later regret.
Russ wrote: I would like to mention that John Robinson took only first step (8 hours class) and advance level of my system is not available for him yet.
John made it clear several pages ago by saying "no, thank you" to your spam offer of your advanced system. Remember that? Remember not answering him, pretending he didn't say that?
Russ wrote:
This is will be certain difficulty for you to perform at the similar level as I did. :)
I'd almost rather give up AP when you put it like that. Something sort of slimey in being associated with you, even just by shooting in the same sport. But I'll have a nice shower and try not to think about it.
Russ wrote: Are you wonder why I charge more for my advance class? ;)
I don't wonder anything about your class Russ, I only wonder how it is that you imagine this sort of forum participation helps sell it.
Russ wrote: I will give you a hint one more time!
570 AP level for mature individual must be accomplished in three month from the 540-520, and rest of the game is psychological level.
Seriously, does saying the same thing over and over and over again help you somehow? Do you find some sort of release, repeating yourself in this way? My little boy sometimes relapses into an infantile state of mind, starts chanting the same sing-song thing over and over again for a minute. I think it helps him when the demands of learning to read and write and form well-structured math sentences gets to be too much. He's only in kindergarten, but kids these days feel a lot of pressure, you know? Is that your trouble Russ? Too much pressure?

Posted: Mon May 07, 2012 2:47 pm
by Russ
" Bullying, endless bullying,"

It is not correct statement. Price for my class has mostly psychological value.

In 2005 I charged $125.00 for my service once. I charged $350 before. if someone missed the opportunity to recognize the real value of my service earlier it is not my problem.

Person, who made personal decision to choose my service or someone else, he is open and committed to work toward his goal. Others, who not ready to separate themselves with small amount of money in most cases not psychologically ready to proceed with massive efforts toward their own goal.

Posted: Mon May 07, 2012 3:02 pm
by Gerard
Russ wrote: In 2005 I charged $125.00 for my service once. I charged $350 before.
So now you're posting your prices for the course you're advertising here?
Russ wrote: if someone missed the opportunity to recognize the real value of my service earlier it is not my problem.
Not your problem? You said:
Russ wrote: I would like to mention that John Robinson took only first step (8 hours class) and advance level of my system is not available for him yet.
And much earlier in this thread John said this, in response to your accusations that he was forwarding valuable information from your class to others:
zuckerman wrote: excerpt from "russ" forwarded email ad: I would like you to choose smart and sign up for the advanced class for the initial price I offered to you in 2011.

no thank you...
Whether or not your advanced level is 'available' to him does not seem very relevant, does it? He's not asking for it, and has in fact turned it down, publicly.
Russ wrote: Person, who made personal decision to choose my service or someone else, he is open and committed to work toward his goal. Others, who not ready to separate themselves with small amount of money in most cases not psychologically ready to proceed with massive efforts toward their own goal.
If this were my model for business - attacking any and all who were 'not ready to separate themselves with small amount of money' just because they wouldn't come to me for my services - I'd be in a very sad position professionally. Look in the mirror Russ.

Posted: Mon May 07, 2012 3:15 pm
by Russ
At this moment we are not talking about imperfection of my business, you are not expert on this field as well.
We are talking about your concept model, how it successful in comparison with mine. We have to wait a little to see who is correct and who is not, simply by checking and comparing your records with mine.

Further discussion with you about this subject has no any value for readers on this forum.

Posted: Mon May 07, 2012 3:25 pm
by Gerard
Russ wrote:At this moment we are not talking about imperfection of my business, you are not expert on this field as well.
We are talking about your concept model, how it successful in comparison with mine. We have to wait a little to see who is correct and who is not, simply by checking and comparing your records with mine.
Really Russ? I thought the subject was 'practice' here.
Russ wrote:Further discussion with you about this subject has no any value for readers on this forum.
Not much you and I have exchanged here has been of any value to readers on this forum Russ. You bash, I bash back, on and on. Aren't you getting bored yet?