Mike Anti Wins SILVER in 3P

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Peter Dorn

Matt and the Olympics vs Guest

Post by Peter Dorn »


You are truly a winner in my book.

Mistakes are made, but it is the true measure of a man in how he handles those mistakes. You have handled yourself well.

When you have the support and the respect of those you compete against. This truly is a statement.

Congratulations on Gold and on the match that has given you a lesson.
None of us knows the reason that things happen. We do not even know of the effect that our actions have on others. Your actions and you accomplishments will have lasting effects on all that are witness to these games. Much good training will come from your actions. Many will be made better shooters because of the things that you have done.

America and I are PROUD of what you have done both in victory and defeat.

As for Guest.

I am absolutely dumbfounded by the statements he or she has made. The person or persons that “Helped” Matt with some last minute Smith work on his very expensive rifles also dumbfound me.

Peter Dorn
Head Coach
Arlington International Air Gun Club Junior Division
(Jr Olympics Bronze Medallist team 2004)
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Post by Lannybassham »


I wish to welcome you to an elite club. You have ventured where few shooters will ever hope to go, World and Olympic Champion in the same event and at the same time. Although several of us are members of this club, no one has ever done so much as quickly as you have.

You are without question the best international rifle shooter in the world. You honor those of us that have gone before you in both your ability to win and in your sportsmanship. As great an achievement as winning the Olympics is, you may be most remembered for the way you handled yourself as a champion.

With Winning in Mind,

Lanny Bassham
Olympic Champion '76, World Champion '78

Post by Guest »

One American once asked to not be judged by his externalities, but the content of his character.

Your charcter Matt is a tribute to Athens, the Olympic spirit, and all those who recognize a real winner.

You have, are, and will make us proud while setting a high standard of class for others to emulate.


Well done!

Post by jcombs »

Matt, I am still in awe of you. You truly ARE the best shooter in the world. I keep watching that footage over and over again and just can't help but think.... DAMN I've done that too. :) You'll be back and you'll be there again, you have what it takes to be a true champion.

You said in your comment that you remember the time you cross fired way back. I too remember the first time I cross fired and I will never forget it. I'm NO WHERE in the class of shooter as you, I struggle with my off hand every time I pick up my rifle. During our state regional, some years ago, I cross fired on the guy to my left, I cross fired a PERFECT CENTER SHOT. At the time it was the ONLY time I had EVER had a perfect center shot in offhand. I look back on it and smile because it was a learning experience for me. As this will be for you.

THANK YOU for representing our United States in such a wonderful fashion. I'm very proud of both you and Mike for putting on such a great showing. OUTSTANDING!

Have a great day
Jim Combs
Roslyn Rifle and Revolver Club
Smallbore Rifle Co-Director

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Post by pdeal »

Our local radio station did about a 1/2 hour long interview with Mike Anti today on the outdoors show. Mike explained how the extra shot happened, he said that he took a round out of the box of ammo that was for his sighters by mistake for a record shot. This is how he lost count.

Mike did a really excellent job telling about his experience in a way that helped people to understand the sport better.

I think it just may be that these mistakes and how Matt and Mike reacted to them did more for our sport than winning the gold would have.

RE Matt


You are not only a great rifleman.
You are an also great man.

Way to go !!

Post by Guest »

Congratulations Matt with your awesum achievement in prone, and dealing with the drama to follow your 3p final. We all look up to you.


Johan Sauer
Canadian Rifle Team Member

Matt Emmons wrote:Hi folks,

To the many of you who have come to my defense, thank you from the bottom of my heart. That really means a lot and shows me the great sportsmanship we have in our game of shooting. To those who posted some not-so-nice replies, heck if I care what you think.

You are all probably wondering what I'm thinking about the whole situation - well, some of the quotes you saw in interviews are pretty much it. It's the game we play. Stuff happens. I can only remember cross-firing maybe once in my entire career and that was a very long time ago when I was a young shooter.

The show of sportsmanship from all the other shooters at the Games and from myself after the 3p match was one of the finest things I have ever experienced. Simply amazing. Almost everyone came up to me and said how sorry they were and they know that even though I don't have the medal around my neck, I'm the best in the world. That's enough for me. It's not always about all the stuff you win - it's how you play the game. To be a champion in anything, you have to act like one. Win with grace, lose with grace.

I'm totally fine with the whole thing. I still have a gold medal from prone. I will live to shoot another day. It's not over and I'm not done. I don't really have anything to avenge, I'm just looking forward to getting the chance to compete again. If nothing else, it's a great story people will be talking about for years to come.

One more thing that was wonderful - I was so incredibly happy for Mike. He's worked so hard, is such a talented shooter, and truly one of the fiercest competitors there is. I was elated for him to win the silver.

Again, thanks to all of you who understand. Best regards,

Matt Emmons
2650 Plus


Post by 2650 Plus »

If anyone shoots enough shots they will eventually shoot on the wrong target. If they continue to shoot they willeventually do it again . Good shooting mike Bill Horton, Ex member of the AMU.
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