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Olympic quota slots

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2004 9:35 pm
by Benjamin McLeod
Daryl actually did earn a Free Pistol quota slot for the USA - or at least, he fired a score in an international match that would have one the slot if someone else had fired it. However, he had previously already earned a quota slot for Air Pistol, so was not eligible to earn another one for the USA.

The same rule that prevents one shooter from earning multiple quota slots for a team, also allows the team's best shooter to fire in other events (i.e. Daryl was able to shoot free pistol even though the USA had no FP slot), and also (which I think is the point of the rule) prevents one good shooter from hogging all the quota slots for his team, so they are available for other shooters and teams to win. You don't necessarily need to win a World Cup match for a quota slot, only get the highest score of those who have not already earned quota slots. If a team wants to collect more than one quota slot, they need to develop more than one good shooter.