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Re: GE600 Stocks

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2015 10:33 am
by gwsb
Guys I have had some experience with Al Freeland's electric bedders.

My first trip to Perry in the early 70s the guy I shared a point with had a 52 with a Freeland stock fitted with the electric bedders. And since then I have owned two rifles with them. A BSA made by Al and a 40x stocked by him.

The theory was that you used a small electric light to tighten the bedders at the front of the stock. When the light comes on the bedders were in contact with the barrel. Then you experimented with the screws to find the number of clicks to get the group as small as possible.

And that is all I know. I never bothered to try the electric thing and the stocks didn't fit so I sold the rifles.