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Re: Evolution of the Olympic pistol scores

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2015 11:34 pm
by madmax
While most of the attention of this thread has been on 50m Pistol, some of the other disciplines are behaving in a similar manner. Perhaps the trend is a world-wide phenomenon.
Last year I tracked the results from 2004 to 2014 for World Cup, Australian National Titles and NSW State Titles.
50m Pistol Men: All scores trending down. Australian National and NSW State trending down at a faster rate than World Cup.
10m Air Pistol Men: World Cup trending reasonably steady, others trending down. NSW State trending down at the fastest rate.
25m Pistol Women: World Cup and Australian National trending down. NSW State trending up at approximately the same rate as World Cup is trending down.
25m Rapid Fire Men: All trending down at approximately the same rate.
I found these results interesting. Have a look at what is happening in your Country and see if anyone is bucking the trend.

Re: Evolution of the Olympic pistol scores

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2015 8:10 am
by Muffo
madmax wrote:While most of the attention of this thread has been on 50m Pistol, some of the other disciplines are behaving in a similar manner. Perhaps the trend is a world-wide phenomenon.
Last year I tracked the results from 2004 to 2014 for World Cup, Australian National Titles and NSW State Titles.
50m Pistol Men: All scores trending down. Australian National and NSW State trending down at a faster rate than World Cup.
10m Air Pistol Men: World Cup trending reasonably steady, others trending down. NSW State trending down at the fastest rate.
25m Pistol Women: World Cup and Australian National trending down. NSW State trending up at approximately the same rate as World Cup is trending down.
25m Rapid Fire Men: All trending down at approximately the same rate.
I found these results interesting. Have a look at what is happening in your Country and see if anyone is bucking the trend.
thats easily explained in australia tho. there is a huge decline in competitors and training and comps. my father was shooting from the late 70s to 90s. at that point there was an open shoot at least 3 out of 4 weekends in a month. usually 4. there was a state training squad that included state team members and anyone thst looked like having the potential of making the state team. these squads had regular training camps. then there was the same thing with the australian team and australian training traing squad.

now there are almost not training squads and the state team has no training all they do is pay for the shooters to go to nationals. there isnt even 1 open shoot every month of the year let alone every week. there for no training plus no competitions equals lower scores.

I too beleive that the toz 35 not being in production any more has a big part in international scores. if they were still paying people to shoot them and have the same backup and support as morrini then i think they would be by far the most used and the scores would at least be equal

Re: Evolution of the Olympic pistol scores

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2015 3:10 pm
by tenx9
The only drugs I am aware of that would help shooting are beta-blockers, and they are on the list, if I'm not mistaken. As far as Rapid Fire Pistol. This is something I am interested in and know a little about. I won a few state level competitions as well a couple of state championships. I did that when the short was allowed. I never used wrap around grips on my Walther OSP.

I also heard tell of a story (70's) where some Soviet shooter got caught with a device that would remotely pull the trigger, not with his shooting hand or finger. Hey, STUFF HAPPENS

Frankly, I don't understand the change. For the better? I don't think so. All it did was make some pistols useless and obsolete. The new pistols use low power .22 LRs and the pistols themselves are spring buffered against recoil.

Seems like it was a ploy to get the shorts out of the hands of everyday shooters, so AMU, or state team members a leg up on the competition.

I heard stories first hand where civilian shooters scores (especially with free pistol) were added wrong and miraculously a team shooter made the Olympic tryouts or team when the scores were redone.

Am I making this up? Serves no purpose for me. Just telling like it is. Politics rules the roost.