Larrys out-check dates on cylinders

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Re: Larrys out-slippery

Post by Misny »

robinhoods wrote:I just bought a benelli kite from Larrys guns a few weeks ago.
First when there is a problem you never talk to Larry-He is always away or whatever.
The gun was supposedly new but the cylinder dates are 2009-2019
and 2012- 2022. Why wouldn't I get new or current ones. Well I still have not talked to him and I opened a dispute with Discover card who said they will open a dispute.
Now I just want to send the gun back and get refunded but they want to charge $260 restocking fee.
Their reply to me is the gun is brand spanking new and that is the way it came from benelli-the cylinders are new. You always talk to someone else-never Larry.
Well I want to sell and who wants to buy with cylinders this old. I would keep it if he changed the cylinders to current date
Good Lord you can't even buy a new gun without a hassle-they still try to stick you

I will only say that I'm not convinced that Larry Carter or his shop did anything wrong. There is a strong possibility that the gun came from the manufacturer with the cylinders provided. It pretty much comes down to your word against the company's word. I also know that Larry Carter has given much of his time, efforts and money, over many years, to support the shooting sports, especially youth. I have had many dealings with him over the years. He can get harried and gruff, but I've never known him to be dishonest.
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larrys out-slippery

Post by robinhoods »

Not saying he is a thief but you can't tell me you think that deal is good.
Ok lets say you went to buy a new audi A6.
They all look alike anyway (blue)and you pick one off the lot from the Audi dealer.
he tells you and sells it as new and you pay the new price.
You get the registration in the mail from the motor vehicle bureau and it says car is a 2009.
You call the dealer and he tells you it's a new car thats it just came from the factory.
Should you get a new car or your money back. Try and sell it or trade it in.
What do you think you would get.
It is out of my hands now and Discover card credited my account already for the whole amount except the return shipping. Hey all he had to do was replace the cylinders with new ones or even a year old-I wouldn't care. He didn't
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Post by therider »

5 years old cylinders from the factory???
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Re: larrys out-slippery

Post by FredB »

robinhoods wrote:Sure his gun is good for awhile but .
not for long....

Ok lets say you went to buy a new audi A6.
They all look alike anyway (blue)and you pick one off the lot from the Audi dealer.
he tells you and sells it as new and you pay the new price.
You get the registration in the mail from the motor vehicle bureau and it says car is a 2009.
You call the dealer and he tells you it's a new car thats it just came from the factory.
Should you get a new car or your money back. Try and sell it or trade it in.
What do you think you would get.
There's a huge misconception here. I'll make it as simple as possible. The gun and the cylinders are two different things. The gun will be "good" for just as long with outdated cylinders, as it would be with up-to-the-minute dated cylinders. You can compare the cylinders to the car mentioned above, but you can't logically compare the gun. The cylinders are inexpensive relative to the gun, and the issue involves a couple of hundred dollars spread over a 10 year period. If you're not competing nationally and don't intend to resell the gun soon, it becomes a total non-issue.

You said you liked the feel of the gun. If you want to return a gun you liked because you feel the seller was less than honest with you, that's certainly your decision and needs no justification. But the car analogy justification you posted above is plainly absurd.
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larrys out-slippery

Post by robinhoods »

Ok-you are right.
I did push that a little to far.
anyway it is over and done with-gun is on it's way and I recovered almost all of my money but it is a little lesson for anyone buying a new gun.
Does not mean that you will get everything new or should I say up to date equiptment.
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Re: larrys out-slippery

Post by Jacko »

robinhoods is a little lesson for anyone buying a new gun.
It's no surprise that you think the only lesson here is for everyone else except you.
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Post by deadeyedick »

+1 Jacko.
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larrys out-check dates on cylinders

Post by robinhoods »

Hey Jacko
Maybe you're right.
don't expect to get what you pay for-just pay it and take what they send you.
good thought. This way the guys who do it right and take it up the crapper like Pilkguns and others Who rate them at 20% per year honestly get hurt.
If you think I am the only one this has happened to,you are crazy. There are some others who emailed me but don't want to take the humor you guys come up with.
I think you guys are funny. You do it your way and I will do it mine.
I like to get what I pay for-it's my choice not Larry's guns.
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Post by Gerard »

Robinhoods; I have no problem with the idea that one should get what one pays for. Heck, that's the whole basis of my business. I'm surrounded by incompetent workmen in my profession. Their incompetence, and often greed, results in a steady increase in my business as musicians drift towards my shop after a few bad experiences getting repairs elsewhere. I believe in delivering good work at a fair price, in ensuring the customer is happy when they leave. It often puzzles me that there are so many out there who do the opposite, charging premium prices for shoddy work. I could have a lot more in the bank if I did the same... but I'd be miserable as my standards are too high. And I expect proper treatment from other businesses when I am the customer. If I don't get it I do whatever is necessary to get it, and if they persist in failing to deliver I go elsewhere.

But I don't attack another business in a public forum unless they have utterly failed in every opportunity given to right the situation. It appears to me in the two threads you've started on this cylinder issue (which is just bizarre in itself, as one would do the job) that you did not give Larry's Guns much of a chance before you started ranting, and you have continued slamming them while justifying your actions repeatedly. Okay, we get it, Larry's Guns did a bad, bad thing when they didn't check the date on a cylinder... But your attitude has become the issue here. You're being a whiny B***H about it. Grow up. Oh, and send some emails to those faithful believers of yours who were too embarrassed to speak up publicly, ask them if they'll kindly step forward and post their opposing perspectives. I'd really love to see how folks go about justifying the sort of public lynching attitude you've been using here, over a simple mistake by an employee who didn't look at a date stamp.
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Post by Jacko »

I had some posts nuked for less than that Gerard. I don't disagree with any of what you said though. I know and work with a few people like robinhoods and I can tell you that none of your words will penetrate the bubble of brilliance he lives in. There have been many people question his actions in this matter and he hasn't even flinched. If he drove the wrong way down the highway, I don't think he would realise; he would just criticise the hundreds of people driving the 'wrong' way.
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Post by Gerard »

Fair enough Jacko. I should know after 14 or so years in various sorts of forums that one oughtn't to feed the trolls... but you know how it is, sometimes it seems they're not fully trollified, maybe worth dealing with as one would anyone else. Robinhoods hasn't been a total waste of space around here, he's proven jolly enough now and then in his quest for information. As for getting posts deleted, hey, if that's what Scott or some other mod decides so be it. I've had a couple of posts deleted for comments made towards Rover and earlier on Russ. In those instances I felt rising a bit in temper suited the occasions. Guess I misjudged. I was informed some time ago that Rover loses a post around once per week, so I'm averaging quite well I think. I should have given up on Russ long, looooooong before he got perma-banned, but I held out hope to the end that he was salvageable. Robinhoods may be as well. Who knows, with all his new AP experiences he may eventually prove to be useful in answering other new shooter's questions. Could happen.
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Post by deadeyedick »

Pigs may also fly.
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Post by Rover »

Did you ever wonder what "touch with reality" posts of mine get lost?

At least I've become more fond of Conradin since he has learned to behave.
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Post by Jacko »

Gerard that is certainly a possibility. He's not a fully-fledged troll, I don't think he has impure motives of any kind. I think there are other issues at play that I won't get into lest this post disappear into the ether.

I wouldn't say I crossed the line before, but maybe I touched it which in shooting terms is just as good. I have a similar attitude to you. If it gets nuked, so be it. I'm not a fan of censorship in general but I knew this forum would have stricter moderation than others I frequent. The only issue then is that people can post rubbish without an issue but you have walk a fine line when saying "that's rubbish." I'll just be less overt with my wording from now on.
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Re: Larrys out-check dates on cylinders

Post by Brian Lafferty »

robinhoods wrote:I just bought a benelli kite from Larrys guns a few weeks ago.
First when there is a problem you never talk to Larry-He is always away or whatever.
The gun was supposedly new but the cylinder dates are 2009-2019
and 2012- 2022. Why wouldn't I get new or current ones. Well I still have not talked to him and I opened a dispute with Discover card who said they will open a dispute.
Now I just want to send the gun back and get refunded but they want to charge $260 restocking fee.
Their reply to me is the gun is brand spanking new and that is the way it came from benelli-the cylinders are new. You always talk to someone else-never Larry.
Well I want to sell and who wants to buy with cylinders this old. I would keep it if he changed the cylinders to current date
Good Lord you can't even buy a new gun without a hassle-they still try to stick you

I bought a Kite from him with the same dating problem on the one cylinder. Also, that cylinder had a leak which he did promptly fix. I asked for a new cylinder, but only got back the fixed 2009. This was last year right after Camp Perry.
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Post by conradin »

Does Larry has a one man operation, as in he is the only gunsmith and owner? The girls who pick ed up the phones are merely assistants.
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conradin wrote:Does Larry has a one man operation, as in he is the only gunsmith and owner? The girls who pick ed up the phones are merely assistants.
Larry has one (1) person in the shop, Ken Saunders. Amanda is Larry's daughter.
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larrys out-check dates on cylinders

Post by robinhoods »

I can't believe this post is still getting responses. We are talking air cylinder dates here. Send me your addresses and I will send you some Zoloft.
Do you really think because one person sounds off about an air cylinder date that Larry is going to lose a sale. He sells a ton of guns and maybe someone down the line who will buy an airgun from him will ask about the dates on the cyinder and that is all.Most won't even care about the date if he is going to keep it for years. I don't know how many employees some of you had but I had about eighty at one time. Three restaurants and two. bars. One was in Boulder Colorado right across from the University and the other in Longmont Colorado.Most of them were part time.
robinhoods the troll
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Re: larrys out-check dates on cylinders

Post by Gerard »

robinhoods wrote:I can't believe this post is still getting responses. We are talking air cylinder dates here.
robinhoods wrote: I don't know how many employees some of you had but I had about eighty at one time. Three restaurants and two. bars. One was in Boulder Colorado right across from the University and the other in Longmont Colorado.Most of them were part time.
robinhoods the troll
Wait, what? So this is now a capitalist bragging thread? Pray tell us Robin, how is your employment history of any relevance if "we are talking air cylinder dates here"?

Considering your behavior in this case I can only imagine with considerable alarm what it must have been like to be among your 80 employees...
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larrys out-check dates on cylinders

Post by robinhoods »

Are you kidding,They loved me. Some thought they could see a halo around my head. Quite a few hungry students from Boulder University had a free breakfast just for helping out to get a free meal. The only time I felt bad there was when some catholic bishop who had a TV program made a remark about boulder. I think his name was Fulton Sheen and he said Boulder Colorado was the cesspool of the earth.
I was only six years older than the students who came in there or worked for me.
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