I support Russ's comments on shooting techniques

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Post by Russ »

Can we consider that you are “OK” with my general ideas? ;)
I know my problems :(
I hope I can be forgiven since this is not a haiku contest in English. :)
2650 Plus

Post Subject

Post by 2650 Plus »

The perfect one shot delivery technique you speak about What do you believe that shot sequence is ? first, the mental elements second the physical process and third the confidence factor and its relationship to results I believe that your message could be better recieved even by highly skilled shooters if you would feel free to explain what this process is and why you are committed to it [ My period key just quit working ] In case you don't want to respond to this quiery that clearly your decision In any case please understand that I support what I believe you are trying to do Good Shooting Best sugsess in your coaching efforts, Bill Horton
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Post by Russ »

I do not believe on it I did it. I use this pattern to achieve desired level of performance (576AP and 555 FP) in short period of time multiple times after 5-8 years not practicing at all. My “Know” comes from analyzing information, implementation in the process, achieving desired score performance.
If someone has believe only he must go through similar process again, analyzing information, implementation in the process, achieving desired score performance and finally really knowing something.
For many people here on TT “ knowing” comes from different sources (different believes, reading too much, talking too much) where few elements are missing, such as achieving desired score level high enough to make a final at least.
2650 Pluss

Post Subject

Post by 2650 Pluss »

Russ, I am sorry you responded in this rambling cobble de gook fashion, I am asking you to give specifics about what you do to deliver the perfect one shot on tne target, I am getting concerned that Greg may be correct about you just being a con man I know you can shoot, why can't you explain clearly how you shoot? I hope my judgement is off base and that you can drop the obfuscation and provide a clear, concise description of the shot process you teach Please don't bother to respond unless you are willing to clarify your shot process Good Shooting Bill Horton
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What are you guys talking about for all those years?

Post by Russ »

"why can't you explain clearly how you shoot?"
If I have to explain to everyone how to shot… I have another question. What are you guys talking about for all those years? :(

My class is 8 hours long.
Am I only one who can explain it? Is this is only one hope?
Are you kidding me?

I will announce when the next class will take place.

Bill, Are you professional writer too? We know about Greg's education.

It will helps to understand what professional writers do:
"Subliminal Persuasion: Influence & Marketing Secrets They Don't Want You To Know" Dave Lakhani reveals secrets...
http://www.amazon.com/Subliminal-Persua ... &sr=8-47#_

"Dave Lakhani's Subliminal Persuasion is the type of book I wish I had written. It does an outstanding job of outlining and explaining the different persuasion techniques that are being used by politicians, businesses, schools and the government to influence how you think about the various issues and events of the day. Make no mistake, they are messing with your mind."...
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Any coach must have secrets

Post by Russ »

Any coach must have secrets to keep his students to move up and keep them motivated. I have mine secrets too.
This is intellectual property if you wonder, only I can decide when, how, and what amount must be released with specific subject.

Somewhere on TT is library about “how to shoot” about 300 books, I’ll pass it to you.
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Post by remmy223 »

Russ ..... you really do make me Laugh. Your like a salesman trying to sell a car without letting you see or touch it.

Truth of the matter is what your selling isn't any different to what any of the acclaimed coaches(consultants if you want to be known like that) have written and published over the last 150 years. There are many pistol/rifle coaches out there that are willing to give advice, free or not but the all say pretty much the same thing. Its the interaction between student and coach(consultant!) that gets results.

Fortunately i wont be needing your services i can already shoot to a good level with a pistol and even better (X class) with a rifle.

good luck with selling all that fresh air .

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Re: What are you guys talking about for all those years?

Post by FredB »

Russ wrote:"why can't you explain clearly how you shoot?"
If I have to explain to everyone how to shot… I have another question. What are you guys talking about for all those years? :(

Let me try to explain something to you. Bill ("2650 Plus") started this thread to offer support to you (look at the thread title!). All he asked in return was a simple statement of how you see the perfect shot process.

Do you understand what 2650 Plus means? That is a Bullseye score level that very few shooters attain. I would guess that many more shooters have shot your AP/FP scores than have shot Bill's Bullseye scores. So, he's a very accomplished shooter.

Bill - and nearly all of the rest of us - understands that coaching/"consulting" is much more complicated than the verbal descriptions we can share on Target Talk. But on Target Talk verbal descriptions are all we have, so we do the best we can. Bill has generously shared with us his description of how he experiences the perfect shot process, and has answered many questions about it.

Now he has asked you to do the same, not in vague generalities, but in clear specifics. This will not involve sharing any "secrets"! Whatever secrets there are could be revealed only in face-to-face coaching situations. Anything that can be said on Target Talk has already been said, in one way or another, many times before.

So, to repeat Bill's request: "The perfect one shot delivery technique you speak about What do you believe that shot sequence is?"

2650 Plus

Post Subject

Post by 2650 Plus »

Thanks Jack, you spoke clearly and plainly about what I believe the purpose of this forum is designed to accomplish, It seems that Greg picked up on Mr Russ much faster than I did The used car salesman annoligy seems most apt Good Shooting Bill Horton

Post by Guest »

To call this charlatan a used car salesman is an insult to used car salesmen.
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before you will proceed with any instructions “how to shoot”

Post by Russ »

Anonymous wrote:To call this charlatan a used car salesman is an insult to used car salesmen.
My dear unknown guest, before you will proceed with any instructions “how to shoot” , which is written 1000 times all over this site you have drop your “looser” attitude first.
Any good, correct, proper, ideal, perfect descriptions of the shot process will do any good for you, before you will misplace your perception of “wonderful myself who knows everything”. You even do not have a gut to spell your name on your silly thoughts.

Just talk and pursue your goal are two different ways to kill your precious time. First problem is you do not have a goal; second problem is you do not have correct “self discipline “to start work with, this is why in most cases all important information from this source is hidden to you.
You can read but you cannot digest it. This is why it is pointless activities for me to discuss anything of achieving maximum potential in your performance here on TT.
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Post by Richard H »

Russ, are you planning on doing battle with everyone on here? I'll give you some of my "secret" coaching advice. It's not worth your time, say your piece, let them bitch and moaned and ignore them. Answer real questions and don't feel compelled to justify yourself to faceless and nameless people on the Internet. Just for the record I've been down that road, it gets old really quick.

Winning an argument on the internet is like winning .....
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Post by v76 »

Please, let's not resort to insulting each other - the reason this forum is so great is the civility in dissension and the heaps of knowledge shared between each other. Should definitely move along if either of these don't fit your personality and/or ethics.
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Post by william »

Dear Guest, you are entitled to your opinion. And you have a right to express it. But when you impugn somebody's reputation you ought to have the courage not to do it anonymously.

Richard, that reminds me of why one should never mud wrestle with a pig. You can't win, and the pig likes it.
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Post by Richard H »

william wrote:I
Dear Guest, you are entitled to your opinion. And you have a right to express it. But when you impugn somebody's reputation you ought to have the courage not to do it anonymously.

Richard, that reminds me of why one should never mud wrestle with a pig. You can't win, and the pig likes it.
Exactly on both accounts.
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Post by dam8 »

I have read this thread with great interest, and at the end was left flat. I'd love to hear just a hint of what Russ has to offer
I have in my journal, pages of quotes from Bill Horton, RobStubbs,Steve Schwartz and Richard H to name a few. Due to my inconsistencies, some work better than others at different times. I don't think I have stolen any secrets! and would gladly compensate if any of them came to my area to give a clinic. Thanks to all who post here to offer advice and help to strengthen the shooting sports
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Preconditioned for improvement

Post by Russ »

It does not matter who will be your mentor… if you are not preconditioned for improvement (capable to adopt new ideas, physically fit to take actions toward improvement, lack of motivation, lack of valuable sources time, money, energy , self discipline and ability to openly disclose your current level of performance in privet discussion with your mentor).
Keep reading my friends ;)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L8nt94LC ... re=related

http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=en ... 30QiONyCBY
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Post by Spencer »

tout (tout)
v. tout·ed, tout·ing, touts
1. To solicit customers, votes, or patronage, especially in a brazen way.
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Solicit customers vs Provoking thoughts process

Post by Russ »

"solicit customers"...You got it wrong :(

I think we are all students. If you think we are just customers, I think the majority of forum users will not agree with you.

Solicit customers vs Provoking thoughts process. You got it wrong.

You can’t mix biology with psychology. It shows different results if the brain operates not only from memory, but from creativity. Two different parts of the human brain is involved in this process. Unfortunately, if someone has one or the other dominated hemisphere, this is biology but not psychology.

See you at the shooting range.

To be a good customer, you need the ability to pay. To be a good student, you need ability to think rationally.
"Solicit Customers" in this case, is to prevent them from the ability to make an educated decision.
Is this what you are looking for? To be a customer or not to be one? :(
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Post by Russ »

Let me rephrase something. I'm not against sales. I respect honest, profitable business. I am not against advertisement. I will pay for advertisement in my local club in Clarkston, Michigan (Oakland County Sportsmans Club).

I would like to protect people who make an unknowledgeable decision toward the purchase of Olympic pisotls. They must understand that knowledge of successful use of this tool will not come with a sticker price of this instrument. Knowledge of this subject does not belong to "Russians or Chinese coaches." It is also not related only to the bible of Olympic target shooting by A.A. Yur' Yev. Successful performance is also not dependent on tips from public forums. There are more specific details that must be included in this process.

It is okay to collect Olympic pistols. It is okay to do recreational "hobby" Olympic pistol shooting. For those reasons, a forum is a perfect source. In the case of competitive shooting, you have to honestly disclose that luck of structured information and personalized advise is based on the individual evaluation of performance which is vital for future progress. Otherwise, we will see more people selling their highly priced Olympic pistols with disappointment and health related problems. Let's give professional help for those who are looking for a solution. Honesty is the key.
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