Tipping bullets

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Shooting Kiwi
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Post by Shooting Kiwi »

Thanks everyone for your input.

R.M. I haven't tried any other bullets - not much of a choice here. I like your suggestion, however, one might expect that it would be a known problem with Lapua HBWC in revolvers - perhaps it is: does anyone know? The locally-made HBWC, which seem so successful, have a much smaller hollow in their base, with a consequently much thicker skirt. The alloy composition is unknown (made from scrap of unknown provenance!), but they are certainly as soft as, or softer than the Lapua, and cause moderate lead fouling. I can quite believe their skirts would be much more resistant to 'blow-out'.

From a practical point of view, the problem is solved, but it would be nice to understand what was wrong before...
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Post by Jodykid »

Hi, Guys. Ialso have a S&W mod 19 and shoot mainly Speer 148HBWC and nearly all my target holes show tipping no matter what the velocity.
Same pistol with 125 gr bullets at Magnum velocities shows no tipping. I also think the barrel twist is the cause.

Shooting Kiwi
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Post by Shooting Kiwi »

Anyone got twist rate data for S&W .38 vs .357 revolvers?
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Post by Gort »

All .38/.357 S&W Revolvers are 1/18 twist, the 52 was faster. The 148 hbwc shows evidence of tipping in 1/10, 1/14 and 1/18 twists, but it does not seen to affect grouping.
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