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Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2008 12:04 pm
by ASA
Richard H wrote:..I agree on one point the athletes shouldn't be going to China, but only because the games should never have been awarded to them in the first place. I really feel it would be a great disservice to the athletes that have trained and given up lots of personal things to be told to stay home, because someone wants to make a political statement, a statement that should have been made years ago by not awarding the games to China....
Hello Richard,

here we are on the same side: The games should not have been awarded to China in the first place.

If you look at my post from Feb 22: I do not want to speak for someone or impose my view on anybody else. I expressed my personal view, valid only for myself and I certainly would not want to coerce somebody into action or forbid others to go.

I apologize sincerely if I stepped on anybody's toes - my view is a personal one and not meant to serve as an example for others.

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2008 1:24 pm
by Richard H
Asa no need to apologize we were just having a discussion. Your opinion is as valid as any one else's including my own.

From your last post it sounds like we are basically in agreement, I too would respect any athlete that refused to go, I too would not hold it against anyone who chose to go. Unfortunately the powers that be have put athlete's in a very bad spot.

I 'm afraid for the athletes with this latest uprising and crack down in Tibet that it might be only a matter of time before the western politicians start playing for the cameras and suggest such things as a boycott of the summer games.

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2008 3:28 am
by RobStubbs
ASA wrote:I agree on one point the athletes shouldn't be going to China, but only because the games should never have been awarded to them in the first place. .
Last I heard the olympics were meant to be non political and therefore can't take political issues into account, only things like athlete safety. Anyway if we let politics rule, no nation would ever hold the olympics, not the US, the UK, Japan etc....


Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2008 2:37 pm
by Richard H
RobStubbs wrote:
ASA wrote:I agree on one point the athletes shouldn't be going to China, but only because the games should never have been awarded to them in the first place. .
Last I heard the olympics were meant to be non political and therefore can't take political issues into account, only things like athlete safety. Anyway if we let politics rule, no nation would ever hold the olympics, not the US, the UK, Japan etc....

Very nice sentiment but not very realistic either, the Olympics are political, always have most likely always will be. Do you not remember the Moscow Olympics then the following tit-for-tat Los Angeles games.

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 12:50 pm
by RobStubbs
Richard H wrote: Very nice sentiment but not very realistic either, the Olympics are political, always have most likely always will be. Do you not remember the Moscow Olympics then the following tit-for-tat Los Angeles games.
Was that not the nations showing a political statement against the host nation ? That has nothing to do with the olympics itself, it was just used a media tool to display each nations own feelings.


Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 1:38 pm
by Richard H
Yea it was the western world protesting the Soviet occupation of Afganistan. I really don't get your point, if countries boycott the host country, then they don't go to the Olympics, I don't think anyone is talking about boycotting the Olympics in themselves because of the Olympics, but talking about boycotting China. In the end it's the same they don't go to the Olympics. Do you really beleive the Olympics aren't political?

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 3:06 pm
by Dogchaser
These days the games are nothing but political.

The purity of our sport is tainted by the way the games are run.

Our shooters train thier whole lives to compete in an anti-gun world political climate.

How many people on this board are from countries that allow air guns only and even then very restricted?

It's pretty sad.

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 10:20 pm
by John
RobStubbs wrote:
ASA wrote:I agree on one point the athletes shouldn't be going to China, but only because the games should never have been awarded to them in the first place. .
Last I heard the olympics were meant to be non political and therefore can't take political issues into account, only things like athlete safety. Anyway if we let politics rule, no nation would ever hold the olympics, not the US, the UK, Japan etc....

Taiwan's athletes can't not fly their Taiwanese national flag in the olympics and instead of being call Taiwanese they are called "Chinese Taipei." For years China has been using the Olympics as a political propaganda tools. I only hope in the coming decade, we don't look back and say 2008 is China's version of the 1936 Olympics.

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 3:53 pm
by jipe
John wrote:I only hope in the coming decade, we don't look back and say 2008 is China's version of the 1936 Olympics.
+1. I also think that there is a major risk that this eventually happens.

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 6:41 pm
by Smith2013
[quote="Richard H"] If an athlete on their own wants to boycott the games, good for them, [i][b]but none should be forced to[/b][/i]. Why not go there an kick China's ass, that would even be better.[/quote]

I totally agree, no country should force its atheletes to boycott the games, as well as they should not go and say you should not bring a bible or do other things because the chinese government wont like it. Kick their ass, praise god and rub their commie noses in it (not the atheletes, the government), and then get the heck out of dodge, a chineese prison doesn't sound too fun.

I wonder though, that if there was an international boycott, could the chinese go "well, nobody showed up so we get all of the gold medals" and be a bunch of idiots about it? Or is there some IOC rules that say otherwise?

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 5:41 am
by jipe
Next recent shame behaviour of a democratic government: when journalists protested during the ceremony of the start of the transfer of the Olympic flame in Greece, they were put in jail by the police and charged with a ridiculous charge of "spoiling the olympic image" because they exhibit a banner where the olympic circles were replaced by handcuff !

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 7:36 am
by Richard H
Smith2013 wrote:
Richard H wrote: If an athlete on their own wants to boycott the games, good for them, but none should be forced to. Why not go there an kick China's ass, that would even be better.
I totally agree, no country should force its atheletes to boycott the games, as well as they should not go and say you should not bring a bible or do other things because the chinese government wont like it. Kick their ass, praise god and rub their commie noses in it (not the atheletes, the government), and then get the heck out of dodge, a chineese prison doesn't sound too fun.

I wonder though, that if there was an international boycott, could the chinese go "well, nobody showed up so we get all of the gold medals" and be a bunch of idiots about it? Or is there some IOC rules that say otherwise?
Yes they could take all the golds, just look at Moscow and LA. Besides everyone will not boycot some will still go, China has allies too.

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 9:15 am
by Steve Swartz
Has anyone else seen the news sotries yesterday about the "issues list" (or something to that effect) being prepared for US athletes?

Weird stuff on it like "most buildings won't have fire extinguishers" and "don't talk to locals without permission" and "cameras and cell phones will not be allowed" type stuff. Also standard warnings about food and water not being "up to western standards."

I saw a couple of early reports yesterday on this but have not been able to track it down any further . . . ?
