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Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 8:45 am
by pgfaini
Fred Mannis wrote:
Certainly the FT air rifles have excellent accuracy at 800-1000 fps and longer ranges, but at the cost of large cylinders and fewer shots per cylinder.

I believe there are other factors to be considered. At what secondary pressures are the rifles attaining these higher velocities? They've got a longer barrel, which gives the pellet more time to accelerate, but would require more volume in the discharge chamber, if using the pressures at which the pistols are operating. To get a substantially higher velocity out of a pistol length barrel, the gas(air) pressure would have to be raised accordingly, which would require a heavier mainspring to overcome this pressure when opening the valve. This will probably require a redesign of the lockwork in order to cope with the higher stresses produced, and consideration be given to eliminating any vibrations that may be produced.
