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Re: tremors

Posted: Fri May 18, 2007 12:25 pm
by Elmas
Mike S-J wrote:
2650 Plus wrote:fundamentals dont change with the age of the shooter. If your movement has increased, the size of your group should increase as well.
I HAVE to disagree. As with most complex behaviours the outcome is the best viewed as the interaction between two (at minimum) 'curves'. One negative in slope (physical ability) and one positive in slope ( mental: experience, the building of control pathways, etc). The outcome is an optimisation curve where performance increases over time and eventually (usually) decreases. Ergo whilst your physical ability deteriorates it does not have to be manifest as enlarged groupings if your trigger control and release are getting better: this obviously depends on how old / infirm you are.
This is very encouraging.... means that I should not be content with my 520-530 scores as the limit , or the level that at best, if I keep on training will not deteriorate further...
The above post may mean that I may actually be able to cross the 550 mark regardless of age .

I am an optimist by nature , and a firm believer in positive thinking . I also think that the shooter could possibly be his best coach when he is dispassionately observant , acquiring the ability to watch himself execute shots without getting too involved in the individual steps of the ritual .
You know you are more or less dispassionate when you execute what you think is a good shot , and look in your scope and find a five way out there in the white... Now if you dont swear , or feel anger (disbelief/who are you kidding ? ) ,or surprise rise inside you , you are in a better position to try and do some 'playback' and try to guess what you did wrong ! You then put the shot behind you and make a mental note to be more careful and self aware next time !
My strategy seems to be mostly how to avoid bad shots... this seems the best way to ensure good shots.

Some may say there are tens in this pistol dying to get out ...

I on the other hand say : " I know for a fact that there are fours, fives , sixes and sevens that are in MY pistol that I hope will stay put for keeps and if I'm careful , will never get out ! I said I was an optimist.

