Sex TNB & Scores

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Albert B

Sex and shooting

Post by Albert B »

Like a friend once said: "at my age you talk about it more than you actually do it".

But the question sex prior to shooting is not as perv, as mentioned. There has been scientific studys done on the subject - with top athletes as quinnypigs.
It all depends on the time between the phisical act creating a feeling of pleasure" and the start of the match. A lot of hormones are released that are influencing the body and the state of mind.
As far as I understand from the studys sex prior to the match has no bad influence as long as there is no reduction in phisical stamina - so don't get tired. Just like Sandy wrote:
"It is known that after having sex, anxiety is lowered, stress is diminished and a person is more relaxed physically. All are desirable attributes to have prior to a match."
Because it is more relaxing physically it is not recommended in sports that require physical strength. (Like archery???)
So, if you want to do it, make it short, so not to get physically tired.
And as guest wrote:
"There is also the rumour that eastern block female athletes would get pregnant the right number of months before a major international competition. Apparently there is a period during pregnacy that a womans performance in shooting is boosted by the hormonal changes."
is entirely true.

(The Netherlands)
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Richard H
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Re: Sex and shooting

Post by Richard H »

Albert B wrote:Like a friend once said: "at my age you talk about it more than you actually do it".

But the question sex prior to shooting is not as perv, as mentioned. There has been scientific studys done on the subject - with top athletes as quinnypigs.
It all depends on the time between the phisical act creating a feeling of pleasure" and the start of the match. A lot of hormones are released that are influencing the body and the state of mind.
As far as I understand from the studys sex prior to the match has no bad influence as long as there is no reduction in phisical stamina - so don't get tired. Just like Sandy wrote:
"It is known that after having sex, anxiety is lowered, stress is diminished and a person is more relaxed physically. All are desirable attributes to have prior to a match."
Because it is more relaxing physically it is not recommended in sports that require physical strength. (Like archery???)
So, if you want to do it, make it short, so not to get physically tired.
And as guest wrote:
"There is also the rumour that eastern block female athletes would get pregnant the right number of months before a major international competition. Apparently there is a period during pregnacy that a womans performance in shooting is boosted by the hormonal changes."
is entirely true.

(The Netherlands)

So for male shooters that means cowgirl and no missionary.
David W. Johnson
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Post by David W. Johnson »

I now have a strong desire to hang out with Nicole and Sandy. I think it would be a hoot to just hang around and see what comes out in their conversations. (Had to re-word that last sentence three times to avoid double entendre)

Sadly, no basis of knowledge on the discussion topic. :-(

I know of some medical studies that suggest kissing and other such activities are good for the heart because they elevate the heart rate. I can see where the increased blood flow would be good for other parts of the body. Unfortunately for shooters, however, I know of studies that show males have reduced blood flow to the brain when aroused. Probably to make us less picky about partners. If that happens, one would think the concentration centers of the brain might be starved the night before a contest. Seems bad. The studies found that aroused males were less able to perform mathematical problems. Perhaps they were just less interested. Difficult test to interpret; I would think.

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Richard H
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Post by Richard H »

David W. Johnson wrote:I now have a strong desire to hang out with Nicole and Sandy. I think it would be a hoot to just hang around and see what comes out in their conversations. (Had to re-word that last sentence three times to avoid double entendre)

Sadly, no basis of knowledge on the discussion topic. :-(

I know of some medical studies that suggest kissing and other such activities are good for the heart because they elevate the heart rate. I can see where the increased blood flow would be good for other parts of the body. Unfortunately for shooters, however, I know of studies that show males have reduced blood flow to the brain when aroused. Probably to make us less picky about partners. If that happens, one would think the concentration centers of the brain might be starved the night before a contest. Seems bad. The studies found that aroused males were less able to perform mathematical problems. Perhaps they were just less interested. Difficult test to interpret; I would think.

Hence why you have to actually have sex, after sex your arousal is very low.
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Post by Chris »

Here are the results of my experiance with this.

I do not remember the year but is was the national championships in ATL and I went out with a few other pistol shooters and found my own ride back to the hotel. Got about 4 hrs of sleep and will leave out the rest of the details. This was the night before the first day of free pistol. I ended up shooting a PR 547. I had a great string of 3 97's in a row. I really messed up the last string and shot a 83. The pressure got to me. I ended up 6th over all.

The year before I shot a 583 in AP after about 4 hours of sleep when I first slept with someone who I ended up dating for a number of years.

I am not sure if it was the sex or the 4 hours of sleep but both scores are still the best scores I have shot. The clarity I had in both matches was great and except for the last 8 shots in free I was able to contain the internal stress we tend to put on ourselves as we are shooting and our minds start to turn from the current shot performance to the final outcome.

I am sure sex can not have an affect on the outcome of your score
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Post by Elmas »

I am sure sex can not have an affect on the outcome of your score

It is popular belief amongst pro golfers that it 'improves the eye'...
( the clarity you mentioned ) ... So the positive effect is there .... Pro Golf requires 'extreme' concentration and extreme control... and there is plenty of stress especially with the stakes in the hundreds of thousands .

So it stands to reason that sex TNB would have the same calming effect on Shooters.

(( I think if ISSF disciplines had prizes akin to PGA Rolex Tournaments or the Davis Cup for Tennis.... many an otherwise dry and steady hand would be wet and shaky at the thought of all this mazuma coming their way !! ))



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