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Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2005 9:16 pm
by durant7
Wow! Guess I have some work to do. My groups are huge relative to TWP. But then again I was using junky pellets except for the Meisterkugeln which was kinda dissapointing. I traded my SSP for a CA and have yet to do a full pellet test. I've got bunches of pellets and need to shoot what I've got. But wanted to learn how to best evaluate each one so I can shoot the best stuff when it counts. Then get a good batch and forget about it!

What is an Angie rest? Just never heard of it. I gather it takes the human aim error out of the equation? I aimed all my shots. Sounds like TWP approach is a "return to battery" type solution.


PS: CMP pulled these practice pellets which were absolute crud. Too bad Daisy even marketed them. But, for the money, for the kids who are lucky to hit the paper, they have a use, all 5,000 of them we bought...ugh!

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2005 8:13 am
by TWP
The Angie Rest is a return to battery rest for smallbore and air rifles.

It belongs to one of our other coaches. There's no label or manufacture listed on it so I don't know who made it. I'll try to remember to bring the digital camera to the range and take a picture of it the next time we set up for pellet testing.

Just to reiterate those groups were shot with a return to battery machine rest. I can't shoot anywhere near that good.

That test target does show that air rifles do have a disticnt preference for pellets and that it is worth your trouble to test various pellets.

I've tested about a dozen rifles for club members now. As a real generalization the Anschutz rifles seem to prefer smaller pellets like the 4.49 or 4.48; The Walter LG300 and The FWB P70jr's seem to like 4.50 or 4.51 size pellets.

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2005 6:31 pm
by pdeal
Jud: you don't need anything fancy though to test air rifles. I have a woodworking vise on my workbench. As it turns out I am able to get 10m off of one end of this bench so I just set a pellet trap on the floor and after each group slide it 1/2" or so. I have also heard of people using a black and decker workmate. Since these air rifles have virtually no recoil the return to battery rests are not really needed. The SSP guns are a little tougher since you need to have a heavy bench to keep from moving it while cocking.