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Question regarding "Approved List"

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2005 10:19 pm
by metermatch
Any possibility of getting NRA "National Match" type AR-15's on an "approved list", for service rifle type competition? Perhaps we can open the door in the other direction?........

Jeff in Kalifornia

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2005 11:09 pm
by sparky
My comments in bold.
Anonymous wrote:
Our placing our firearms rights on par with the free exercise of religion helps reduce the possibility that our country will ever be able to commit the horrifying atrocities that were committed by a certain European country against over 6 million of its citizens.
Interesting. I would be curious to learn how you get to that conclusion. From here it looks pretty clear that said right leads only to violence towards peaceful people...i may be wrong of course, but your claim seems pretty absurd to me.

One of the first things Hitler did was disarm the Jews.

Justifying any bashing of europe/germany with the more than sad history of my country is pretty cheap. Well lets turn the game around: the right to wear firearms historically certainly helped with eradication of the native americans as well as black slaves, and was certainly a favorite pet of the KKK and a welcome tool to the enforcement of the segregation, that was removed...when again?

Shamefully far later than it should have. But you are correct, one of the tools for keeping the 'undesirables' in their place was prohibiting them from owning firearms.

Come on, thats a pretty stupid finger pointing game. Especially today the USA and anyone defending the current policy is far from a moralically superior position that would allow such attitude. I am sorry if i repeat myself but while germany learned from concentration camps over the past sixty years, the USA still maintain the most popular one worldwide. You knw that saying with the glasshouse...?

Actually, I didn't start this argument. You did when you attacked my country's policies regarding firearms rights and the free exercise of religion. I'm aware that my country's behavior hasn't been perfect either. That said, I'd hardly compare the imprisoning of a few hundred folks who have attacked their fellow countrymen as well as U.S. soldiers attempting to liberate their countries from oppressive dictatorships with the likes of Auschwitz and Dachau, were millions of innocent men, women, and children were murdered, sometimes in ghastly medical experiments.

Anyhow, the regulations mentioned in the task (the original topic), of california, sound pretty absurd to me. If you think that european regulations are alike, you need to read a bit more i guess.

Oh really? So what does it take to get a waffenschein these days? What's the restriction on the amount of gun powder one can have at home? How many firearms can you own? Hopefully, the BDS has made further gains in the last 13 years or so. I admit, I haven't kept up with German firearms laws since I left in 1992.

I admit we've gotten pretty far off topic, but I didn't think it was fair for someone to make such critical comments regarding my country's policies on certain rights without a response. Thanks for the update on the new list in California.


Re: Question regarding "Approved List"

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2005 11:16 pm
by sparky
metermatch wrote:Any possibility of getting NRA "National Match" type AR-15's on an "approved list", for service rifle type competition? Perhaps we can open the door in the other direction?........

Jeff in Kalifornia
That'd be nice, but I bet that would be kind of difficult what with the AR-15 being one of the primary targets of the original ban. Might as well wish for a match-approved AK-47 variant too. :)