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Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2005 11:28 am
by Neil Foster
I like the case you have, and have some questions about it. Can you send me an email so I can reach you.
Many thanks,

Re: Request

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2005 3:25 pm
by cqbarms
That's David Levene I was just showing him how to post it right.

Neil Foster wrote:CQBARMS,
I like the case you have, and have some questions about it. Can you send me an email so I can reach you.
Many thanks,


Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2005 3:44 pm
by Neil Foster
OK, I thought the case with the two air pistols and the blue foam was yours?

BTW I tried to send an email to you but the email address listed on TT bounced back?

Re: Case

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2005 4:18 pm
by cqbarms
Geez I don't know I tried it from yahoo and it just worked...


give it try and let me know.

Neil Foster wrote:cqbarms,
OK, I thought the case with the two air pistols and the blue foam was yours?

BTW I tried to send an email to you but the email address listed on TT bounced back?

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 10:49 pm
by bluechucky

What dimentions (esp depth) would you recommend?


Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2005 2:01 pm
by Sandy.
Pelican Cases are great cases for guns. They are totally water proof and are practically indestructible. They have a lifetime warranty. If a case is damaged Pelican will replace it.
The case shown here is the 1490 case, designed to hold a laptop computer. It is ideal for one Air Pistol and equipment. It has two locking latches and is very thin.

1. In the upper left is a film canister that holds spare “O” rings, 2 extra front sights, a
small hex wrench and other small parts.
2. STEYR LP 10 with extra cylinder, (the black band on the cylinder is part of my film
canister adjustable weight system using 7 gram wheel weights).
3. On the far right in front of the cylinder is a “Swiss Tech” folding micro-pliers. It is
also a wire cutter with mini screwdrivers.
4. The pressure gauge.
5. The filling adaptor.
6. A Shaker box for pellets (under it is a tin of pellets).
7. An electric timer (with the sound disabled).
8. Container for custom fitted ear plugs.
9. Shooting glasses. Under it are 2 screw drivers, a hex wrench set, a wrench for the
filling adaptor, extra wheel weights and keys to lock the case.
10. Under the waffle foam in the lid is the USA Custom form 4457, the Steyr Technical
Manual, Bib Number, Equipment Check forms and other necessary papers.
11. I have a bamboo skewer to clear the barrel if necessary. Have not needed it, yet.


Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2005 3:36 am
by Denis

I've got to compliment you on an extremelly well laid out and appointed pistol case.


Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2005 1:49 pm
by Mark Briggs
Just as an aside... Several shooters in our club were preparing to attend a major match, some for their first time. When I took inventory of their gun boxes I found that NONE of them had a tool for clearing barrel obstructions. The next week I showed up at the club with a package of wooden shish kebab skewers which I'd picked up at the local dollar store for a whole $1 (not bad for something like 50 skewers!). I distributed these to our club members and they were very well received. Now everybody has one in their gun box - so even if I forget mine I know where I can borrow one! ;-)

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2005 11:29 pm
by Chris
I have been shooting Air Pistol for 15 years and never needed to clear a pellet from a barrel.

Have other people noticed a problem with this? I might think of packing something to clear a pellet in the future.

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2005 2:24 am
by David Levene
Chris wrote:I have been shooting Air Pistol for 15 years and never needed to clear a pellet from a barrel.

Have other people noticed a problem with this? I might think of packing something to clear a pellet in the future.
I can beat you by a few years but, like you, I have been lucky enough not to have "stuck lead" myself.

I have however witnessed it on AP, .22, .32 & .38. Having something in your kit to clear the barrel is, IMHO, a must.

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2005 9:05 am
by F. Paul in Denver
When my wife saw me come home last week with a pair of knitting needles she wanted to know how I could go from shooting to knitting. When I told her the bad news she said, "I shoulda figured."

timer too

Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2006 2:36 pm
by scottmi
I also found room to include a countdown timer in my case, helpful with the 30 minute 10m air pistol shoots our club hosts. Can find them all over ebay:

Skewers in the case...

Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2006 11:07 pm
by Dave In Ottawa
Hey folks,

I just wanted to mention that I also carry a kebab skewer in my Morini case...

With the current state of my memory (mmmm... did I already put a pellet in???), and lack of visibility of the pellet (as compared to the LP10 at least), I have found it useful on a couple occasions.

What do you folks do if the Range Officer tells you to make your weapons safe??? (besides asking to take one more shot??).



Needing Needles

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2006 12:29 am
by Flyboy Shooter
Like others above me, I've not had to use anything to clear my barrel, but have seen several situations where one is crucial. First suppose you've loaded a pellet then realize that nature calls? Well, if you leave the line in competition the RO must prove your pistol safe, so to unload and prove it clear, you'll probably need a skewer or needle, especially if you shoot a pistol like a K2 or anything where the pellet is no longer visible (unlike an LP-10) once chambered. Next, the old possiblity of loading a pellet, getting distracted then loading a second pellet. If you're ever unsure, it's better to clear the barrel than sacrifice some points by shooting two on one target!

Re: timer too

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2006 12:33 am
by Flyboy Shooter
scottmi wrote:I also found room to include a countdown timer in my case, helpful with the 30 minute 10m air pistol shoots our club hosts. Can find them all over ebay:
On that note, after scouring ebay and various other places online, this is the best timer I found. I'm not sure where to get it in the US other than online, but in Canada they are at the Source by Circuit City (RadioShack). I'm guessing these places exist in the US as well. The interface takes a bit of playing to get use to and it's not cheap, but it has big digits and can go for more than 99min. ... ct=6301601

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2006 6:19 pm
by Bobby
Anyone know where you can buy that pluck foam - I'd like to make one of these cases!!

foam sources

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 11:48 am
by scottmi
I found a local "Foam Store" in town. Some medium density foams can also be found at craft stores and fabric stores (used as filler for cushions) and they may be able to direct you to more industrial suppliers if they don't have what you want.

Some online sources are: