Fox and accurate news...

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Fox and accurate news...

Post by Spencer »

Fox (AUS) has an 'interactive' (it ain't) guide to Olympic shooting at ... d=shooting

Their words; "Confused by any of the rules for Olympic sports? Then check out our interactive guide to all the sports" - if you weren't before, you sure will be after a viewing.

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Post by JamesH »

Fox and News should never be used in the same sentence.
I thought everyone knew that.
Steve Swartz
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Post by Steve Swartz »

Fox' olympics coverage has been horrible.

Inadequate and innacurate; spotty at best.

As to the off-topic ("rant worthy") issue raised-

In terms of their capabilities vis a vis traditional monolithic main stream media:

MSM: News more accurate, but slanted and mixed with biased commentary. Commentary grossly one sided and factually inaccurate.

Fox: News slipshod and frequently wrong on the basics; but free of bias and generally either commentary free or when mixed with news clearly identified as commentary. Commentary (while leaning left on many matters) at least presents both sides; while giving more time in general to "the left" at least presents an unfiltered version of "the right."

Post by Fred »

I would like to reassure our Australian friends and others that Steve's opinion about Fox "News" does not represent mainstream thinking in the US. In fact the above is the first time I have ever heard anything about Fox described as "leaning left". I feel confident I have not offended Steve by noting this, since I'm sure he does not consider himself mainstream.

Steve Swartz
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Post by Steve Swartz »


No offense taken at all- and I am too much of a centrist to be anywhere close to the "mainstream" today.

My politics would fit in quite well with the founding fathers, as documented in our constitution.

Yeah, that piece of paper nobody pays attention to anymore . . .

(p.s. I define "centrist as right in the middle between anarchy and totalitarianism. By that definition most of the modern world is pretty hard left. Of course, since everyone thinks they are personally "centrist" [ROTFLMAO] your mileage will, of course, vary!)
2650 Plus


Post by 2650 Plus »

I understand this forum has made politics off limits That is a great idea considering that we still have all the way to early November to put up with all the lies and spin doctors telling us what we really heard. Steve, you and I may have found something we can agree on but I doubt it as I support RON PAUL believing that he is the only politition in office that has ever rear the document you quoted. Good Shooting Bill Horton, back on his meds

Post by MFGPA »

Bill, are you THE Bill Horton of Mass.?
Ramblin' man....

Re: Fox and accurate news...

Post by Ramblin' man.... »

Spencer wrote:Fox (AUS) has an 'interactive' (it ain't) guide to Olympic shooting at ... d=shooting

Their words; "Confused by any of the rules for Olympic sports? Then check out our interactive guide to all the sports" - if you weren't before, you sure will be after a viewing.
Wow. I am so glad I read through that material, since I apparently was badly mistaken about many facets of the sport.

Gotta go get me some "12 calibre bullets" for trap and skeet. Also, why aren't we seeing more perfect scores with a 0.5cm center (10) for 10m air rifle? Oh yeah, 'cause air rifle is shot at 50 meters. At least it's good to know I can use my free pistol for the sport pistol event.

Wading into the muck....Fox is, in the grand scheme of things, no more or less accurate than other media sources. Their errors simply come from different sources. MSM: deliberate errors of omission or unbelievably biased selectivity of coverage. Oftentimes their "news" doesn't even pretend to be "news" anymore; it's partisan commentary, pure and simple. Fox: More frequent errors in fact. Bias? Compared to the MSM they're a bunch of right wing wackos. I don't think that's a terribly useful comparison though, do you? It's like saying that someone's a nice person compared to Jack the Ripper. True, but not very informative.

Face it: most of the "main stream media" (AP, MSNBC, CNN, BBC, most major-market newspapers, etc., etc.) is so hopelessly biased that the bias isn't apparent to those who get their news from that source alone. (And they're probably the ones who told you that "'Fox' and 'news' shouldn't be used in the same sentence", and since they all say the same thing it must be true, eh?). It's only when you start getting information from alternate sources that you realized that the "MSM" has a very real agenda.

Bill - You're right about Ron Paul, but once again I will hold my nose as I vote for the better of two bad (actual) alternatives. When I lived in NY I always voted Libertarian, because NY went democrat no matter what. Now that I'm in a "swing state" I need to make every shot count.
Steve Swartz
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Post by Steve Swartz »

The first president I ever voted against was Jimmuh Carter and it's been straight Libertarian ticket since then . . .

. . . and for those of you who say I am "throwing my vote away" think about it- who is *really* throwing their vote away hmmm?*

Voting Republicrat or Demmican is a wasted vote.

You're part of the problem if you do.

(wait a minute- isn't this way off charter? Oh yeah and don't forget to focus like a laser beam on the front sight!)

*OBTW if you want a real eye-opener do some research on vote counting accuracy. Also think about the one-two punch of trying to get felons and illegal immigrants to vote while simultaneously working to throw out absentee military ballots . . . gee, who's doing that?
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Post by edster99 »

Who is MSM?
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Richard H
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Post by Richard H »

Steve Swartz wrote:The first president I ever voted against was Jimmuh Carter and it's been straight Libertarian ticket since then . . .

. . . and for those of you who say I am "throwing my vote away" think about it- who is *really* throwing their vote away hmmm?*

Voting Republicrat or Demmican is a wasted vote.

You're part of the problem if you do.

(wait a minute- isn't this way off charter? Oh yeah and don't forget to focus like a laser beam on the front sight!)

*OBTW if you want a real eye-opener do some research on vote counting accuracy. Also think about the one-two punch of trying to get felons and illegal immigrants to vote while simultaneously working to throw out absentee military ballots . . . gee, who's doing that?
The only wasted vote is the lazy SOB who can't get off his butt and cast a vote.
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Richard H
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Post by Richard H »

edster99 wrote:Who is MSM?
I think he means MSN as in MSNBC
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Fred Mannis
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Post by Fred Mannis »

Steve Swartz wrote:The first president I ever voted against was Jimmuh Carter and it's been straight Libertarian ticket since then . . .

. . . and for those of you who say I am "throwing my vote away" think about it- who is *really* throwing their vote away hmmm?*

Voting Republicrat or Demmican is a wasted vote.

You're part of the problem if you do.

(wait a minute- isn't this way off charter? Oh yeah and don't forget to focus like a laser beam on the front sight!)

*OBTW if you want a real eye-opener do some research on vote counting accuracy. Also think about the one-two punch of trying to get felons and illegal immigrants to vote while simultaneously working to throw out absentee military ballots . . . gee, who's doing that?
You are too young to be sounding like a grouchy old man
Steve Swartz
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Post by Steve Swartz »

MSM = Main Stream Media

The professional rantocrats who all went to the same Ivy League "journalism schools" where they drank the Kool-Aid (TM) about how

1) The people are too benighted to make up their own minds on issues, so we need to make it easy for them by only providing the "correct" side of every issue;

2) We the enlightened have a Higher Moral Duty to Advance Society through our Selfless Struggle; journalism is simply our Progressive Tool for Perfecting Society

Put those two major tenets of "professional journalism" together- as the MSM has thoroughly done today- and you have a very explosive mixture of arrogance + ignorance + self righteousness =


Hey Fred my grandkids think I'm older than dirt (not there for the beta test actually) so I'm practicing the part . . . waving cane from my rocker shouting "You Da*&ed Kids Get Off My Yard!"
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Post by robf »

I thought this was about an Australian new service, but as we're discussing the US news...

Over here it's considered a laughing stock... beyond the incredible simplification that seems to be required, the huge mistakes that make it through to the top news slots (Iraq in the middle of Europe anyone?) demonstrate a level of stupidy that is dumb founding.

However, I had a giggle the other day when ABC news had the US winning the medal table, not by the number of golds (which is how it's accepted as being done), that would have put them, by the number of medals won.

Makes The Simpsons look like hard hitting professional journalism really...
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