MatchGuns worried over the low MG2 sales to this country !

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MatchGuns worried over the low MG2 sales to this country !

Post by MG2-owner »

The importer of MatchGuns to this country (owner of a troublesome MG2 himself) informed me, that during a phone call to the MG factory latelyl, sales manager had asked how come so few MG guns (MG2 especially) had been sold to this country. A total of only three MG2s imported, plus one brought in from abroad by an international competitor. (Has traded off his MG2 ong ago...).
The third MG2 brought ashore by the importer have seen very limited use. But still, some jams have been reported.

The low sales aspect is not difficult to understand: I have been (trying to) participating in more matches the last two to three years with the reputed MG2 of mine. The shooting community is a limited one, and the miserable behavior of my MG2 have become famous.

At just the bare appearance of the MG2 at the shooting bench of the firing point, it gets labeled, humiliated, laughed at...How many strings before you (the MG2) are out? Ha!

The ill-mannered MG2s are the worst imaginable real live promoting a gun(factory) may get.
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Post by PETE S »

I won't get into any discussions of good gun/bad gun.

One main reason, I believe, that the Pardinis have had success in this country (USA) was the success Don Nygord had in the Bullseye community. There are far more Bullseye shooters in the USA than international shooters. Larry's Guns is also well established with Bullseye shooters.
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Post by Tycho »

Must be a different planet... would that be Sweden, the country of Mad Max and his band of crazy flamers? Here (my part of Switzerland) we have 80% of them running well (about 10 MG2 in my club alone), which is on a level with the Pardinis. Main problem herearound is that Cesare is alienating every potential dealer/importer with his neverending update policy and some strange ideas about who gets which parts in what order, so everybody's improvising all the time, and yes, some guns are always in transit. But at the last official training, 75% of the team were shooting MG2, without any malfunctions :-)
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Richard H
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Post by Richard H »

I don't have a dog in this fight, but there are few here in Canada now and I've seen very few if any malfunctions.

Which country would "in this country" be, as you haven't bothered registering and there is no profile for any of us to know what country that would be.

Post by Ralf »

What I have seen about the MG2 is nothing but trouble, trouble and more trouble. I have seen troubles with a very recent "version" of MG2. Stay away from it, that's my advice. Have a nice day!
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Post by EdStevens »

Well, I'm doing my bit here in Canada! I received my MG-2 a couple of weeks ago to replace my Hammerli SP-20 in standard pistol (the .22 slide broke in two, so I'm only using it for .32 now). So far I love it.

It is the only one at my club, and yes I'm a little nervous about reliability issues at this stage, but the gun seems to be as reliable as anything else. Time will tell, of course. I have had two malfunctions in a few hundred rounds, and they cleared easily and conventionally by simply racking the slide.

I have experienced the "bullet rainbow" a few times as I'm learning how to load the tubular magazines. That will get better with practice. And you need to show the RO how to check the gun on the line the first time to see that it's safe, since it's so different in layout because of the magazines.

Non-interchangebility of redesigned parts...

Post by MG2-owner »

Tycho wrote: Must be a different planet... would that be Sweden, the country of Mad Max and his band of crazy flamers?
No. Same planet.
I do not live in Sweden.
And I do politely ignore your invitation to quarry.
I am refering the naked thruth about my life with the MG2. Nothing added, nothing subtracted.
If you do not like to read about that, please do not read my posts.
Tycho wrote: Main problem herearound is that Cesare is alienating every potential dealer/importer with his neverending update policy and some strange ideas about who gets which parts in what order, so everybody's improvising all the time, and yes, some guns are always in transit.
Yes. (A situation reminiscent of the troubled M102E) .
Every time some "redesigned" part arrrives in my post box, I hope my MG2 will become as sound and well as some other MG2s refered to here, by other posters.
Sorry, but that has not been my MG2s faith, yet.
Tycho wrote: But at the last official training, 75% of the team were shooting MG2, without any malfunctions :-)
Imagine that. More MG2s going bang the whole evening without one single malfunction. That is great.
I have always stated the MG2 is an enjoyable gun to shoot. Whenever it works well. Which mine and the MG2s belonging to other shooters here, often do not.

Well, I believe you, you have got some good MG2 specimens in your club.

But to us, that is Utopia. For the time beeng.
Brian James
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Post by Brian James »


Have you tried contacting MG directly - ie called them? Thats what I did when mine wasn't working. They speak more than Italian...

Also which country do you live in? Sorry to pin you down, but it might help people on this forum to know where you are in case any of us current MG2 owners who have over come their issues live near by and are willing to assist.


Post by MG2-owner »

Brian James wrote: Sorry to pin you down, but it might help people on this forum to know where you are in case any of us current MG2 owners who have over come their issues live near by and are willing to assist.
Well, not going to let anybody "pin med down"...
The number of MG2s in this european country is limited, and we have a pretty god overview over the status of these MG2s. None are working well at present, not even the importers own. Sorry to tell you that, but that is the situation. (Do not read the former line, I you do not like to know that)

One gun from this country is at the MG factory works for the time beeing, lst 12 wwwks, that is. That very specimen is a MG2 rapid fire, mechanichal trigger, by the way.

The importer is doing his best to help, he is in direct contact with the MG-works, regularly.
No, I have not called the MG staff. I have left that task to the importer.
As I just said, he is struggling to get his own and my MG2 working. That may improve sales, in the long run.
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Post by jipe »

It is the second time that you refuse to tell what country is "this country".

Refusing to answer and not being a registered user of the forum reduces a lot the credibility of your posts and complains.

If you really own an MG2 and have problems with it, giving clear information about who you are can only help solving your problems.

Finally, if you really experience so many problems and live in Europe, you have legal possibilities to force the shop where you bought the pistol to refund your pistols even if the warranty period is over.
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My experience

Post by RJP »

I bought a MG2 a few months ago and I installed the rapid fire slide and muzzle weight myself. I have the mechanical trigger version. After the initial break in period of 500 rounds, I have had No Malfunctions At All. I now have fired over 2000 rounds through my pistol. It feels like a lighter weight IZH-35 with a much lighter and smoother trigger and adjustable sights and grip. It is a gun definately worth buying.

Yes, it does take a little learning to operate the pistol properly because of the tube magazine. Once you understand the operation of the pistol, it is pure pleasure to shoot. The trigger is smooth and light. The recoil is minimal amd returns to the same place on the target if used with a tight grip and locked wrist.

In the USA, we have many different guns to choose from and since most Americans shoot Bullseye Pistol, High Standards, S&W 41 and Marvel .22 conversion units for M1911 are the most popular. Many were bought years ago and still give excellent service. Also, todays currency exchange rate makes any European gun expensive to buy

My experience is completely different from the guest who calls itself MG2- owner.

I too would like such an opinionated guest to sign in and take responsibility for his or hers comments.
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Post by deadeyedick »

I'm with you JIPE and RJP...anyone who refuses to divulge the country they live in, give the appearance of being a troll, and their opinions should be disregarded , and consequently irrelevant.

Some MG2 problems persist

Post by MG2-owner »

(Attention: do not read this post if you do not want to hear about our MG2-troubles.)
jipe wrote: Finally, if you really experience so many problems and live in Europe, you have legal possibilities to force the shop where you bought the pistol to refund your pistols even if the warranty period is over.
I have asked the importer about the possibility of reversing the purchase. He has refused, stating that new replacement parts will solve the problems. (I must add that he is importing the MG-products on a small, semi-private scale).
He has got some replacement parts from MG, installation of these have helped some, but some problems persist.

I am glad to read that some other MG2-owners out there are enjoing their troublefree guns. According to themselves, that is.

If our MG2s, sometime into the future, thanks to replacement parts or factory overhaul/refurbishment, may be turned into working, reliable guns, I will be very glad to inform you about that.

I will ask the importer to "communicate" to the MG-works directly again, and ask for a lasting solution of our MG2-troubles.
I will keep you posted.

I'll obstati videnje vi. (Untill next time (next post))

Post by Guest »

Sounds like MG2 owner is shill for another manufacturer. Hmmm. Could he be trying to slander the MG2 to poison the well?
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Post by Tycho »

My thoughts exactly. Can't see a benign cause, either - everybody who can read is already aware that the MG2 is no Hammerli 208, so he's only stoking the fire - for what?
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Post by deadeyedick »

I agree wholeheartedly.....there has to be a financial advantage for him/her to keep up this this never ending battering of MG2' reputation.
Let the broken record stop.!
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Matchguns selling

Post by kalz »

Dear shooters,
I'm the export manager and director of Matchguns, but I don't remember a telephon call like this.
We know that the first series of MG2 had some problems but now the performance is very good . Don't forget that the MG2 project is completely new instead the projects of the other pistols are 30 or 40 years old and the result in performance is very evident: recoil and stability and return in line of the MG2 is unique.
If a pistol has a problem we are always at disposal to solve it .
The MG2 is very sofisticated mecanically and so it is very dependent by the variation in quality and dimensions of the ammunitions. Very often the pistol is guiltless and the responsability must be looked for other part.
Best regards to everybody.
Weekend Shooter

Post by Weekend Shooter »

Let's see if Stefano is the real thing. Simple test will do this for all of us...

Stefano, ci potresti spiegare le cause piu comuni di malfunzionamento dell'arma e quale accorgimenti suggerisce la pregiata ditta Matchguns per evitare eventuali problemi. Inoltre quali cambiamenti sono stati gia apportati sia all'ingenieria dell'arma che alla metodologia di fabbricazione ed assemblaggio?

Ringraziamo anticipatamente e porgiamo auguri alla ditta Matchguns.
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Post by kalz »

Dear Weekend shooter,
I can not understans why you don't sign your message with a name, anyway....
It should be more logical that you describe to me the problem you have (maybe with some pictures) with all the informations about the use of the pistol and ammunitions so I can try to give to you the better solution.

About the improvements I can tell you that starting from the beginnig we have improved more than 15 pieces and since long time our tests before delivery are very strong and made with a lot of different brend and quality ammunition.

I exchange good wishes.
Best regards
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Post by R.M. »

Would these upgraded parts be available to those MG2 owners that are having minimal problems.
The reason I ask is that I have one that works quite well. I'm not saying that I haven't have any malfunctions, but not a lot. But if upgraded parts are available, it would be nice to have them.
Keep up the good work. Sometime in the future, I am planning on getting the rapid-fire model, that's how happy I am with mine.

Robert Mumby
Golden, Colorado
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