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Fred Mannis
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Post by Fred Mannis »

Anonymous wrote:what or who is considered a "true amateur"??
While doing a search on 'amateur'. I came across this interesting thread from three years ago:/viewtopic.php?t=11452&highlight=amateur

Steve Swartz - I'm curious. Which, if any, of your comments in that thread would be different today?


Post by Guest »

so anyone not a member of the AMU or has a job is a "true amateur"?
Steve Swartz
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Post by Steve Swartz »


That was a pretty good thread. I haven't changed my thinking much on any of it- other than to maybe feel a little more strongly about the hierarchy of

- Fine Tuning Alignment: Conscious
- Accepting Settle/Trigger Control: Semi-autonomic
- Trigger Release: Subconscious


If you accept money for shooting, you are not a "True Amateur." Obviously, the AMU, military, and resident athlete shooters are not "True Amateurs" according to this definition.

Some of the leadership at the OTC alternately refer to the "True Amateurs" as "Hobby Shooters" but I'm not sure if the two definitions are actually the same. Some people who would be "True Amateurs" under the definition I am using (Bill Demarest, John Zurek) are not considered "Hobby Shooters" as far as I can tell.

But like I said, make your own definition if you would like. I can only give you my understanding from what I have heard discussed amongst other shooters (mainly the double/triple distinguished "old timers" etc.).
Steve Swartz
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Post by Steve Swartz »

So if you are curious, who are the "True Amateurs" who have earned spots on the National Team representing the USA at an Olympics in shooting?

Bill Demarest


Not that familiar with women, rifle, or shotgun shooters but it does seem that many of the USA Team at the olympics are either AMU or Resident Athletes.
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Post by AAlex »

There are athletes that don't get much/any compensation, but receive equipment, coaching, sponsored travel, etc. I would not consider them true amateurs.

In my book, a true amateur is the one that pays for his shooting endeavors out of his own pocket.

Post by Guest »

so........ once you make a national team you lose your amateur status??
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Post by AAlex »

Are you trying to poke a hole in my definition? Sorry, not gonna happen.

Once you become a national team member you lose your amateur status; it becomes "national team member"
Steve Swartz
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Post by Steve Swartz »


Not all National Team Members are "supported" per se.

Dwaine Hurt, John Zurek, and myself in recent history- I don't remember receiving "support" . . . but IIRC USAS paid for my hotel room during Munich/Milan World Cups? And I may have received a brick of ammo?

Not sure what support John has received over the years; or what Dwaine is receiving now.

In any case it was truly an honor to be afforded the opportunity to represent my country as a member of the national team- and I am working hard to get back the point where I earn such an honor again- and the only "support" I ask is for the privelege of being allowed to travel as a team member (developmental or otherwise).

I consider myself a true amateur. There are also some folks who used to be resident athletes who are no longer "supported" in that sense; perhaps they have transitioned into teh ranks of true amateur as well?

Jason Turner for example- receives partial support- true amateur or no?

Was Demarest not a true amateur? What support did Bill receive aside from tickets to the big show?

Post by Guest »

FWR holder didn't recieve anything?!? (coaching, travel support, ammo?)

Basically you can be a "true amateur" until you learn to shoot higher scores.
david alaways
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Post by david alaways »

Bill Demerest was one of my roommates at the OTC for AP.A little story for u guys.The first morning we were telling stories, one of mine was about my neighbor.I mentioned it had a bad ending and started it. my neighbor is a crazy rock and roll guitar playing fool, played with the best during the 80s.A very nice guy,only out at night, depressed ,about 42 years old ,taking care of his very sick mom, he saw me shooting in my house one day and came over asking to shot ( 16 years never in my house once) He had to pay me a buck for every hole he put in my wall, never hit the black,owed me 5 bucks when on the last shot I said hit a ten and we are even ,he hit a 10.8, he started coming back every week right up to the trials. About this time in the story Bill blurts out Mike bettencourt, I looked at him funny and said what I never said his name, Bill asked is your neighbor Mike B ? I answered Yes how did u know? WE were both shocked, Bill lived in chico in 7th grade was best friends with Mike( in the yearbook they have the same holloween costumes on) he told me other stories how Mike was the best guitar player he knew then asked me how Mike was. That was hard to answer. I said it had a bad ending, Bill insist 'is he drinking or drugs'? bill asked, I said no more drugs but still drinking. Then what I said could be why Bill is not going to the games. Just before I left for the OTC Mike stopped me in the street and made plans to do some work on our houses together,then he wanted to shoot.we shot Mike got ALL in the black he was stoked, went home and came back with his guitar, he sung and played for me and my wife. At 2am a noise woke me up, someone was in my yard. it was a cop, then I saw Mikes nephew, Mike had gone home got drunk and put a round in his head. A FEW HOURS LATER I SAW BILL IN THE BATHROOM. THE LOOK ON HIS FACE WAS UNFORGETABLE. HE SAID "I CANT BELIEVE WHAT YOU TOLD ME' THAT WAS ALL, If that didnt mess him up and cost him alittle mentally then he has nerves of steel, Bill is a great guy . my last two roommates Bill and Tim Kraft have too be two of the finest people in shooting. I have been very lucky.(the rifle shooter in our room Im bad at names im not leaving out , buT he is a RIFLE SHOOTER) Do u want to hear about the guns in the restuaurant with me ,Tim, Zurek and acouple other guys( thats in Alabama) at smallbore, ITS A FUNNY ONE , NO ONE GETS SHOT BUT SOMEONE SHOT OFF HIS MOUTH (CAN U GUESS WHO ? THOSE THAT KNOW NO TELLING IT WILL RUIN THE STORY.) and I have more Demerest stories ,little bits, I just thought that those that cant go might want to hear, too bad Daryl S .doesnt write his stories they are the best, David
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