Tennessee Air Pistol match PPP clubs invited

Hints and how to’s for coaches and junior shooters of all categories

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Tennessee Air Pistol match PPP clubs invited

Post by pilkguns »

We will hold a state championships for Progressive Air Pistol in Monteagle TN on April 26. We will of course be happy to have as many adult shooters and/or out of state PPP competitors come as well.

State Championship
April 26, 2008
PURPOSE: This Match Program, the National Guidelines and any later modifications to them constitute the Official Match Program for the 2008 Tennessee Progressive Position Pistol Junior Olympic Qualification Round (QR) Matches.
LOCATION: National Guard Amory, Hwy 41 between Monteagle and Tracy City , Tennessee

RULES: The current Progressive Position Air Pistol Rules will govern. A copy can be downloaded from the USA Shooting web site www.usashooting.org under the “Youth Programs” link.

This is a state qualifying competition. Individuals may not participate at the national level in both the “A” and “B” Divisions. A parent, guardian or coach must accompany individuals under age 18.
Team: Each state may send several three-person teams for “Mixed-Position” and for “Unsupported-Position”. Teams that lose a member for some reason may replace that person with another member of the same club or school. Teams may use mixed A and B type pistols for competition.

Each team must have a designated coach to be responsible for their teams. This person will be responsible for arranging travel for the teams and for team conduct while at the championship.
COURSE OF FIRE: 40 Shots plus sighters.
DISTANCE: 10 M (32', 9.75") SIGHTS: Metallic only CHALLENGE: Per Rules.
TARGETS: B-40/4 10 meter Air Pistol, 4 record bulls per sheet.
Coaching is allowed in all of the Supported Positions. However coaches may not assist in shooting the shot.
Coaching assistance in the Unsupported-Positions on the firing line will cease when the preparation period begins.
MEMBERSHIP: Athlete must be enrolled in a Tennessee high school or below or home schooled in Tennessee at high school level or below. Home Schoolers compete as individuals unless actually affiliated with and regularly practicing with a club team. No ad hoc teams. Membership in USA Shooting and the Tennessee Shooting Sports Association (TNSSA) are NOT required to enter the qualification round matches as an individual. Teams and Clubs are STRONGLY urged to join the TNSSA and at least one of the national rifle sport associations: NRA, USA Shooting, CMP. USA Shooting is the governing body for the Junior Olympic Matches.
TEAM MATCH: Four member team match. Competitors will shoot the match as individuals; scores combined for a "paper" team match. Team members MUST be designated and team score cards must be turned in to the Range Officer BEFORE any team member fires a record shot. Mixed Teams (precision and sporter) compete in the Precision Class. Team ties broken per Rules.
SQUADDING: Teams and Clubs will be assigned relays based on their entry request, travel plans, equipment availability and range availability. Competitors should report to the Ready Line 10 minutes before their relay time. Competitors will be assigned to firing points BY TEAMS according to a sign-up list which will be posted shortly after the range opens for the day. Team Coaches and individual Competitors without a coach should sign up as soon as they arrive at the range. Competitors will be called to move onto the firing line at their relay time. Ten minute preparation period begins at the time the relay is scheduled.
SCORES: Scores for competitors at all matches in Tennessee will be consolidated into a single results list to determine the state winners and we will print a statewide Results Bulletin.
AWARDS: State awards will be presented on the state level only and not at the regional qualification matches.

Saturday, April 26: RELAY 10:30am--1 :00 pm
USA Shooting match information: www.usashooting.com

ENTRY FEES: Fees as specified by local Match Director.
Rhonda Pilkington, PO Box 70, Monteagle TN 37356
S Williams

10m R & P competition Europe / USA

Post by S Williams »

Dear Rhonda,

Please refer to the competition I just posted on the site. Our contest is an amateur friendly contest. If you are aware of any clubs who might like to participate I would appreciate your kind advice.

You can reach me at Steve@wicltd.co.uk

Kind Regards
Steve Williams
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