CCI Velocitor in Anschutz 1907?

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CCI Velocitor in Anschutz 1907?

Post by truckee »

Will high velocity 22LR ammo damage my Anshutz 1907? Rifling or anything else? Thinking about hunting with my target rifle.
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Nicole Hamilton
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Post by Nicole Hamilton »

Hard to imagine why it'd be a problem in a bolt action. The concern with HV ammo is about beating up a semi-auto because it has a moving slide.
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Post by Sven »

It will probably not damage your barrel directly but will cause more wear because of the higher temperature, pressure and bullet speed in the barrel. Smallbore barrels do wear, especially at the bottom (6 o'clock position) because al the dirt and grit lying there from the previous shot.

But I suppose you're not going to shoot hundreds of high speed cartridges while hunting so I think the effect of extra wear will be small.

I would be a good idea though to clean your barrel before switching back to target shooting so the orginal accuracy will return sooner. The barrel gets 'seasoned' by the wax and lead of the bullet, which is different between different brands of ammo.
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Post by truckee »

Thanks Guys,
As always, the responses on targettalk are the best anywhere.
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Post by pdeal »

I have hunted squirrel with target ammo. Seems to me the subsonic ammo stirs up the woods less.
Doc Highwall

HV Copper Plated Ammo in 1907

Post by Doc Highwall »

One thing to remember is no match grade ammo is copper plated! You must get any copper out of the barrel before try to get the best accuracy from your match ammo. The copper is not as slippery as the steel in the gun barrel so when it causes more drag on the bullet destroying accuracy.
Tony C.

HV copper plate ammo in targwet rifle

Post by Tony C. »

A few rds of HV copper plate ammo while I don't think will damage your 1907, it still not a good idea to shoot them too often. Like other posters pointed out already, the lube on a match grade .22 LR bullet is there for a very good reason, ammo makers goes to great length to develop the proper lube for thier products and guard its compositions as trade secrets.

Target rifles are not built for hunting, get yourself a hunting rifle, its cheaper in the long run.


Post by Guest »

most match chambers are cut to a different dimension than run of the mill plinker rifles. I know longer case ammo like Stingers, the bolt will not close in some match rifles. Try and chamber some first, if you get real tough bolt closing then I would avoid it.
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