Squib .22

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Squib .22

Post by diopter »

One of our club members had a squib .22 on his first slowfire shot on score
in his Walther GSP last Friday.
This is the first time I've seen it happen with a .22, many duds, but not a
real squib were the bullet actually enters the rifling and gets stuck.
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Post by deleted1 »

There are many strange stories that happen with .22lr---I remember shooting Rapid Fire in the 25th Anniversary NYS Empire State Games---and my adversary on Bay "B"was firing a Hi-Standard and during the 8 second stage I hear a loud "pop". I finished my string and the lights turn red---he is standing there with a look of disbelief on his face. The gun looked as if someone had tried to open the slide with a crowbar. The side of the slide and part of the frame were split and the back of the bolt had the base of the cartridge firmly welded in place, the cartridge case itself was still in the chamber also welded in place. The gun was a total junker, maybe good for parts, I would hate to estimate how overfilled that cartridge might have been. BTW the ammo the was using was Remington Target---
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Weird Ammo Lesson

Post by WaltherWill »

I was ready to shoot my first 50 yard match. I had a newish gun that I hadn't shot in any match yet. I'd been practicing with some really cheap ammo but i was going to shoot the match with some SK match ammo. I get into the prone position and take my first sighter. Little off center but I wanted to take another shot before I moved sights. I lift the bolt and pull it back but the brass didn't eject. I thought " Interesting" and I used my finger nail to pull it out. I decided that I would just pull the brass out every time as opposed to using the cheap practice ammo I had because the groups at fifty yards were horrendous. After about my fifth sighter, I couldn't pull the brass out with my finger. I switched to the practice ammo and shot a sub-500 score in a 3x20. The SK didn't eject at all even after the match. I now use Lapua Master and have never had a missed eject. I have been afraid of fifty yard 3p's since but two days ago I shot a 3x10 and had a 277 with the Lapua.

Moral: Don't use unfamiliar ammo for any match if you've never used it before in practice.
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Post by _Axel_ »

Bob Riegl wrote:There are many strange stories that happen with .22lr---I remember shooting Rapid Fire in the 25th Anniversary NYS Empire State Games---and my adversary on Bay "B"was firing a Hi-Standard and during the 8 second stage I hear a loud "pop". I finished my string and the lights turn red---he is standing there with a look of disbelief on his face. The gun looked as if someone had tried to open the slide with a crowbar. The side of the slide and part of the frame were split and the back of the bolt had the base of the cartridge firmly welded in place, the cartridge case itself was still in the chamber also welded in place. The gun was a total junker, maybe good for parts, I would hate to estimate how overfilled that cartridge might have been. BTW the ammo the was using was Remington Target---
Thats a funny story, that I will have to see pics of to really belive! However, could it not be like the case of .38 target ammo where a case is underfilled and the primer sets of the charge in many places??
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Post by SteveT »

About a year ago I saw my first and only squib 22LR. At my club the shooter in the bay next to me was shooting his 22 revolver. He fired a shot and said "Hmm that didn't feel right" or something like that. Sure enough there was a bullet stuck in the barrel. He was shooting Winchester (T22 I think but not certain).

Yes it happens, but it is rare. Duds are way too common, but better than squibs.

Steve Turner
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