Red Light and little bell

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Red Light and little bell

Post by Elmas »

. As soon as the " optimum " time to release the shot is passed... and one retains the sight picture... as the aim begins to falter and the breath hold becomes burdensome... some red light and a little bell ring somewhere in the depths of the mind.... Ignoring them invariably results in a bad shot...

One should 'learn' to see the red light coming up and the little bell's faint ringing far away in the depths of ones consciousnes and ' Abort ' the shot and start over after a suitable interval .

Am I the only one who hears bells and sees little red lights ? or are there others on here who share this experience ?


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Fred Mannis
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When to Abort?

Post by Fred Mannis »

I hear a loud voice shouting in my ear: STOP :-)
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Post by Padawan »

It must suck to have some one shouting in your ear while you are shooting. ;-)

I definitely hear a little bell, unfortunately, I don't listen to it as often as I should. Oh well, there is plenty of time to learn!

See Ya,

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Post by n1heu »

I get a sense of unease when a shots not setting up as planned. If I don't get the feeling of a good shot I put down the gun and reconstruct my position over again. I don't hear bells or voices in my head anymore. The medication has cured those incessant voices.
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I usually hear a voice shouting at me too, but invariably calling me names like w@nk3r, d1ckhe@d, etc etc

Such shots usually end up in the 9 ring too.
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Post by Elmas » wrote:I usually hear a voice shouting at me too, but invariably calling me names like w@nk3r, d1ckhe@d, etc etc

Such shots usually end up in the 9 ring too.

Good for you that your 'unconscious' responds positively to abuse...

Did you read what someone recently posted about how he timed Skanaker at a match on a hold for eleven seconds ( which ended up a ten) and another longer hold of , I think , 28 secs ! which also ended up a ten. To me, this proves that there are exceptions to every rule ! and that Ragnar Skanakar was one of the great shots in FP and AP .


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Post by jackh »

If I find a shot hard to get off in a few seconds I used to think it was from "I can't hold this thing still enough". More lately I think I am failing to channel the mental process. I guess that transition is progress :)

Post by Guest »

I dont hear the voices until AFTER I fire a shot that I should have put down.

"The problem with life (and in shooting) is that there's no danger music"
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