What makes a pellet good?

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What makes a pellet good?

Post by bubba_zenetti »

I know that consistency = accuracy but what makes a pellet good? As far as I know a match grade pellet would have very consistent weight from one pellet in a tin to another. Is there anything else that makes them better? I see $2.00 a tin pellets and then I see some that cost $10 a tin. What is the big difference?

Someone please school this n00b.

Post by Guest »

My recommendation would be, if you arent shooting 540 yet, totally forget about pellet brand, weight, price, etc.
A top pellet won't turn a skinny 9 into a 10, you will!!
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Post by cdf »

It's about consistancy of weight , diameter , and general cleanliness /QC . Pellets are so cheap , you might as well get good ones . Our host has some good stuff . As regards ammo quality , I think you should start as you intend to continue . Good pellets wont turn your eights into tens , but consistency is all important .

David Levene
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Post by David Levene »

Anonymous wrote:A top pellet won't turn a skinny 9 into a 10, you will!!
But if you aren't getting quality feedback to confirm your shot calling then you are on a hiding to nothing. You will never know when you are doing it right.

Use quality pellets that suit your gun. There is no such thing as "training" pellets or "match" pellets. Once you have settled on a batch that gives good results, use it for training and matches.
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Richard H
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Post by Richard H »

Upbringing and a good solid family home.
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Post by bubba_zenetti »

so in other words, there is no secret shape that works better? no special designs? all pellets are equal?
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Post by cdf »

bubba , any well made pellet of a given weight and diameter will perform well . Some pistols prefer a given weight and a given diameter . At the level most of us shoot , any good quality makers product will probably work well . Good manufactuers being outfits like Vogel ( our host's ) , JSB , RWS , H&N , etc . What you dont want is dirty , illassorted cheapies - these are not consistent in size and weight , and can be misshaped . Some of the cheapies use dirty lubes and sizing .

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Post by Houngan »

At 10 meters through a quality pistol, the variation a .002% off-weight pellet will cause is absolutely nothing compared to the variation in your finger, muscles, vision, etc. It's similar to IPSC shooters worrying about a gun that is listed as grouping 1/2 inch more at 50 yards, when they can't even throw a 5-inch group at 25. You just want quality ammo that doesn't have any gross imperfections, which is why you spend an extra 2$ per tin. They've been picked over for the bad ones, but it's not like they're hand-measured individual bullets, like for long-range rifle work. It just don't matter.

There are two big considerations, however. You do want to find a brand that fits well in your particular pistol, not too tight, not too loose. You also might want to experiment with weights for recoil purposes.

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