DAISY LISTENS -- New & Improved Products

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DAISY LISTENS -- New & Improved Products

Post by jhmartin »

I'm at the National Coaches Conference here in Colorado Springs this week. All you coaches who thought "maybe I should come", but didn't .... you made a big mistake. This week has been super!

Daisy set up a table outside the conference room yesterday, and I thought I'd go introduce myself to Denise ... I've been a thorn in her side for almost a year now with questions, suggestions, questions, complaints, suggestions .... you get the idea.

As I walked to the table I was stunned ... a new Daisy competition rifle was on display.

One of my wishes to Daisy this year is that they put the 787 stock back end onto the 888. Here it was. It is a beautiful laminated dark brown stock attached to the 888 action & barrel. We didn;t have a scale, so I don't know what it weighs in at, but it is much less than the overmolded stocks that I've been making for my athletes. This new gun is the 887. Expect to see it as a complete package towards the end of 2006. You might be able to order just the stock at the beginning of 2006. All the coaches that saw this basically told them to order twice as many as they were planning. Expect this upgrade (the stock alone) to be about $50.
Call you state JR Director and ask them if they saw it.

My major complaint to Daisy this past year have been their diopter sights. They have gone back to the manufacturer and gotten the loose assembly tightened up so it feels like it will function as it is supposed to. If this turns out to be true, that will save us about $45 off the price of a true spanish Gamo sight. I was able to get a hands on here and wiggle the diopter assembly, and it had no slack as in the sights that were shipping last year. I could not tell about backlash (gotta shoot it), but my guess is that they have this issue dealt with.

Air Arms was there also with the reconfigurable S400. Very nice looking gun for a low cost precision gun that can be upgraded to a mid-level/ low cost precision gun. This is a similar action to the S200, but it now has a Lothar-Walther barrel and a metal front barrel weight. This looks to be a very nice upgrade to the S200/XS-40, but I'll bet it's $600 price tag keeps it out of the sporter class. Looks to be a great field target and silhouette gun.
For another $150 or so (prices not set yet), there is a barrel/weight/sight extension tube, and a multi-adjustable butt-plate that can be had that really brings this into the precision class nicely.[/b]
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787 Stock

Post by cmj »

what does the 787 stock look like? do you have a picture of it? one of the big problems with the 888 is the lack of depth on the forestock. Hard for little people to hold it high enough in standing position.
Air Arms would like to enter the sporter market so maybe they will find a way to cut the cost without sacrificing to much.
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Post by jhmartin »

Go to Daisy's website and look at the competition airguns. The 787 stock does solve your issues. This new rifle is sweet. I took a picture of it with my cellphone camera ... when I can get it off I'll post it if it came out decent.
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Here's the Pic

Post by jhmartin »

This was from my cell phone camera
(not the best!)

The pretty lady is Denise Johnson from Daisy
887-1.jpg (32.05 KiB) Viewed 13589 times
Jim B
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Avanti Rifles?

Post by Jim B »

Does anybody know what happened to the Avanti Trofeo #XT10 or the Victoria #XV20? These look like good precision rifles.

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Post by cmj »

Could not find a 787 on the Daisy site, but the stock pictured looks like the 753 stock and still shallow on the front end. We don't like the Crossman 2000, but it is much deeper in the front and easier to hold up on the tatget for short people with short arms in the offhand position. Per the rules the cheek area can be built up, but not the front part of the stock, that needs to come from the factory already built up.
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Post by mikeschroeder »


We've been solving the cheekpiece problem on the 888's using the WW2 Garand leather cheekpieces. They work great. I would love to see a deaper forend on the 888's, I have several junior students that would benefit from that change.

Wichita KS
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Post by badfbob »

Let me echo Joel's observations of the new stock for the 888's. They are absolutely beautiful! I'll be placing an order for these new stocks to outfit half of our clubs present 888s.

The Colony, TX
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Post by jhmartin »

Could not find a 787 on the Daisy site, but the stock pictured looks like the 753 stock
CMJ .... you are correct it is the 753 stock basis.... I was very excited that night of the post.

In the forend .... check your target heights for standing .... 55"??? If they are higher than that kids will have trouble. I have short 10 year olds shooting the 888 and the stock overmold 888's no problem. (Gloves??)

If you have a concern here, email Denise Johnson (djohnso@daisy.com)and Kurt Evans (kevans@daisy.com) at Daisy and mention it to them (they'll kill me for that ;-) ). They only made 5 prototype stocks and have only 2 on guns. It may still be early enough to make a change.....

(I tried to get Denise to loan me a gun for a match this weekend, but with only two to show off, it was no go....)

Joel M
Jay V
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Post by Jay V »

Hi Joel,

That stock would sure help the 888! For $50 it is a lot easier than doing all of the work to make a mold (I don't have to tell you that).

I agree with cmj - the lack of drop (depth/thickness) of the stock at the trigger guard can be a big problem with smaller (shorter) shooters. They end up having their hand all the way against the trigger guard and their position cranked back to get the barrel up on target. Even though correct target height is 55", it gets a lot higher with the AR-5/10 targets by the time you get to the top bulls.

It would be great if Daisy would be open to adding material in the area in front of the trigger guard to make it easier for the shorter shooters.

Jay V
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Post by cmj »

Daisy's reply to suggestion front depth be increased.

We have the stock already in place for the upgrade on the 888. It will be just like our 753 stock. The stock is laminated like the 888 but the color will be brown.

Denise Johnson

Daisy Outdoor Products

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Post by jhmartin »

CMJ:We have the stock already in place for the upgrade on the 888. It will be just like our 753 stock. The stock is laminated like the 888 but the color will be brown.
JAYV:It would be great if Daisy would be open to adding material in the area in front of the trigger guard to make it easier for the shorter shooters.

Well, I figured they already had the order in for the stocks the way they were talking.

Jay ... you've been doing this long enough, is there anything is the rules that would allow us to easily bump up the front end. The way I read them the answer is no.

Do the shooters have to use the same glove in standing as in prone & kneeling?? Rule 4.3.4 states that there is no thickness limitation on a sporter glove. The way I read the rules, this is not prohibited.

Maybe Monard or someone could make a glove/mitt with extra padding on the back side???

If we get a good question formulated, we could run it by Lou at CMP and she could tell us.
Jay V
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Post by Jay V »

I would have to look the rules over, but I think the only stock mods allowed are build-up of the cheekpiece. In the rules it states something like the only mods allowed are the ones specifically noted, if it's not noted it's not allowed.

I talked to the 3P Council a while back about using the rubber, adjustable, buttplate from a Valiant on the 888, but it was not allowed. It is allowed under NRA rules.

I would be surprised if they allowed it. A thick glove would work, and should be no problem. I think you could change gloves for positions. If it became popular though, it would most likely be made illegal.

Jay V
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Post by mikeschroeder »


I have one gangly 6th grader that would benefit from a glove with a 3 inch pad on his fingers. Hope he grows soon. He has a long neck, but avoids looking like a giraffe or something.

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Post by jhmartin »

What the heck .... I shot a memo to CMP and some 3-P council members. We'll see what they say.

Maybe it's the price you have to pay to use the 888. It does have the advantage. 1) CO2 versus having to get out of position to cock. 2) You can get a shooters hand closer to the trigger guard in a sling.

Jay V .... what's your feeling on the CC quick disconnect handstop. Technically if you remove the sling for standing, the swivel is gone as well. I currently do not allow my kids to use the remaining QD socket to support the gun.
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Post by cmj »

On the handstop we just unhook the sling and move the swivel out to the end so its nowhere near the hand, saves having to put it back on and quicker to get set up for kneeling and don't have to remember where it was put. She has amark on the rail to get it back in same place every time.
Can't believe I didn't think about a "thicker"glove, that's a great idea. Just need to get an extra large and fill it up I guess. Extra large should leave plenty of room to build it up inside and leave room for a little hand.
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Champions Choice Handstop CC4748

Post by jhmartin »

The handstop I mean is the CC4748 show here. The swivel has a quick disconnect, and the socket (the silver part stays on the gun). I like this better than the Daisy "blue tab"
cc4748.jpg (3 KiB) Viewed 13458 times
Pat McCoy
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Post by Pat McCoy »

The sling swivel is fine as long as it is not used for "supporrt". As JV said, just slide it forward on the stock so it is away from the hand.

I'd bet you will have problems with "built up" gloves, The sporter class is meant to be more like hunting rifles (don't know why the XS 40 got through). Rules 1.3 and 4.3.7 will probably come into play.
Jay V
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Re: Champions Choice Handstop CC4748

Post by Jay V »

jhmartin wrote:The handstop I mean is the CC4748 show here. The swivel has a quick disconnect, and the socket (the silver part stays on the gun). I like this better than the Daisy "blue tab"
These are the ones we have used from the beginning.

We do have them take it (handstop) completely off in standing though. If I'm not mistaken it used to be the rule (no longer).

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Daisy Model 5899 rear sight

Post by TomF »

Sorry but I am coming late to the party. I bought my son a 499b last year and I have not given it to him yet but will for his 7th birthday.

I took it for an extensive shooting session to make sure everything is all well.

The big turd in the tub was the Daisy Model 5899 rear sight. It is so sloppy it will not hold zero.

I shot it off the bench and it would change zero many times over a 40 shot session.

I put my Anschutz rear sight on and it of course it held steady as a rock. thirty 10's and ten 9's off the bench with cheap BB's.

Has anyone received a new Daisy Model 5899 rear sight that is tight?

I have written Denise to try to trade my rear sight for a new one.

I dont see any way to tighten the sight without doing some mods or pinning it. Also the hole for the aperture was drilled and tapped at a slant.

Any thoughts?

Thanks all!

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