Domino (FAS?) .32 revolver - anyone seen or used one before?

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Fortitudo Dei
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Domino (FAS?) .32 revolver - anyone seen or used one before?

Post by Fortitudo Dei »

I was trawling through the net when I came across this interesting item. I didn't think anyone was making .32 target revolvers except Manhurin (and I suppose converted TOZ 49's), so I was quite surprised to see this on the website of an Italian dealer of ISSF gear. To confuse matters, the dealer / distributor seems to be trading under the name of Domino Guns, but I can't work out if they are connected to FAS Domino or a separate outfit altogether as the revolver doesn't appear on the FAS site. No idea of the quality but it looks well made and the price (660 Euros) is very reasonable (especially compared to a Manhurin MR73 match .32)
Does anyone know anything or had any experience with these? (Italian linguists may be able to help in this regard).

The website is


domino revolver

Post by curious »

Did you find out any more about the revolvers?
Fortitudo Dei
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Post by Fortitudo Dei »

Did you find out any more about the revolvers?
Sadly, absolutely nothing!

Are there any Italian speakers out there who would be willing to email the website using their language skills to find out more? At 660 Euros (about $800 US) it is roughly about half the cost of the Manurhin .32 match revolver. It certainly has got me curious as it looks like it could be an excellent and relativly inexpensive way to get into ISSF Centerfire.
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Post by scerir »

An Italian tonguish? Here it is! As far as I know the FAS/Domino guns tried, in the recent past, to produce the TOZ-Nagant match revolver, that one in 32 wc, not that one in the original Nagant cal. But they had some problem. I dunno what exactly was the problem, but - you know - TOZ revolver are very complicated! So they are producing now this one. What can I say? I did not see one of these in italian ranges. Perhaps italian shooters prefer the Manhurin, or the Korth, or the old K14. Personally I can say that the Korth is splendid (and expensive). It is very easy to shoot extremely high scores with a Korth. Btw there are other firms, in Italy, producing match revolvers, but they are ... terrible!
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Post by scerir »

I forgot to mention the CZ match revolver (32 wc and 38 wc) which, in my opinion, is far better than the Manhurin. After all they are producing the CZ exactly as it was at those times. Well ... exactly ... almost exactly.
F. Paul in Denver

Post by F. Paul in Denver »

Does the FAS as depicted in the photo look like it would meet ISSF rules with regard to size??? The grips look like they would disqual the gun.

What say you ISSF gurus ?
Fortitudo Dei
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Post by Fortitudo Dei »

F. Paul in Denver wrote:Does the FAS as depicted in the photo look like it would meet ISSF rules with regard to size??? The grips look like they would disqual the gun.
It looks like it would fit the bill. Sight radius looks OK, pretty sure it would fit "into the box", grip seems to meet all the requirements - though it is difficult to tell 100% without having the pistol and the ISSF rulebook in front of you.

p.s. It isn't a FAS, but appears to be made in the Czech Republic by Alfa-Proj and then branded by the Italian distributors going under the name Domino (but no connection to FAS Domino). See my recent post on page 2 of the "Match pistols .32 S&W Long WC: None perfect?" thread

Post by Guest »

1. Mr. Mencarelli (Domino) tells me there are no problems at all with ISSF rules.

Yes, that revolver appears to be made in the Czech Republic by Alfa-Proj and then branded by the Italian distributors (Domino aka Mr. Mencarelli). Ok this is good news, because Czech revolvers are for sure much better than Italian revolvers. I can say that.

Of course this revolver has nothing to do with the famous CZ match revolvers (in 22lr, 32wc, 38wc) which have been produced also recently (in Italy you can still buy them in Reggio Emilia, at Bersaglio Mobile) but I cannot find them here now

There is a connection between Domino (Mr. Mencarelli son) and FAS Domino (this firm, and those beautiful pistols, were invented by Mr. Mencarelli father, together with another good guy; dunno whether Mr. Mencarelli father still runs the firm, I do not think so).

domino revolver

Post by troop »

Sounds good, but has anyone actualle seen or fired one. How does it compair to the MR73 or M14 or any of the others. I've never even heard about a CZ Match Revolver (maybe its a US thing) can someone post a Pic & specs?
from Rome

Post by from Rome »

The CZ ZKR-551 is a Czech target-shooting match revolver introduced in 1957 for th UIT Centerfire event. The CZ ZKR-551 is chambered for the .38 cartridge, has a 6-chamber cylinder and a 151 mm barrel.
I remember the 551 was very good and had a wonderful trigger, very very fast indeed, and fine tuned (at the same level than the trigger of Toz-Nagant , which, in turn, was a terrible revolver to reload, due to that impossible ammo).
About 50 years later the CZ manufactured the 551 in 38wc, 32wc, 22lr. It is still<possible to but those revolvers (at least in Italy). But the trigger is not so fine tuned now. The weight of 38wc, 32wc, 22lr is exactly the same. I do not remember exactly but it seems, to me, that the weight is 1070 grams, more or less.
You can find something (pics) here
The CZ, like the TOZ, were incredible revolvers, much better that the Manhurin (which is not well balancced imo, and whose trigger is a bit crisp), or the K14.

CZ ZKR-551

Post by troop »

I am amazed, well suprised might be a better word for it. The use of a thumb ejector for reloading. Wow.
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I emailed the manufacturer to inquire about US availability. Here is the reply-

"thanks for your E-mail. Our company produces about 30 thousand revolvers and pistols in the year and approximattely the same amount of the profesional policy handcuffs. We export our products in to more than 45 countries. Unfortunatelly, actually we have no dealer in the USA.
You can see our products on our web pages
Best regards
Jaroslav Vyborny,Managing Director"

Post by Guest »

About the CZ ZKR551, there is a short description here
but the link goes to a very poor pic :-)

Post by Guest »

Look that cannot, imo, sell the revolver, because it is property of Domino. Alfa-Proi is just producing it. But the idea, the design, the distribution, etc., is property of Domino. So one must contact Domino itself.

Domino Revolver

Post by troop »

Well I guess then the question is if Domino can export to the US?
from Rome

Post by from Rome »

I've just asked Mr. Mencarelli (Domino's 'chief') to give any possible detail about that. I also pointed out, to him, this forum and this specific thread, in case ....
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Re: Domino Revolver


troop wrote:Well I guess then the question is if Domino can export to the US?
If you can get an FFL to handle the transfer, it should be no more than a Form 6 away...
Fortitudo Dei
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Re: Domino Revolver

Post by Fortitudo Dei »

troop wrote:Well I guess then the question is if Domino can export to the US?
If you can get an FFL to handle the transfer, it should be no more than a Form 6 away...
Perhaps our host could be persuaded to become a distributor of these in the United States??? (hint hint... :)
Raffaele Mencarelli

Revolver DOMINO 1

Post by Raffaele Mencarelli »

Hello there,

Domino company is one of the biggest Italian distributor for ISSS shoting products and worldwide distribuotr of FAS sposting pistols.
Our revolver is expacially made for us, with our direction and there is no any connection with the old Toz revolver.
We can supply all our products directly to the specialized dealer.
Actually we have US distributors or agent.
All demands quickly will be satisfied.
All the best
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Re: Revolver DOMINO 1


Raffaele Mencarelli wrote:Hello there,

Domino company is one of the biggest Italian distributor for ISSS shoting products and worldwide distribuotr of FAS sposting pistols.
Our revolver is expacially made for us, with our direction and there is no any connection with the old Toz revolver.
We can supply all our products directly to the specialized dealer.
Actually we have US distributors or agent.
All demands quickly will be satisfied.
All the best
OK; who is the US Agent?
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