Everyday eyeglass wearers and Varga/Knobloch

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Everyday eyeglass wearers and Varga/Knobloch

Post by toddinjax »

Hello all,
I would not hesitate to buy Varga/Knobloch pistol glasses but the problem is being terribly far sighted I wear everyday glasses with a +9 correction.
My vision is corrected to 20 20 but when I take them off, it's quite blurred. I'm worried that with only one lens focused out to the front post could be awkward/cumbersome. Can any of you folks that wear glasses daily comment on their experiences with cyborg & daily wear frames? Barring dedicated pistol frames, is there any particular "street" frame that you find easier to adjust to pistol shooting. I currently have a pair of glasses for shooting that I had made ten years ago when I was fifty. I'm headed for an exam and new everyday glasses so I''ll probably at least check for needed chance is prescription.
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Re: Everyday eyeglass wearers and Varga/Knobloch

Post by brent375hh »

I have always wanted shooting glasses but have a -3.75 correction and kind of need good vision to pick up pellets. Having only one lens with an iris on it would leave me feeling kind of blind.

I'm curious. Do you need any vision correction for distance? If no, how close can something be before you require correction?

I have thought of getting some glasses with a normal left correction, and a right for my eye to front sight distance optimized.
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Re: Everyday eyeglass wearers and Varga/Knobloch

Post by fc60 »


I have a set of Champion glasses that I seldom use due to the same vision issues you describe.

The best solution I have found is a pair of glasses cut to focus on the front sight. Then, I have a bifocal at the bottom to see the screws on the rear sight and enable me to score without changing glasses. I have both lenses adjusted for the front sight.

If you go with the second set of glasses, assume your normal shooting position and have the Optometrist mark the lens of your sighting eye. It likely will not be in the normal center of the lens. This way, they align the center of the blank offset to your needs and cut the periphery to fit the frames.


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Re: Everyday eyeglass wearers and Varga/Knobloch

Post by toddinjax »

Do you need any vision correction for distance?
YES, I need correction to see anything. When I was in first grade my teacher asked me if I was farsighted or near sighted, when she "explained " that farsighted people can take off their glasses and see up close, and vice versa, I was bewildered and replied, "if I take off my glasses I can't see, doesn't matter where I'm looking".
Thanks fc60,
So you're saying I need to have the doc look to see and mark exactly where my pupil is pointing through the lens when I'm in position and staring at the front post? Do I understand correctly?
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Re: Everyday eyeglass wearers and Varga/Knobloch

Post by JamesHH »

You can fit two lenses to shooting glasses if you want to.

Otherwise you can ask for a standard pair with the lens centre in the optimal place for shooting, whether you really need this depends a bit on your stance.

For Police/WA1500 I do fine with my last set of reading glasses without correcting the centre.

Whatever happens I change glasses as soon as I've finished shooting, for scoring the target etc.
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Re: Everyday eyeglass wearers and Varga/Knobloch

Post by fc60 »

toddinjax wrote: Thu Jan 06, 2022 9:13 pm Thanks fc60,
So you're saying I need to have the doc look to see and mark exactly where my pupil is pointing through the lens when I'm in position and staring at the front post? Do I understand correctly?

Wear your current glasses, assume your shooting stance, and have someone mark your lens with a grease pencil. The mark should align with the front sight of the pistol. Most likely, it will be off to one side.

When they cut your prescription, the lens in round with the correction in the center. Once they know where to position the center of the lens they cut the profile to fit the frames.


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Re: Everyday eyeglass wearers and Varga/Knobloch

Post by slevane »

I just picked up a new pair of shooting glasses. My optometrist was great to work with. He has no experience in this area but was willing to talk, ask questions, and listen. What I ended up doing was getting a lens for my shooting eye that gives me perfect focus on the front sight. Our first attempt wasnt perfect and I had to revisit for another lens. In my non shooting eye I had my normal distance correction lens installed. This is working surprisingly well. I do use a clear frosted blinder when shooting but this is giving me a good solution. My correction for loading pellets is a bit of a stretch but it works. These feel a little odd when I first put them on but my brain quickly adapts.
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Re: Everyday eyeglass wearers and Varga/Knobloch

Post by GaryN »

I had a set of B&L shooting glasses that I wanted to use.
BUT, they could not do what I wanted, bifocal.
The B&L frame required a large blank that they could not do the bifocal on :-(
So, without the bifocal, I had trouble reading stuff on the bench. This was a real PITA.
- Left (non aiming eye) = distant
- Right (aiming eye) = compromise so I can focus on the front sight and see the target (at 10 meters). Based on article by Warren Potter, and validated in my eye doc's office. In fact I selected her, because she let me bring my AP into her office.

So, I switched to a standard frame that can had a large lens that can still be a bifocal.
- Left (non aiming eye) = distant
- Right (aiming eye) = compromise so I can focus on the front sight and see the target (at 10 meters).
- Bifocal = about 18 inches, so that I can read stuff on the bench.

I am VERY nearsighted, so I need glasses to walk around. And need to wear glasses all the time, or everything is just in a fog.
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