Who can afford this?

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Who can afford this?

Post by dschaller »

As noted below, I re-read the email and the 6 day requirement is only for those with a medical or faith-based exemption to vaccination. My error in reading this as applying to everyone.

According to USA Shooting, anyone wanting to attend the January Selection match must:

--- You will need to arrive into Colorado Springs 6 days before the match starts (December 29 for Rifle and January 2 for Pistol) and do a 6-day quarantine.

--- On the 4th and 5th day of the quarantine, you’ll be able to come on the OTC campus to get a COVID test free of charge.

--- If both of these COVID tests are negative, you will be granted access to the match venue on the 6th day.

--- You will need to get a COVID test each day that you are on the campus throughout the duration of the match.

Who can afford 6 extra days off work or out of school? Who can afford 6 MORE days of a hotel? And coached have to also pay $15 a day just to be able to walk onto the campus? How is this fair and equitable opportunity for anyone to attend a selection match? Seems like it is clearly intended to eliminate everyone but fully funded team members that don't have real jobs or school and independently wealthy or wealthy retired people.
Last edited by dschaller on Mon Dec 20, 2021 6:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Who can afford this?

Post by Xman »

dschaller wrote: Mon Dec 20, 2021 11:23 am According to USA Shooting, anyone wanting to attend the January Selection match must:

--- You will need to arrive into Colorado Springs 6 days before the match starts (December 29 for Rifle and January 2 for Pistol) and do a 6-day quarantine.

--- On the 4th and 5th day of the quarantine, you’ll be able to come on the OPTC campus to get a COVID test free of charge.

--- If both of these COVID tests are negative, you will be granted access to the match venue on the 6th day.

--- You will need to get a COVID test each day that you are on the campus throughout the duration of the match.

Who can afford 6 extra days off work or out of school? Who can afford 6 MORE days of a hotel? And coached have to also pay $15 a day just to be able to walk onto the campus? How is this fair and equitable opportunity for anyone to attend a selection match? Seems like it is clearly intended to eliminate everyone but fully funded team members that don't have real jobs or school and independently wealthy or wealthy retired people.
USA Shooting eliteism is at the fore for the selection process. Was never interned to be fair and equitable. If you not fully funded, wealthy, retired and wealthy, too bad. The point is to keep the numbers DOWN with fewer or zero independent shooters. Keep the numbers manageable. USA Shooting does not want "flash in the pan" shooters. They want established, well know shooters and keep the riff raff out.
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Re: Who can afford this?

Post by lyoke3 »

The additional quarantine guidelines are under the section for people who have the religious and medical exemptions, not for people with the vaccine. With the vaccine requirements for the Olympic Training Center, I believe that this was the point agreed upon to allow those without the vaccine a chance to compete and meet the current guidelines of the OTC.
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Re: Who can afford this?

Post by Xman »

lyoke3 wrote: Mon Dec 20, 2021 12:41 pm I believe that this was the point agreed upon
Agreed upon by who or is it whom and when? Curious on the who/whom was (credentials) and when the Star Chamber met.
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Re: Who can afford this?

Post by lyoke3 »

Xman wrote: Mon Dec 20, 2021 4:11 pm
lyoke3 wrote: Mon Dec 20, 2021 12:41 pm I believe that this was the point agreed upon
Agreed upon by who or is it whom and when? Curious on the who/whom was (credentials) and when the Star Chamber met.
Good questions, I do not have the answers.

My point was to clarify the original post on here as it was stated that "anyone wanting to attend the January Selection match must" but that is not the case. In this case the competitors with religious and medical exemptions are to follow these guidelines not those with the vaccine.

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Re: Who can afford this?

Post by william »

lyoke3 wrote: Mon Dec 20, 2021 4:30 pm My point was to clarify the original post on here as it was stated that "anyone wanting to attend the January Selection match must" but that is not the case. In this case the competitors with religious and medical exemptions are to follow these guidelines not those with the vaccine.
Specifically which "religions" explicitly ban their adherents from receiving vaccinations?
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Re: Who can afford this?

Post by Xman »

william wrote: Mon Dec 20, 2021 4:57 pm
lyoke3 wrote: Mon Dec 20, 2021 4:30 pm My point was to clarify the original post on here as it was stated that "anyone wanting to attend the January Selection match must" but that is not the case. In this case the competitors with religious and medical exemptions are to follow these guidelines not those with the vaccine.
Specifically which "religions" explicitly ban their adherents from receiving vaccinations?
https://news.bloomberglaw.com/daily-lab ... rch-of-one

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Re: Who can afford this?

Post by william »

Xman wrote: Mon Dec 20, 2021 5:39 pm
william wrote: Mon Dec 20, 2021 4:57 pm
lyoke3 wrote: Mon Dec 20, 2021 4:30 pm My point was to clarify the original post on here as it was stated that "anyone wanting to attend the January Selection match must" but that is not the case. In this case the competitors with religious and medical exemptions are to follow these guidelines not those with the vaccine.
Specifically which "religions" explicitly ban their adherents from receiving vaccinations?
https://news.bloomberglaw.com/daily-lab ... rch-of-one

Go on line to get a ministerial certificate

https://www.themonastery.org/landing/ge ... gJ_y_D_BwE
In other words:
The church of WAAAAH! I DON' WANNA!
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Re: Who can afford this?

Post by Xman »

In other words:
The church of WAAAAH! I DON' WANNA!

The unencumbered practice of ones religion is enshrined and protected in the Constitution in case we and USA Shooting have forgotten and must be allowed. See 1st Amendment.

As is the right to keep and bear arms which we all here stridently protect. See 2nd Amendment.

Both are cornerstones to our national identity
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Re: Who can afford this?

Post by william »

"The unencumbered practice of ones religion is enshrined and protected in the Constitution in case we and USA Shooting have forgotten and must be allowed. See 1st Amendment."

Congress shall make no law.... Nobody can impose the peccadilloes of their particular belief set upon any private entity, which is what USAS is. And the Supreme Court has long ago ruled that the public health benefit conferred by wide-scale vaccination takes precedence over any personal queasiness over vaccination, whether the claim is religious or other.
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Re: Who can afford this?

Post by rgibson »

William, “nobody can impose” and “the supreme court long ago ruled….” which is it. Can’t be both.

Also, let’s not forget that the Fuller Court which ruled in favor of forced vaccination (smallpox) in 1905 was the same court that upheld segregation in another ruling. Plessy v. Ferguson
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Re: Who can afford this?

Post by dulcmr-man »

william wrote: Mon Dec 20, 2021 9:41 pm Nobody can impose the peccadilloes of their particular belief set upon any private entity, which is what USAS is.
Yet you seem to imply that it's OK for USAS to impose the peccadilloes of their particular belief set (vis a vis vaccinations) on their customers. Hmmm..

Dennis, aka Dulcmrman
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Re: Who can afford this?

Post by jhmartin »

I'm making this next statement with quite a bit of ignorance, so with a grain of salt:

I don't think that USA Shooting is the organization specifying the protocols... it is the USOC as the campus is regulated by USOC.

That USOC is even allowing USAS to hold a shooting match on their campus is pretty amazing .... they have been blocked from doing so for the past two years.
Marc Orvin
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Re: Who can afford this?

Post by Marc Orvin »

You are absolutely right Joel. The campus is totally in control of what USA Shooting can and can not do.

USA Shooting is just trying to conduct matches. All the pandemic protocols are from outside their control.

And to Xman's contention that the selection process is only for the elite, that has not been my experience at all. At all the selection matches I have ever attended, there were plenty of folks who had no chance at making the team. But they were there to gain experience shooting shoulder to shoulder with the best we have to offer. Our local club will have a young man attending (on his own dime) just for the high level match experience.
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Re: Who can afford this?

Post by atomicgale »

Xman wrote: Mon Dec 20, 2021 12:12 pm They want established, well known shooters and keep the riff raff out.
Hey Xman, they always let me in, and I'm as riff-raff as it gets!
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Re: Who can afford this?

Post by Rover »

As I recall, USAS broke off from the NRA because top shooters (Olympians, etc.) weren't getting enough support.

Now the "riff-raff" are complaining that THEY are not getting USAS support.

My former club dropped USAS membership for this reason.
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Re: Who can afford this?

Post by CR10X »

I believe the NRA / Olympic support split was more because the sponsoring organization was not allowed the be politically active?
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Re: Who can afford this?

Post by rgibson »

The possession of any arm, be it single shot or not, has been political since the dawn of time. Avoiding the topic is harmful to the possession of arms or the ability to have an opinion on politics.
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Re: Who can afford this?

Post by fc60 »


Being a "Grand Geezer" come Jan 01, 2022 I recall something from the past...

The NRA would allow clubs to have an ISU Preliminary Tryout Match (PTO) in which the scores were mailed in to the NRA. Then, when the ISU/UIT National Championship was held they sent out invitations to the shooters that fired qualifying scores at the local PTO matches.

The key word is "local". We did not have to travel from Seattle to Colorado, Prado, not Fort Benning. Only if we had qualifying scores we could then decide if it was worth ($$$$) the journey.

I was invited in the early 1980's and I carpooled with a friend to Black Canyon range in Arizona. I did not win the Free Pistol match; but, I did not come in last, either.

When the USA Shooting took control of the matches the PTO program disappeared.

Thanks for listening, film at 11.


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Re: Who can afford this?

Post by spektr »

Long ago when I was an Aerospace newbie, I was taught something that is a universal constant.

Perform to the requirements, OR cause the requirements to be officially changed.

Merry Christmas
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