TOZ 35 VS MORINI CM84E Which to buy?

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TOZ 35 VS MORINI CM84E Which to buy?

Post by Greg »

I am looking for advice on which to buy? I would like to know what is best about each and what is lacking. I plan to shoot free pistol for many years and don't want to purchase a second pistol later. Price is not a factor.
Bob Riegl

Re: TOZ 35 VS MORINI CM84E Which to buy?

Post by Bob Riegl »

The TOZ is a fantastic gun which not manufactured with the apparent care of other FP's, is a great gun. There are so many around the world and in competition that it's hard to evaluate it any further. That being said, it (TOZ) needs a bit of "tweaking" and careful adjusting to achieve the best out of it. If I had a knowledgeable TOZ "mechanic" around the corner I would still own mine. I spent the better part of 2 weeks straightening out the sights, cleaning and adjusting. I had problems with consistent firing due to "short stroking" and weak striker springs and a poorly machined striker. Don Nygord carries a goodly supply of TOZ parts and can perform almost all repairs etc. Morini on the other hand is an extremely finely finished ,well built and an well-engineered FP ( also more expensive especially with the Euro being strong). Withe either you cannot go wrong, if you want to get right down to shooting then it's Morini, as with the TOZ you may or may not have to do a bit of "tweaking." All this is said IMHO and with due respect for a great FP, the TOZ.

Help me buy freepistol

Post by Molly »

I have a TOZ 35 but since I have small hands it is quite heavy beacuse of all the Plastic Padding I had to use to fill it up. Therefor I´m looking for a new and not so heavy pistol. Problem is I can´t decide. I´m thinking about a Hämmerli or a Pardini. Maybe Steyr or Morini... What should I do? Are there any problems with either one?

Mike McDaniel

Made this decision a year ago

Post by Mike McDaniel »

I had the same decision a year ago - went with the Toz, on the advice of Don Nygord.
If you check the Hitchiker's Guide section of FP, the Toz is considered pretty crude in the finish, but accurate. In particular, the Toz is considered a forgiving gun - if you make a mistake, you'll shoot an 8 instead of a 6. Reportedly, this is due to a very fast lock time.
On the other hand, the Morini has a superb trigger. And the long sight radius means that if a shot is on, it's really ON.
I'm still not sure which way to go. But in retrospect, I think it's worth noting that I've never seen a Morini for sale used.
Bob Riegl

Re: Help me buy freepistol

Post by Bob Riegl »

If you already have TOZ, and are happy with it, then I would seriously investigate having a set of Rink grips made for your hand. None of the other guns are going to be any better as far as weight, in fact they just might be heavier than your TOZ. I have seen a lot of the TOZ and Hammerli 150's & 160 Specials, few Morini's, a couple of Pardini's and one Steyr. I currently shoot a 160 Special and am very happy with the gun, though casting loving glances at the Morini 84E. My opinion is to look into having a set of grips made for your hand---it's a lot cheaper than the new gun and might be well worth the headache involved in the process.

which to buy?

Post by Simpson »

I´m thinking of buying a freepistol but I´m not sure which one. I´ve tried a Steyr but thought it was quite heavy and felt old. I´ve always liked the Morini but since I´ve had tremeandous problems with both my Morini Air pistol and Morinis standard aluminium I´m not very keen on taking a chance with a third one... Now I´m down to two pistols of interest; Hämmerli fp10 and Pardini K22. Some say the Hämmerli is difficult to shot with, is this true? How much do they weigh? To me it´s extremely important to have a light pistol (though well-balanced). Are grips available in all sizes, from s to L?
My friend has a TOZ 35 that I´ve tried. I love it but it´s too heavy (1435 grams). Another problem is the trigger. We can´t seem to get it right and you just can´t change it. So now I need help, which one should I buy? Thank you for an excellent page with good and quick answers.


Re: which to buy?

Post by mako »

Not sure what you mean about the Toz trigger ... it's very adjustable. What is the problem?
I don't think the Hammerli is more difficult to shoot then any of the others ... perhaps the Toz is just a bit more foregiving ... Free Pistol is always challenging!
I thought the FP10 is on the light side ... at least a lot of the weight is in the grip area ... which makes it seem lighter. The Toz seems heavy because of it's forward weight. Note that once you are training a lot and developing your shoulder muscles ... forward weight can be a sought after attribute ... since forward weight can dampen movement. But you can always add weight ... using self adhesive car tire weights works well.
Do a Search for Hammerli and you will find a number of places that sell them ... at least in the U.S. Call them ... ask if you can buy a FP10 with a credit card ... with the provision that you can return it after you check out it's weight and balance.
Also, you can usually easily sell most ISSF guns here on this site for around 80% of their new price ... if after awhile you decide it isn't for you ...


Post by elmer »

i've seen several shooters (european, chinese,ect) most of them depend on yifu for one shoots a toz. but i still believe any free pistol manufactured today would perform. it's on you bud

This is not true.

Post by Francesco »

What you say is not true. We have now at all international competition as many pistols as TOZ has if not more. We allways have between 4 and 7 pistols in finale ( at World Cup in Munich 2003 we had from 1 to 7 only Morini). Wang Yifu was never using a TOZ. Before 1994, when he won the world championschip in Milano with the Morini, he was using one Hämmerli 150. Most of the best internationa shooters (Gonchiarov, Nestruev, Wang, Di Donna, Fait, Tan zon Liang, Xu Dan, Gault, etc.) uses Morini.

Re: which to buy?

Post by Francesco »

I would like to know the problem you had with your pistols. I am looking at Scoreboard since the beginning and you never contact me.
Brian Silvester

Re: TOZ 35 VS MORINI CM84E Which to buy?

Post by Brian Silvester »

: I am looking for advice on which to buy? I would like to know what is best about each and what is lacking. I plan to shoot free pistol for many years and don't want to purchase a second pistol later. Price is not a factor.
I owned a Toz 35 when I started FP twenty plus years ago (have still got the instructions to make custom grips - in Russian). As has been said the pistol appears not so well finished, but shoots exceptionally well - when tuned. My next FP was a Hammerli 150 (direct from the factory). The quality was as expected of a Hammerli. Again, it shot exceptionally well. Now, with FP reappearing in The UK, I have a hybrid Morini. The first thing that really impresses, is the standard grip, Morini must have used my hand as a template - the raise and site alignment is spot on. I would think that the Morini wins by the clever design of the muzzle/sight holder and the available adjustments for balance and sight length. The electronic trigger is very good. So, choose the one that you think will do the job and remember, it will only go where you point it. good shooting.


To Francesco

Post by Simpson »

: Hello!
:I have sort out all of my problems with my Morinis with the dealer/factory. I think I just had bad luck when I bought them. I just found this website so I´m quite new at this. Thank´s for your answer.


Re: This is not true.

Post by Mark. »

"Most of the best internationa shooters (Gonchiarov, Nestruev, Wang, Di Donna, Fait, Tan zon Liang, Xu Dan, Gault, etc.) uses Morini."
Having shot my CM-84E for a few months now, I can honestly say that I see why it's so popular amongst the elite shooters. I would take a CM-84E any day over a Toz or a Hammerli 150. And I say this with slight knowledge of the subject as I own and (used to) shoot all three pistols. Now the Toz and Hammerli stay in the gun box and the Morini is the one that sees all the action. Hard to beat this pistol.



Re: This is not true.

Post by Mark. »

"Most of the best internationa shooters (Gonchiarov, Nestruev, Wang, Di Donna, Fait, Tan zon Liang, Xu Dan, Gault, etc.) uses Morini."
Having shot my CM-84E for a few months now, I can honestly say that I see why it's so popular amongst the elite shooters. I would take a CM-84E any day over a Toz or a Hammerli 150. And I say this with slight knowledge of the subject as I own and (used to) shoot all three pistols. Now the Toz and Hammerli stay in the gun box and the Morini is the one that sees all the action. Hard to beat this pistol.



Re: IC

Post by elmer »

i know i saw wang shoot a toz in the 98 world shoot in barcelona?i stand corrected if it were not a toz

Re: TOZ 35 VS MORINI CM84E Which to buy?

Post by elmer »

just like any other sport, shooting has sponsors too. if you put both pistol on a vise you would be surprise that they both perform well. however, having said that, there are several factors that might affect ones performance. if you a serious about shooting this event, u need more than a good equipment. if u have money go with morini..but if you just want to try free pistol go with toz35.
mark thanks for the correction.. i haven't been into competitive shooting for awhile.

Re: IC

Post by Francesco »

If you mean the World Championship 98 in Barcellona, China won the gold medal in free pistol team all using Morini (including Wang). I can post photo to you if you want.



: Most of the best internationa shooters (Gonchiarov, Nestruev, Wang, Di Donna, Fait, Tan zon Liang, Xu Dan, Gault, etc.) uses Morini.

BUT BEST FP SHOOTER-2003 IS MARTIN TENK with TOZ :-))) ... t&event=FP

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