Center hold vs 6 o'clock hold

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Center hold vs 6 o'clock hold

Post by TCooper »

I don't think this question has been asked for a while.
What hold position does everyone prefer for APs? Center hold, 6 o'clock hold, below 6 o'clock, other?
Michael Douglass

Re: Center hold vs 6 o'clock hold

Post by Michael Douglass »

I swear by the center hold, but many people may disagree.
I have posted a couple times my preference of the center hold.
I believe the center hold forces you to concentrate harder on the front sight because it is harder to see the black sight with the black of the bull behind it. Anything that makes you concentrate on the front sight harder, I believe will make your technique better.
People make the argument that it may be easier to "see" the front sight if you use a 6 or sub-6 hold. "Seeing" and "focusing" are two different things : )
On the other hand, it is easy to get lazy with the center hold and then your performance will suffer greatly.
Personally I was never comforatable with the 6 hold because I felt I was too concernred with puting that front sight "exactly" under the bull. With the center hold, if there was blackk behind my front sight I was comfortable squeezing the trigger.
Anyway, you will get all sorts of opinions and the only thing that matters is what you are comfortable with.
Mike Douglass

Stan Pace

Re: Center hold vs 6 o'clock hold

Post by Stan Pace »

: Personally I was never comforatable with the 6 hold because I felt I was too concernred with puting that front sight "exactly" under the bull. With the center hold, if there was blackk behind my front sight I was comfortable squeezing the trigger.
Hi Mike,
It's interesting that you said the above. Was it your experience that if you held correctly aligned sights in the black, you always got a good result?
The reason I'm asking is I heard a guy who shoots NRA .22 conventional with a red dot sight say something similar. His statement was that "if I break the shot at any time the dot is anywhere in the black, I get a 10".

Re: Center hold vs 6 o'clock hold

Post by mako »

How wide was your rear sight when using a centerhold ...
Michael Douglass

Re: Center hold vs 6 o'clock hold

Post by Michael Douglass »

For both free and air i used as wide a front sight as I felt was good for me. Some people suggest using a front sight wide enough that it will appear to be as wide as the bull to help make aiming easier. I went wider than that. I felt the bigger the front sight, the easier it was to focus on it. Of Couse there is a such thing as TOO big : )
Anyway, to answer your question. I allowed very little light to appear around the front sight when I looked through the rear. Erich actually had me do this and explained that if you allow little light, any small movement will show up because the edge of the front sight will touch the edge of the rear. This forced me to make my hold that much better. It worked for me, but I understand other shooters use diffrent techniques.
The important thing is that if you set up your sights a certain way, you need to be doing it for a reason. That's why I provided so much info in my response. I didn't want to just tell you what I used and then have you maybe try it without some background as to why.
Hope that helps...
Mike Douglass

Michael Douglass

Re: Center hold vs 6 o'clock hold

Post by Michael Douglass »

Your friend is correct. As far as what works for him and what I had stated earlier.
Every shooter has a different preference, but the bottom line is whatever hold you use, it has to be the one you are most comfortable with in allowing yourself to maintain sight alignment while squeezing the trigger.
I knew I was focusing on the front sight when I could see it against the black background and with LOTS of training I knew if I just released the shot within my hold, the shot would be quality.
With all that said...I was nowhere near doing this on every single shot.
Trust is the key to technique and you can only gain trust with training.
Mike Douglass

Stan Pace

Re: Center hold vs 6 o'clock hold

Post by Stan Pace »

: Your friend is correct. As far as what works for him and what I had stated earlier.
Thanks, Mike. I hope all is well with you and yours.
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