UK Imports

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UK Imports

Post by Lawrie »

Has any UK based shooter imported or attempted to import an Air Pistol/Rifle into the UK from abroad? What are the problems you found? Customs duty, VAT?
The main advantage seems to be price! We always appear to get ripped off in the UK compared to other countries!
Your thoughts on this would be appreciated.
Happy New Year, Lawrie
Paul T (UK)

Re: UK Imports

Post by Paul T (UK) »

Yes, no problems either as personal import (i.e. good with me in cargo-hold) or via shipment. The latter requires you to send off VAT payment against pro-forma invoice to Customs & Excise plus UK FAC if required. Personal import was only more difficult as finding a customs staff member on duty at a provincial airport took a few minutes. It was essential I paid the VAT as the gun was going out of the UK at some point and for the small VAT amount; I was not interested in potential hassles.
The reasons for recent importation were NOT price but availability and customisation – I have written about this in earlier 2003 threads. For the main-stream target kit in the UK manufactured in Switzerland, Germany and Austria, several reputable UK dealers will provide offers better than those from dealers in European countries. I paid about the same for a Morini a few weeks earlier in the UK as I did in Switzerland and frankly, don’t know how they could operate on such low margins. The recent batch of long Morini free pistols were at exceptional prices with the additional integral counter weight assembly, proofing and shipping included. Taking into account the exchange rate for GBP to S.Fr. at either time of order or shipment, the UK purchaser was paying between 10% and 20% less than our European shooting friends for the standard model!
If a manufacturer is providing a discount, that is an entirely different matter and not worthy of comparison. Second hand values are also different as the market pool in Europe is larger and choice/price is going to be more competitive. I do know that the US has different rates to the UK as a couple of friends recently purchased quality s/h air pistols at a lower price than the going rate.
Ammunition can be purchased at better prices in the UK than the EU; again, I exclude factory direct costs.
I have to agree, many general items are at a lower cost in central Europe, however, in 2003, firearms and air guns have been available at a lower cost in the UK as well as ammunition. I suggest shopping around dealers for price and also seek those who are both knowledgably and will be around for the long-term to service our needs. It is difficult to envisage our UK sport surviving after issues of the past decade without an effective and capable dealer network.
Have a great 2004!


Re: UK Imports

Post by Mac »

My experience is that - provided you are not in FAC territory and are purchasing within the EU - customs do not need to be involved. The rifle or pistol can just come in the post. You pay VAT directly to the supplier, at their rate (so 16% for Germany). Yes the price can be lower, but you have international shipping costs to consider, plus servicing issues - the UK dealer is unlikely to agree to service something you bought elsewhere.
Prices are higher in the UK, but the market is much, much smaller so the margins have to be higher to compensate, otherwise the dealers couldn't survive.
: Yes, no problems either as personal import (i.e. good with me in cargo-hold) or via shipment. The latter requires you to send off VAT payment against pro-forma invoice to Customs & Excise plus UK FAC if required. Personal import was only more difficult as finding a customs staff member on duty at a provincial airport took a few minutes. It was essential I paid the VAT as the gun was going out of the UK at some point and for the small VAT amount; I was not interested in potential hassles.
: The reasons for recent importation were NOT price but availability and customisation – I have written about this in earlier 2003 threads. For the main-stream target kit in the UK manufactured in Switzerland, Germany and Austria, several reputable UK dealers will provide offers better than those from dealers in European countries. I paid about the same for a Morini a few weeks earlier in the UK as I did in Switzerland and frankly, don’t know how they could operate on such low margins. The recent batch of long Morini free pistols were at exceptional prices with the additional integral counter weight assembly, proofing and shipping included. Taking into account the exchange rate for GBP to S.Fr. at either time of order or shipment, the UK purchaser was paying between 10% and 20% less than our European shooting friends for the standard model!
: If a manufacturer is providing a discount, that is an entirely different matter and not worthy of comparison. Second hand values are also different as the market pool in Europe is larger and choice/price is going to be more competitive. I do know that the US has different rates to the UK as a couple of friends recently purchased quality s/h air pistols at a lower price than the going rate.
: Ammunition can be purchased at better prices in the UK than the EU; again, I exclude factory direct costs.
: I have to agree, many general items are at a lower cost in central Europe, however, in 2003, firearms and air guns have been available at a lower cost in the UK as well as ammunition. I suggest shopping around dealers for price and also seek those who are both knowledgably and will be around for the long-term to service our needs. It is difficult to envisage our UK sport surviving after issues of the past decade without an effective and capable dealer network.
: Have a great 2004!


Re: UK Imports: Many thanks for you help.

Post by Lawrie »

: Has any UK based shooter imported or attempted to import an Air Pistol/Rifle into the UK from abroad? What are the problems you found? Customs duty, VAT?
: The main advantage seems to be price! We always appear to get ripped off in the UK compared to other countries!
: Your thoughts on this would be appreciated.
: Happy New Year, Lawrie
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