CHP rip-off

old, good

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Alex J

CHP rip-off

Post by Alex J »

I just had my first dealings with CMP, did you know they run the FBI background check on you whether or not you receive anything. If you find that acceptable then you would not mind registering all you firearms, what do you have to hide? At the time they were processing my form at CMP, I went to buy a 22 at one of the large dealers. The guy told me if we were lucky it would take ten minutes to process the approval, when calling the Illinois State police instant background check. The guy making the call looked at me in shock, because it took less then ten seconds, apparently someone already had thoroughly sifted my background. By baiting you, the FBI does not need an excuse to do all the things bill Clinton would have loved to do. When I made my order they had 1000 513t’s, and when I called them later they said the next day they were shipping my order. A week later I get the tough luck letter. After jumping though hoops, I get jerked around and then to boot I get con –ed into giving them permission to do all the things they must get permission to do. To me it stinks of funny business, and it would not surprise me if some of these 513T’s become availed on the market. In my book there are two types of antagonists to the second amendment, that effect directly and indirectly the freedom we love. The first are the media and their cronies in the political arena. The second are the people who are also involved in the shooting sports who do anything to make a buck. They charge whatever the market can bear and try to corner the market to make a killing, a sort of a modern carpetbagger. I had a very unpleasant experience dealing with the CMP and the run around was classic bureaucracy. I find it interesting CMP runs an add in the American rifle men so all it’s members can be baited into having a through FBI background check. Make of it what you will.

Re: CHP rip-off

Post by RogerR »

before you come on here badmouthing, what kindo of responsed did you get from CMP when you complained?

: I just had my first dealings with CMP, did you know they run the FBI background check on you whether or not you receive anything. If you find that acceptable then you would not mind registering all you firearms, what do you have to hide? At the time they were processing my form at CMP, I went to buy a 22 at one of the large dealers. The guy told me if we were lucky it would take ten minutes to process the approval, when calling the Illinois State police instant background check. The guy making the call looked at me in shock, because it took less then ten seconds, apparently someone already had thoroughly sifted my background. By baiting you, the FBI does not need an excuse to do all the things bill Clinton would have loved to do. When I made my order they had 1000 513t’s, and when I called them later they said the next day they were shipping my order. A week later I get the tough luck letter. After jumping though hoops, I get jerked around and then to boot I get con –ed into giving them permission to do all the things they must get permission to do. To me it stinks of funny business, and it would not surprise me if some of these 513T’s become availed on the market. In my book there are two types of antagonists to the second amendment, that effect directly and indirectly the freedom we love. The first are the media and their cronies in the political arena. The second are the people who are also involved in the shooting sports who do anything to make a buck. They charge whatever the market can bear and try to corner the market to make a killing, a sort of a modern carpetbagger. I had a very unpleasant experience dealing with the CMP and the run around was classic bureaucracy. I find it interesting CMP runs an add in the American rifle men so all it’s members can be baited into having a through FBI background check. Make of it what you will.


CMP rip-off

Post by Jake »

Let me get this straight.
You wanted to buy a 513T from CMP.
It is a firearm, so in order to ship it to you or your FFL holder for you, they did a NICS instant check on you.
It apparently turned up as denied for purchase (otherwise you wouldn't be complaining here).
You also tried to buy another gun in Illinois (I assume your IL is your home state) and so they did a NICS instant check and you were denied.
Is that about right?
Obviously, there is something in your record that is a flag.
Felons and domestic abusers are not allowed (in general) to ever purchase firearms again. So aside from that what did you expect CMP or your gun dealer to do? They are required to do the NICS check. Did you want them to break the law for you?

Re: CHP rip-off

Post by Confused... »

I was wondering why a large dealer in Illinois would call the Illinois State Police, when FFL holders, including retail dealers, now call the FBI directly for instant background checks. In the last 3 years, I have puchased several firearms and done as many transfers, all requiring background checks and completion of the dreaded yellow form. The background check to the FBI firearms call center took no more than 2 minutes. If they ever told you 10 minutes, it was because the dealer had to round up the paper work, get the employee with the password required to complete the background check, and make the call.
As far as the CMP is concerned, if they asked for the information needed to complete a background check, and you gave it, you did so voluntarily. Knowing what I know about the staff manning the call center, they are probably GS-5s making a relatively low hourly wage. They process hundreds of checks a day. I'm sure that the only ones that stand out are those that are flagged as exact matches or very close possible matches. Like most of us law abiding gun owners, you were just another grain of sand on the sandy beach of people legally purchasing guns every business hour of every day.
Is it a perfect system? I don't know. In all of my transactions, it seems to work for me. Did the CMP jerk you around? I don't know. Was there another element of CMP eligibility that you failed to meet? I'm sure if you inquire via a letter, they will be forthcoming with you. As far as the FBI is concerned, I doubt they are conducting a "thorough" background check. They basically run your criminal background to see if you are eligible to possess a firearm. They don't do a financial inquiry, or check of your border crossing record, tap your phone, or monitor your web traffic. Quite simply, if a requestor has a record, they are not approved to make the purchase. A "thorough" background check takes a lot of time and manpower, so unless you are already on the "radar" then you are like countless thousands that drift passed the CRT.
All I can say is don't be discouraged and try to contact the CMP about a future purchase.
Just my 2 cents,
Alex J

Re: CHP rip-off

Post by Alex J »

I did call them after I had sent them a fax, and the answer over the phone was they ran out. But they had the order filled and ready to ship, they told me on the phone, but then suddenly they ran out after they filled my order, a sudden time warp. What happened to my order? All I can get out of them is they ran out, it just does not add up. I have nothing to gain by posting any of this, but I think people should know so they can make their own decisions. I am sharing my experience, it might be worth considering, and I am not telling anybody what to think I leave that to the media. The whole thing may have been by accident on their part, as hard as it is for me to beleive, but once is enough for me. As far as my record, do you think they know about the speeding ticket? In Illinios. as far as I know gun dealers in this state call the state police every time you buy a fire arm from a them. Unless they have been lying to me all this time.
Not exactly true

Re: CMP rip-off

Post by Not exactly true »

If a felon changes their life around the records can be expunged. Firearms are then no problem.

This guy is full of crap...right? No. I did it!
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