Off topic - morter golf

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Bob Wiard

Off topic - morter golf

Post by Bob Wiard »

I heard a news blip on NPR this morning a guy tested positive for explosives @ LAX. Turns out his "hobby" is shooting golf balls out of a cannon!
Think of the possibilities Golf with a bang. The same rules would apply as in conventional golf, however, instead of clubs a standardized mortar would be used. Each contestant would be responsible for loading & cleaning of his own "piece". The Caddy would carry the propellant bulk & could give advise for what load to use for what conditions.
Bill Poole

Re: Off topic - morter golf

Post by Bill Poole »

>..."hobby" is shooting golf balls out of a cannon!
years ago I attended a black powder enthusiasts' "Rendezvous" ...
some guy had a 10" (I'm guessing) MORTER and a stack of used BOWLING BALLS!!!
there were low hanging clouds that day and firing from the 200 yd high power firing line at a sheet on the slope of the hill above the impact area.... the first shot the bowling ball disappeared into the clouds and we never saw it again....
lotsa fun, but there is not enuf time or money to do everything....
(I guess the "air gun" equivalent is "pumkin' chunkin"!)
ed moore

Mortar + airial Bocce

Post by ed moore »

the most common use for a mortar is to shoot as tight a group as possible ... the North-South Skirmish Association shoots at a stake - 7 balls, with the closest 5 counting - measured from the aiming stake for the smallest string ... the American Artillery Association shots at a bullseye, 5 shot strings which are scored
N-SSA website <a href="">N-SSA</a>
AAA website <a href="">AAA</a>
Bob LeDoux

Re: Off topic - morter golf

Post by Bob LeDoux »

My compressed air powered spudgun will shoot a potato 350 yards with 60 psi. By moving to a more realistic projectile, like a golf ball, consistent, longer range results might be possible.
Using compressed air removes the device from BATF controls.
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