More Barrel/Weight woes

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More Barrel/Weight woes

Post by Joseph »

Ok, so I got bored after my chem final at Tech and started measuring/calculating the center of mass of my barrel to see exactly what i'd need to do to get the balance point at least close to where i need it. Well, the 66cm barrel will only move the balance point a little less than 2cm in the direction i need it. Here's the kicker, i need to move it about 8cm. So, that lowered my needed weight from 1.5-2kg (depending on where i can get it) to 1.125-1.75kg. Basically, that doesn't help, and I'd still need depleted uranium to fit that much weight on my aluminum stock.
A 50cm barrel would work-possibly moving the balance point more than 9-but a) that would require barrel weights on the other side (not a real problem)and b) I'm not sure if i want to go that short for accuracy reasons and c) i don't like bloop tubes.
Recomendations needed from anyone who knows what they're talking about: Considering that i'm not a great smallbore shooter (yet), would it be better to spend about $100 on an unused but replaced anschuetz 50cm barrel or spend about $400 on a 53.3cm (ish) fluted barrel from lulja or hart or someone like that that would acompish the same thing, but with a longer site radius (by 3.3cm).

(several assumptions were made to simplify the calculations, and make them possible considering the values published by anschuetz. These include: 1) all bores are the same size for reasons of calculating mass displaced, 2) the flanges at the end of the barrels were assumed to be of same degree and length for all anschutz barrels, 3) the steel used was of uniform density throughout the length of the barrel and of uniform linear density through all lengths for which the barrel was of the same radius, 4) all steels involved are aproximately the same density. I feel all of these are relatively safe assumptions for the orders of magnatudes that i'm calculating.)

Re: More Barrel/Weight woes

Post by Bob »

Ever tought about moving the center of gravity on your air rifle slightly forward to reduce the change required on your smallbore rifle?


Re: More Barrel/Weight woes

Post by Joseph »

I have a center hold in air rifle right now, and my smallbore barely holds in the 9, i think it's smallbore's job to change.
Pat McCoy

Re: More Barrel/Weight woes

Post by Pat McCoy »

You state that you want to move the center of gravity, so I am assuming you mean in relation to your hand position on the airrifle.
Have you tried using a palm rest? That allows your arm and hand position to remain the same, while makeing the effective center of gravity further to the rear (by having an attachment to the rifle forward of your hand).

Re: More Barrel/Weight woes

Post by Joseph »

A center of gravity is a center of gravity. A palm rest would add mass to the rifle, moving the center of gravity of the rifle away from the CoG of the rifle w/o the palm rest toward the CoG of the palm rest a distance equal to the distance between the two centers of gravity multiplied by the ration of the mass of the palm rest to the rifle w/o the palm rest. Adding a palm rest could move it, but...perhaps i should clarify a few things. 1) it's an aluminum stock...therefore i already use a palm rest. 2) because of the relative masses involved, the palm rest is a null issue. 3) Even with the palm rest, we're talking moving the CoG about 8cm...that's a major distance with the relative masses of barrel and stock involved...
Michael Ray

Re: More Barrel/Weight woes

Post by Michael Ray »

: Recomendations needed from anyone who knows what they're talking about: Considering that i'm not a great smallbore shooter (yet), would it be better to spend about $100 on an unused but replaced anschuetz 50cm barrel or spend about $400 on a 53.3cm (ish) fluted barrel from lulja or hart or someone like that that would acompish the same thing, but with a longer site radius (by 3.3cm).
You aren't seriously considering the latter without a sight extension tube are you? You're going to need a tube regardless of which of those 2 you chose.
I would go for the Anschutz because it's a cheaper way to see if this will work for you and will be comparable accuracy to the other.
Pat McCoy

Re: More Barrel/Weight woes

Post by Pat McCoy »

: A center of gravity is a center of gravity. :
My error in choice of words. Your original statement was wishing to move the balance point (not COG).
Using a palm rest (not block) you should be able to move the pivot point for the center of balance forward, thus giving more apparent rear weight (although perhaps not enough to match your standard rifle).

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