Right handed, left eye dom...shooting M-16

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J. B.

Right handed, left eye dom...shooting M-16

Post by J. B. »

Ok..Tuff one for you pros. I'm Navy res. I'm right handed but left eye dom.. I've been a cop 10 yrs. and learned to work w/ it while shooting handgun. But, w/ a M-16. Not as easy. I cant get my head at the angle it needs to be at to get sight picture. Only idea I've heard was patch up left eye. I would rather not. any ideas? Thanks
Bill Poole

Re: Right handed, left eye dom...shooting M-16

Post by Bill Poole »

I was left eye dominant and didn't know any better so i shot right handed and after years of shooting and correcting to equal power i both eyes I am now mildly right eye dominant, but not enough to allow both eyes to be open when shooting.
I must use a small amount of blinder on the left eye. I found what works best is a small piece of scotch tape over the upper right part of the left lens of the safety glasses. almost 100% of light gets to my eye, no noticable eye fatigue and I can look thru the spotting scope OK. Depending on your position, the tape might need to move for stnading/sitting/prone/pistol you only need enuf tape so the front sight or target are masked and the other eye takes over.
I went distinguished with that tape.
This works if you are close to similar dominance in both eyes and similar accuity and the right eye is corrected (or not) to allow focus on the front sight.
We have a RH guy in the club who's RE vision is so poor he couldn't shoot until he went to shoot left handed. sometimes you must switch.
good shooting


Re: Right handed, left eye dom...shooting M-16

Post by Jim »

I second the "tape on teh left glasses lense" tip. I am left eye dominant to a fairly large extent. But, with a small piece of masking tape in the middle of my left lense, I do just fine.
Now, having said that - I am coaching one new shooter this year who is right handed, but could NOT do a thing with her right eye. Switched her to lefty and she was shooting with teh best of them.
Give the tape a try or get fancy and make a blinder out of a milk jug.

Re: Right handed, left eye dom...shooting M-16

Post by Cecil »

Try both, tape and left. If your left eye is singificantly stronger and provides a better focus on the front sight, I would recommend left. It also reduces your equipment concerns (which there may be from a reserve / military standpoint). The M16 / AR15 front sight is pretty close as it is, and is not as easy focus for some shooters as the M14.


Re: Right handed, left eye dom...shooting M-16

Post by akihmsa »

Shoot left handed if you want higher scores. : I second the "tape on teh left glasses lense" tip. I am left eye dominant to a fairly large extent. But, with a small piece of masking tape in the middle of my left lense, I do just fine.
: Now, having said that - I am coaching one new shooter this year who is right handed, but could NOT do a thing with her right eye. Switched her to lefty and she was shooting with teh best of them.
: Give the tape a try or get fancy and make a blinder out of a milk jug.
: Jim

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