Looking for online seller of pistol shooting trophies. Can y

old, good http://www.midcoast.com/~pilkguns/bbs/

Moderators: rexifelis, pilkguns

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Hal Bean

Looking for online seller of pistol shooting trophies. Can y

Post by Hal Bean »

I am looking for an online seller of pistol awards. Can you help me find one? Thank you in advance.

Re: Looking for online seller of pistol shooting trophies. C

Post by mako »

did you see the Post above that might help you ... sometimes it helps to include your email address because some people like to contact one off-line ... as did this fellow, with this info:
>>>I took this offline, because you specified a Swiss Company. If you are looking to have awards made, the NRA and USRA use V.H. Blackinton & Co., Inc. , of Atlleboro Falls, MA.. I just yesterday recieved a beautiful 2600 Club medalion from NRA , and once again, Blackinton was the producer.<<<

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