IZH-46M vs Daisy 747

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David in MS

IZH-46M vs Daisy 747

Post by David in MS »

I have been reading many great things about the value of the IZH-46M and have yet to hear a complaint about the Daisy 747 which leads me to a BIG question. I know the IZH looks better but is it more accurate? At twice the price, does it really perform significantly better (if at all)? I would LOVE to hear some advice on this... I mean if I could put target grips on a $120 747 and have the same accuracy... comments?
Roland Cannon

Re: IZH-46M vs Daisy 747

Post by Roland Cannon »

I have owned both guns. The IZH is worth much more than double the cost of the Daisy.
The daisy has a terrible trigger. It can be made better, but never really gets to be good. The sights are the same way.
I honestly believe the Daisy 717 is as good as the 747. The triggers on all of these guns are bad. The only thing it lacks is the expensive barrel.
The daisy guns are very front end heavy. Some like this and some don't.
The IZH is very easy to cock and load. The Daisy is much more difficult to deal with.
Overall quality is not even in the same league. If the Daisy is worth 100.00, the IZH should cost 500-600.


Re: IZH-46M vs Daisy 747

Post by akihmsa »

The IZH has a better trigger that can be adjusted for many different things such as trigger finger position 1st and 2nd stage let off etc. It also has better sights. The IZH consistently gains me 2 to 5% on my scores over the Daisy. Whether that makes it worth more to you depends on you and your requirements. Both guns if used on a regular basis will help you become a better shooter assuming you do your part. I seriously doubt you will see either gun in the finals at the olympics if that is your goal. Personally I prefer the Tau-7 to the IZH-46 due to the way it balances, and if money were not an issue I would look at a Steyr. For the my purposes I can't justify the price of a top 10 meter AP though. : I have been reading many great things about the value of the IZH-46M and have yet to hear a complaint about the Daisy 747 which leads me to a BIG question. I know the IZH looks better but is it more accurate? At twice the price, does it really perform significantly better (if at all)? I would LOVE to hear some advice on this... I mean if I could put target grips on a $120 747 and have the same accuracy... comments?


Re: IZH-46M vs Daisy 747

Post by Rodm »

Accuracy isn't everything. How they feel, balance, trigger, sights, etc. is what make the difference between a $120 747 and the expenseve spread like the Styer and Morini. Don Nygord did at one time go to work on a 747 and it would than shoot with the FWB 65 which was the dominate gun of the time. This was a project he did to see what he could do, not to try to save a few dollars. If you have the equipmen, knowlage and skill you might be able to do this yourself for an extra $200 or so, new sights and grips, a lot of work on the trigger. If you don't have the skill than you are talking $500 - $1000 and you still are short of the top guns available today. The IZH is as accurate as any of the guns out there. The trigger is excelent and fully adjustable, the grip is horable but you can work on it or buy a different one. If you aren't working to become a 560+ shooter you will never realy need a better gun.
: I have been reading many great things about the value of the IZH-46M and have yet to hear a complaint about the Daisy 747 which leads me to a BIG question. I know the IZH looks better but is it more accurate? At twice the price, does it really perform significantly better (if at all)? I would LOVE to hear some advice on this... I mean if I could put target grips on a $120 747 and have the same accuracy... comments?


Go with the IZH-46M

Post by Mark »

Vastly better trigger, easier to operate. In my experience, I shot a Feinwerkbau 65 all through high school, and I think the IZH is about equal with it (except for the recoil cancellation thing the Feinwerkbau had).

Re: IZH-46M vs Daisy 747

Post by JT »

Forget the Daisy!
Get the IZH46M!
I cannot think of a single reason, including price, to buy a 747 over an IZH46M.
Unless you only have $150 and you really want to get into it right this minute. Otherwise save another $100 and get the IZH.
Wee Hooker

Re: IZH-46M vs Daisy 747

Post by Wee Hooker »

We had a couple of guys in my local leagues that shot near teh top of the group with 747. they shoot good no doubt. however, they will eventually hold you back. both he guys i know bought 46M's and have now gone from 160's to 170's and 180's ( out of 200.) in a sport where you will struggle and spend big $ to get a few points, the IZH is a bargan. : I have been reading many great things about the value of the IZH-46M and have yet to hear a complaint about the Daisy 747 which leads me to a BIG question. I know the IZH looks better but is it more accurate? At twice the price, does it really perform significantly better (if at all)? I would LOVE to hear some advice on this... I mean if I could put target grips on a $120 747 and have the same accuracy... comments?

David in MS

Re: IZH-46M vs Daisy 747

Post by David in MS »

I guess its unanimous! Thanks guys for the excellent advice!
Roland Cannon

David, try a 717

Post by Roland Cannon »

I had one other idea about the Daisy 7 series guns. The one that is a real bargain is the 717. The cost is very low and the accuracy is good. I own several of them that are as accurate as the 747 or 777.
Buy the IZH for real shooting, but for a low cost gun pick up a 717. The 7 series Daisy guns loose their charm when a person has to pay over 100.00 for them.

Re: David, dont try a 717

Post by TJ »

Forget the 717! Forget the 747! Take that money and use it for the IZH. There is absolutely no reason to buy a 717 or 747. The IZH will shoot all the time and is more accurate and way higher quality. You get top level proformance at a great price!
: I had one other idea about the Daisy 7 series guns. The one that is a real bargain is the 717. The cost is very low and the accuracy is good. I own several of them that are as accurate as the 747 or 777.
: Buy the IZH for real shooting, but for a low cost gun pick up a 717. The 7 series Daisy guns loose their charm when a person has to pay over 100.00 for them.

Roland Cannon

TJ, your right, but...

Post by Roland Cannon »

If the option is not shooting and a person has under a hundred to spend, the 717 will work. It is probably the best value because the 747 offers not much more.
If the option is savign the money towards th eIZH, obviously this is the way to go!
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