My problem, I think it is caused by astigmatism, I get a fuzzy blob just below and to the left of the centre of my line of sight, it moves around a little and is worse sometimes than others, it looks a little like a floater but it isn't it only appears when I look through any very small aperture. I have a Gehmann 544MC iris/correction lens on the rear sight which does me fine for focus and the iris if I open it up reduces the blob a little but in return makes it harder to centre the foresight. Another problem I have is a wondering focus in my right dominant eye which I could live with if the fuzzy blob wasn't there as it seems to distort the target badly and makes even guessing the aim almost impossible, that happens maybe 30% of shots, I have a number of ways of overcoming it like shutting my left eye, trying to strain to get focus, resting and breathing which can work but none of them are ideal. On the odd occasion the fuzzy blob is lower and I have a clear view the target whether in focus or not will always be concentric so it's OK like that. they look a little like these pictures but vary quite a lot but don't really show how bad the picture is when it is bad, think slow wobbling jelly

I take it I need to get myself a lens, either attached to the sight or spectacles to fix this? Any other advice you could offer would be a great help but it is only me in my garden, nothing competitive so rules don't really kill any solution