Walther rearsight: sport match vs insight out expert

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Walther rearsight: sport match vs insight out expert

Post by roycele »

I have questions for those who have experiences with both models as said in title. What are the features that make the insight-out-expert worth almost $300 more ? Should I upgrade from the sport-match, which come with the LG400 alutec competition, to the insight-out ?
Thank you all in advance.
Tim S
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Re: Walther rearsight: sport match vs insight out expert

Post by Tim S »

I think the difference between the two is the construction. The Inside-Out is derived from the old Hammerli 460, and the aperture moves on ball bearings. The Sport Match is mechanically simpler, and the aperture almost floats, held between the adjustment screws and a spring loaded plunger. It's very similar to the Gehmann 590, the Steyr (Anschutz 6807),Tesro etc. I suspect the Sport Match is simpler and cheaper to build.

If the Sport match has fine enough clicks, you may not see much improvement with the Inside Out. The Inside Out is also not cant adjustable, although it is a little thinner.
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