Walther kk200 help

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Walther kk200 help

Post by glr1 »

I have a kk200 listed on classified section,I need help to identify kk200 model so I can best describe it.Other than the wood to aluminum stock (milled ,cast?) what other variants with the action? I have a suppose to be an interested party but he doesn’t want to answer the questions about the variants. I m away from home on a seminar and can’t send the pictures to him. I will appreciate all the information
Tim S
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Re: Walther kk200 help

Post by Tim S »

OK, do you remember how the barrel is retained? The first KK200s had a split at the front of the receiver (left hand side) and clamped the barrel with bolts. Later Walther changed to a solid receiver, and bonded in the barrel with glue.

Later rifles had the same trigger as the KK300 I think.
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