Australian Handgun Buyback - What I Got....

old, good

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Australian Handgun Buyback - What I Got....

Post by Leonard »

Having already handed in 7 newly illegal pistols, after much soul searching, I've decided to accept the goverment's offer of a total buyback for shooters wishing to exit the sport.....This decision was prompted by a number of factors - boredom with ISSF shooting, wanting to spend more time with my 2 very young children and not wishing to become a slave to a sport that I didn't really enjoy anymore.
What I got for the second batch of 10 pistols and accessories -
Walther CPM-1 $1500
SIG 210-5 $6555.70
S&W Model 52 $2600
SIG 210-6 $4905.20
Pardini SP $2358.12
Pardini HP $2591.88
Pardini K22 $3500
Manurhin Match .32 $3161.12
Manurhin Match .38 $3161.12
Unique 96U $2281.00
Compensation for the loading equipment was over $16,000 and extremely generous - e.g $1400 for a 17 year old Dillon 450-B, $380 for a 20 year old Lyman Turbo tumbler and on it went ....
Total compensation was in excess of $73000.
I'm going to shoot rifles casually for a few years before deciding whether to re-enter the sport or not.....


Re: Australian Handgun Buyback - What I Got....

Post by PW »

Jebus that is a lot of money. Tempting for me too. I thought you had to hand in your license for 5 years. So you can get away with just not having category H instead?

: Having already handed in 7 newly illegal pistols, after much soul searching, I've decided to accept the goverment's offer of a total buyback for shooters wishing to exit the sport.....This decision was prompted by a number of factors - boredom with ISSF shooting, wanting to spend more time with my 2 very young children and not wishing to become a slave to a sport that I didn't really enjoy anymore.
: What I got for the second batch of 10 pistols and accessories -
: Walther CPM-1 $1500
: SIG 210-5 $6555.70
: S&W Model 52 $2600
: SIG 210-6 $4905.20
: Pardini SP $2358.12
: Pardini HP $2591.88
: Pardini K22 $3500
: Manurhin Match .32 $3161.12
: Manurhin Match .38 $3161.12
: Unique 96U $2281.00
: Compensation for the loading equipment was over $16,000 and extremely generous - e.g $1400 for a 17 year old Dillon 450-B, $380 for a 20 year old Lyman Turbo tumbler and on it went ....
: Total compensation was in excess of $73000.
: I'm going to shoot rifles casually for a few years before deciding whether to re-enter the sport or not.....


Re: Australian Handgun Buyback - What I Got....

Post by Leonard »

: Jebus that is a lot of money. Tempting for me too. I thought you had to hand in your license for 5 years. So you can get away with just not having category H instead?
Yes - they only cancel the Class H component ...Interestingly enough, although my ACT Class H has been cancelled, I still have a NSW one !
As I said. compensation was extraordinarily generous.....New prices were given for everything and I'm not sure where they got their new prices from...For instance, $380 for a Lyman tumbler ( still $120 new in the shops )$3161.12 for Manurhins - advertised new price $2399 etc..

Re: Australian Handgun Buyback - What I Got....

Post by Mark »

Out of curiousity, how much did taxes go up, if any? IIRC, the Canadians are facing some outrageous cost overruns on just nationwide registeration. A nationwide gun buyback with payouts that high has GOT to be costly.

: : Jebus that is a lot of money. Tempting for me too. I thought you had to hand in your license for 5 years. So you can get away with just not having category H instead?
: Yes - they only cancel the Class H component ...Interestingly enough, although my ACT Class H has been cancelled, I still have a NSW one !
: As I said. compensation was extraordinarily generous.....New prices were given for everything and I'm not sure where they got their new prices from...For instance, $380 for a Lyman tumbler ( still $120 new in the shops )$3161.12 for Manurhins - advertised new price $2399 etc..


Just Think About What You Lost- Freedom!

Post by Michael »

: Out of curiousity, how much did taxes go up, if any? IIRC, the Canadians are facing some outrageous cost overruns on just nationwide registeration. A nationwide gun buyback with payouts that high has GOT to be costly.

: : : Jebus that is a lot of money. Tempting for me too. I thought you had to hand in your license for 5 years. So you can get away with just not having category H instead?
: : Yes - they only cancel the Class H component ...Interestingly enough, although my ACT Class H has been cancelled, I still have a NSW one !
: : As I said. compensation was extraordinarily generous.....New prices were given for everything and I'm not sure where they got their new prices from...For instance, $380 for a Lyman tumbler ( still $120 new in the shops )$3161.12 for Manurhins - advertised new price $2399 etc..


That's about $52,000 US for about $15,000 worth of guns

Post by Questor »

Don't tread on me

Re: What I Got.... yeah, you got something alright

Post by Don't tread on me »

This decision was prompted by a number of factors - boredom with ISSF shooting, wanting to spend more time with my 2 very young children and not wishing to become a slave to a sport that I didn't really enjoy anymore.
Congrats, now you are a slave to the autocratic state instead. Enjoy your chains.

: I'm going to shoot rifles casually for a few years before deciding whether to re-enter the sport or not.....

And you really think there's going to be a sport around in a few years with blokes like you giving up?
Steve Swartz

Re: Australian Handgun Buyback - What I Got....

Post by Steve Swartz »

Did you ever consider selling them to another shooter instead?
If not, why not (beside the money)?

: Having already handed in 7 newly illegal pistols, after much soul searching, I've decided to accept the goverment's offer of a total buyback for shooters wishing to exit the sport.....This decision was prompted by a number of factors - boredom with ISSF shooting, wanting to spend more time with my 2 very young children and not wishing to become a slave to a sport that I didn't really enjoy anymore.
: What I got for the second batch of 10 pistols and accessories -
: Walther CPM-1 $1500
: SIG 210-5 $6555.70
: S&W Model 52 $2600
: SIG 210-6 $4905.20
: Pardini SP $2358.12
: Pardini HP $2591.88
: Pardini K22 $3500
: Manurhin Match .32 $3161.12
: Manurhin Match .38 $3161.12
: Unique 96U $2281.00
: Compensation for the loading equipment was over $16,000 and extremely generous - e.g $1400 for a 17 year old Dillon 450-B, $380 for a 20 year old Lyman Turbo tumbler and on it went ....
: Total compensation was in excess of $73000.
: I'm going to shoot rifles casually for a few years before deciding whether to re-enter the sport or not.....

My response - Go and "love" yourself.....NT

Post by Leonard »

: This decision was prompted by a number of factors - boredom with ISSF shooting, wanting to spend more time with my 2 very young children and not wishing to become a slave to a sport that I didn't really enjoy anymore.
: Congrats, now you are a slave to the autocratic state instead. Enjoy your chains.
: : I'm going to shoot rifles casually for a few years before deciding whether to re-enter the sport or not.....
: And you really think there's going to be a sport around in a few years with blokes like you giving up?


Re: Australian Handgun Buyback - What I Got....

Post by HBP »

From : a police officer in Australia
"I thought you all would like to see the real figures from Down Under. It has now been 12 months since gun owners in Australia were forced by a new law to surrender 640,381 personal firearms to be destroyed by our own government, a program costing Australia taxpayers more than AUS $500-million.
The first year results are now in : Australia-wide homicides are up 3.2%, Australia-wide assaults are up 8.6%, Australia-wide armed robberies are up 44% (yes, 44%!). In the state of Victoria alone, homicides with firearms are now up 300%. (Note that while the law-abiding citizens turned them in, the criminals did not, the criminals still possess their guns)
While figures over the previous 25 years showed a steady decrease in armed robbery with firearms, this has changed drastically upward in the past 12 months, since the criminals now are guaranteed that their prey is unarmed. There has also been a dramatic increase in break-ins and assaults of the elderly.
Australian politicians are at a loss to explain how public safety has decreased, after such monumental effort and expense was expended in "successfully ridding Australian society of guns."

Re: Australian Handgun Buyback - What I Got....

Post by fred »

I have seen this quote before, and it contains valuable information for talking with anti-gun people, IF it is true and verifiable. On the other hand, if the source is only "a police officer in Australia," this quote's sole value is to get pro-gunners a little more self-righteously angry. Is there a verifiable source for this quote or these figures???? I would really like to know.

: From : a police officer in Australia
: "I thought you all would like to see the real figures from Down Under. It has now been 12 months since gun owners in Australia were forced by a new law to surrender 640,381 personal firearms to be destroyed by our own government, a program costing Australia taxpayers more than AUS $500-million.
: The first year results are now in : Australia-wide homicides are up 3.2%, Australia-wide assaults are up 8.6%, Australia-wide armed robberies are up 44% (yes, 44%!). In the state of Victoria alone, homicides with firearms are now up 300%. (Note that while the law-abiding citizens turned them in, the criminals did not, the criminals still possess their guns)
: While figures over the previous 25 years showed a steady decrease in armed robbery with firearms, this has changed drastically upward in the past 12 months, since the criminals now are guaranteed that their prey is unarmed. There has also been a dramatic increase in break-ins and assaults of the elderly.
: Australian politicians are at a loss to explain how public safety has decreased, after such monumental effort and expense was expended in "successfully ridding Australian society of guns."

Re: Australian Handgun Buyback - What I Got....

Post by HBP »

Source: Idaho Peace Officers Association - Semi Annual Magazine

Mark S

Re: Australian Handgun Buyback - What I Got....

Post by Mark S »

Are you saying that they paid the NEW price in the 3 price grades that they have on the evaluation site, for second hand pistols? And they gave you the $70,000 cheque on the spot?, no questions asked.
I smell a rat or something here. Something does'nt add up.
: Having already handed in 7 newly illegal pistols, after much soul searching, I've decided to accept the goverment's offer of a total buyback for shooters wishing to exit the sport.....This decision was prompted by a number of factors - boredom with ISSF shooting, wanting to spend more time with my 2 very young children and not wishing to become a slave to a sport that I didn't really enjoy anymore.
: What I got for the second batch of 10 pistols and accessories -
: Walther CPM-1 $1500
: SIG 210-5 $6555.70
: S&W Model 52 $2600
: SIG 210-6 $4905.20
: Pardini SP $2358.12
: Pardini HP $2591.88
: Pardini K22 $3500
: Manurhin Match .32 $3161.12
: Manurhin Match .38 $3161.12
: Unique 96U $2281.00
: Compensation for the loading equipment was over $16,000 and extremely generous - e.g $1400 for a 17 year old Dillon 450-B, $380 for a 20 year old Lyman Turbo tumbler and on it went ....
: Total compensation was in excess of $73000.
: I'm going to shoot rifles casually for a few years before deciding whether to re-enter the sport or not.....

Spencer C

doubt that these statistics apply to the handgun buyback

Post by Spencer C »

: From : a police officer in Australia
: "I thought you all would like to see the real figures from Down Under. It has now been 12 months since gun owners in Australia were forced by a new law to surrender 640,381 personal etc.
12 month's???? the buyback has only been running a few months...


Quote not on website???.

Post by fred »

: Source: Idaho Peace Officers Association - Semi Annual Magazine
I am not able to find the quote in question (or anything close) on this website. Perhaps HBP could direct me to it? More to the point, I doubt that the Idaho cops are the original source of crime information about Australia. What is the original, verifiable source?

Re: Australian Handgun Buyback - What I Got....

Post by Leonard »

: Are you saying that they paid the NEW price in the 3 price grades that they have on the evaluation site, for second hand pistols? And they gave you the $70,000 cheque on the spot?, no questions asked.
: I smell a rat or something here. Something does'nt add up.
: : Having already handed in 7 newly illegal pistols, after much soul searching, I've decided to accept the goverment's offer of a total buyback for shooters wishing to exit the sport.....This decision was prompted by a number of factors - boredom with ISSF shooting, wanting to spend more time with my 2 very young children and not wishing to become a slave to a sport that I didn't really enjoy anymore.
: : What I got for the second batch of 10 pistols and accessories -
: : Walther CPM-1 $1500
: : SIG 210-5 $6555.70
: : S&W Model 52 $2600
: : SIG 210-6 $4905.20
: : Pardini SP $2358.12
: : Pardini HP $2591.88
: : Pardini K22 $3500
: : Manurhin Match .32 $3161.12
: : Manurhin Match .38 $3161.12
: : Unique 96U $2281.00
: : Compensation for the loading equipment was over $16,000 and extremely generous - e.g $1400 for a 17 year old Dillon 450-B, $380 for a 20 year old Lyman Turbo tumbler and on it went ....
: : Total compensation was in excess of $73000.
: : I'm going to shoot rifles casually for a few years before deciding whether to re-enter the sport or not.....


Re: Australian Handgun Buyback - What I Got....

Post by Leonard »

Everything was sent for valuation and all were classified 'new' although all were used, everything was in as new condition...complete with boxes etc
No cheque was issued on the spot - in ACT they don't do that - payment was made by direct credit...

PS - the only rat you smell is your infrequently changed und

Post by Leonard »

: Are you saying that they paid the NEW price in the 3 price grades that they have on the evaluation site, for second hand pistols? And they gave you the $70,000 cheque on the spot?, no questions asked.
: I smell a rat or something here. Something does'nt add up.
: : Having already handed in 7 newly illegal pistols, after much soul searching, I've decided to accept the goverment's offer of a total buyback for shooters wishing to exit the sport.....This decision was prompted by a number of factors - boredom with ISSF shooting, wanting to spend more time with my 2 very young children and not wishing to become a slave to a sport that I didn't really enjoy anymore.
: : What I got for the second batch of 10 pistols and accessories -
: : Walther CPM-1 $1500
: : SIG 210-5 $6555.70
: : S&W Model 52 $2600
: : SIG 210-6 $4905.20
: : Pardini SP $2358.12
: : Pardini HP $2591.88
: : Pardini K22 $3500
: : Manurhin Match .32 $3161.12
: : Manurhin Match .38 $3161.12
: : Unique 96U $2281.00
: : Compensation for the loading equipment was over $16,000 and extremely generous - e.g $1400 for a 17 year old Dillon 450-B, $380 for a 20 year old Lyman Turbo tumbler and on it went ....
: : Total compensation was in excess of $73000.
: : I'm going to shoot rifles casually for a few years before deciding whether to re-enter the sport or not.....

Mark S

Re: PS - the only rat you smell is your infrequently changed

Post by Mark S »

I forgive you for that stupid statement.
But it is good news that they are paying new prices for pistols, in ACT anyway. Hope they do the same in NSW.
The reason I questioned your post was to see if it wasn't a Govt. PR exercise to encourage pistol owners to sell up all pistol and get out of the sport.
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