inventor of the winchester mod. 12

old, good

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inventor of the winchester mod. 12

Post by tate »

dI want to know who invented the mod. 12 winchester shotgun.
Scott H.

Re: inventor of the winchester mod. 12

Post by Scott H. »

: dI want to know who invented the mod. 12 winchester shotgun.
John Browning, who also invented the Winchester Model 97, which preceded the Model 12.


Post by RJP »

: : dI want to know who invented the mod. 12 winchester shotgun.
: John Browning, who also invented the Winchester Model 97, which preceded the Model 12.
According to the June 1981 issue of "American Rifleman" the Model 12 Winchester inventor is Thomas Crossley Johnson, who worked for the Winchester design department. John Browning did invent the Model 97, then went on to autoloading shotgun design. Winchester gave the job of designing a hammerless slide action shotgun to it's own design department. There are enough changes to the new design to call it a completely different shotgun.
Scott H.

I stand corrected n/t

Post by Scott H. »

Perry W. McFarland

Re: Reference:

Post by Perry W. McFarland »

Hello All:
T.C. johnson was also the primary designer of the Winchester Model 52 smallbore target rifle.
Perry W. McFarland
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