How does the K2 compare to the LP10

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Bill Clarke

How does the K2 compare to the LP10

Post by Bill Clarke »

I would be very interested in hearing about how the LP10 and K2 (with Nygord Turbo-Comp) compare on the firing line and for quality of workmanship and design.
There is over $200 difference between them in purchase price. What do I get for the extra $200?

Re: How does the K2 compare to the LP10

Post by Mark. »

I've only fired a K2 once, so my opinion is just that, an opinion. It's not based on exhaustive evaluation. Rather than speak of the K2, let's look at the features of the LP-10 and then you decide whether or not your money would be well spent buying these features.
1) easily adjustable sight radius (adjustable by moving both front and rear sights)
2) grip angle adjusts very easily and is very repeatable
3) the BIGGIE - the LP-10 is virtually without recoil thanks to its recoil countering design
4) LP-10 has a very effective muzzle compensator
5) Steyr factory support can be found at virtually every major airgun competition around the world. They're about the only ones that provide this level of support.
So, there you have it. I was trying to make a choice between a Morini 162 and the Steyr, and for me the Steyr won out on technical merit, even though the Morini trigger is so much better. There's just something about an air pistol that doesn't move when you shoot it that is very good for confidence.
Hope this info helps. Good luck with your decision, and I hope you continue to enjoy shooting air pistol for a good long time (whichever you buy!).


Re: How does the K2 compare to the LP10

Post by mako »

Hey Bill ... if you want to save a few bucks ... how about the Steyr LP2 ... the LP2 is probably a good equivalent comparison to the K2 ...
Bill Clarke

Flip reduction

Post by Bill Clarke »

I am also considering the LP-2, however do note that it doesn't have the ported barrel to reduce muzzle flip as does the K2 and LP10. Question is - how much muzzle flip does the porting really reduce?
Anschutz must not be impressed with the ported barrel, as their LP@ (a version of the LP10) has their own compensator and no porting.

Re: How does the K2 compare to the LP10

Post by vasiliy »

I wish I were a good enough shooter for the tiny reduction in felt recoil to make a difference. And if it really mattered that much all the top shooters who did not shoot LP10s would use FWB P34s - and they don't.

Walt Young

Re: Flip reduction

Post by Walt Young »

Ports in the barrel reduce movement of the gun before the pellet leaves the barrel. It is much more expensive than fitting a compensator, and much more efficient. Compensators reduce movement after the pellet is out, and reduce wobble by stripping the extra gas away from the back of the pellet for a more stable flight, especially with higher velocity.
Jerry LeVan

Re: How does the K2 compare to the LP10

Post by Jerry LeVan »

I found the K2 built like a tank. It is an airpistol plain and simple, not much to go wrong.
I thought the trigger of the K2 to be a bit better than the LP10.
The only problem I had with the K2 was that my sixty five year old arm was having difficulty holding the muzzle up, it is a bit front heavy.
I have found the Lp10 to be a bit more fragile than the K2. I have had to send the LP10 back to "Uncle Scott" for repair and adjustment twice ( over 14 months of heavy use).
Either one will get the job done.
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